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After Long Chen finished speaking, the robust man looked at the smile on Long Chen’s face, but he didn’t restrain himself much, he found a place by the fire, and the three of them took a rest.

After Jian Robust Man sat down, he faced Long Chen with a cup one fist in the other hand and said loudly: “This friend, in the flower fight, these two are my younger sister, Hua Bu, Hua Yan.”

While talking, the robust man reported the names of the azure clothed woman and the blue clothed woman.

Before Long Chen could reply, Hua Zhan went on to say: “We are from a small tribe, the Canhua tribe. We really don’t have much strength. This time we have to rely on three people.”

Long Chen had no interest in what Hua Zhankou had to say. Since others have already reported their family, Long Chen is also unambiguous, and hastily said: “Long Chen, these 2 Dragon Tombs, Long Yuan. We are from the Black Dragon tribe, nothing The big tribe is also a small tribe that’s all.”

Long Chen borrowed Longyuan’s tribe as the gateway this time. After all, he has to consider the surnames of their three people. If it is the Yan tribe, it is a bit unclear. In order to save unnecessary trouble, Long Chen said so It is also the best easy to understand.

“It turns out to be the Black Dragon Tribe. I have heard a little bit. It seems that your Black Dragon Tribe belongs to the Heavenly Dragon Tribe. The Heavenly Dragon Tribe is a branch of the Demon Dragon Tribe before 10000 years?” Hua Zhan asked.

Long Chen chuckled and said, “Brother Hua Zhan knows a little bit about our Black Dragon tribe. Even I have only recently learned about this kind of thing.”

Hua Zhan laughed and said: “Where, it’s just a while ago. Someone in Xiaoling within the realm preached that Spirit Treasure was born. It seems to be called heavenly demon Dragon Spear. I heard that the heavenly demon Dragon Spear belonged to the Demon Dragon tribe 10000 years ago. Race Protecting Treasure, only those who carry the Bloodline of the Devil Dragon Tribe can successfully control it. After such an inquiry, the funeral of the Devil Dragon Tribe spreads.”

“It turned out to be like this…” Long Chen nodded, then looked towards Long Yuan on the side.

Long Yuan also responded quickly, and immediately concealed the long spear he was holding in his hands.

Looking at Hua Zhan’s appearance, it’s not like someone who has seen the origin of Long Yuan, is it possible that, is this really a coincidence?

Now Long Chen didn’t want to say anything. When he opened up his mind and teacher and discovered that this flower battle is only the powerhouse of the 9-Layer of Hongmeng Guiyi Realm, Long Chen’s mind is gradually letting go. After all, In that mysterious organization, there are endless powerhouse talents, and I definitely wouldn’t send such three people to trouble Long Chen.

However, when Long Chen used his mind to probe the two women behind the robust man, he asked Long Chen to startled.

Long Chen was shocked because when he released his mind and explored the strength of these two women, he encountered a strong resistance. He forcibly bounced Long Chen’s mind and watched it in reality. These two women were as if they hadn’t noticed anything. After trying several times in the dragon’s intestines, these two women’s still remained the same, as if they could not perceive their own power at all.

How can a normal person not notice their own great changes?

And because your own Force of Primordial Chaos is so powerful, why seek help from Long Chen?

By this time, Long Chen was at a loss for 100.

“Brother Hua Zhan, the flower bud girl said that you are in trouble at this time. I don’t know what the trouble is? Let me tell you what else the three of us might be able to help.” Long Chen said with a smile.

Now, it is necessary to speak out to satisfy Long Chen’s curiosity.

After hearing this, Hua Zhan quickly looked towards Hua Lei. After coming over for a while, Hua Zhan turned his head and hit Long Chen with haha, saying, “Everything is a trivial matter, but tonight The three of us were a little tired and were not good at dealing with that’s all, so we came to ask the Long Chen brothers for help.”

“If you have any trouble, just tell me. What else are you talking about in this little spirit within the realm? You can rest assured that even if you have acquired such a strong cultivation technique and amazing Spirit Treasure, none of us will win you. Love it!” Dragon Tomb on the side looked plain, coldly said.

Hearing this, Hua Zhan was quite embarrassed. He and Hua Bud looked at each other again, and then said intermittently: “Frankly, the three of us are being hunted down by a person called the Hillstone Tribe, although this Hillstone Tribe The strength of the team leader is about the same as mine. They are all 3-Layer of Hongmeng Guiyi Realm. However, there are so many people on the other side. We are really not opponents. We have to escape into the mountains, but who knows that the people from this mountain tribe are also chasing after us. Come here, fortunately, this little Spirit Realm suddenly got dark, otherwise at this time, I am afraid that my two younger sisters and I have already had an accident.”

“Why are they chasing you?” Dragon Tomb frowned.

The voice fell to the ground, and Hua Zhan’s face was embarrassed, obviously not wanting to answer this question.

Long Chen laughed on the side and said, “You said that the leader of the mountain rock tribe is only the strength of the Hongmeng Return. No matter how many people there are, it’s not difficult to deal with them with your two younger sisters, right?”

Long Chen’s voice fell to the ground, and the expressions of the three people beside the fire immediately solidified, Hua Bui Hua Yan looked at Long Chen with horror, Hua Zhan looked like a somewhat guilty.

Dragon Tomb Looking at the reactions of these three people, Dragon Tomb really couldn’t figure out why.

Dragon Tomb Long Yuan not at all. Like Long Chen, release his mind to explore the strength of these three people. Naturally, he does not know the secret that Long Chen discovered.

Hua Zhan’s expression became stable after solidification, and after trying his best to make a calm look, then slowly said, “What do you see?”

Long Chen shook his head, and said: “Really, apart from the fact that you are not within the body, I don’t know anything else, and I am not interested in that many, but I just want to remind you. Say, in this little spirit within the realm, an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime. If you get a great opportunity, you will naturally be attacked by others. Just like me, you got the opportunity Spirit Treasure before At that time, I can’t wait to let everyone know. Now, I just want to know as few people as possible.”

After hearing this, Hua Lei reacted a little, and said with a bit of anger on her face: “is it possible that, do you think the three of us are here to trouble you?”

Long Chen chuckled and said: “Otherwise? In this little spirit within the realm, the most unsympathetic place, we didn’t want to cause trouble, but when we run into troubles like yours, we naturally want to doubt, and ourselves. Be more cautious.”

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