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After the 3rd brilliance clearly appeared on the pillars of this field, the 4th brilliance finally came out with 1000 calls and 10000 calls.

4 brilliance, similar to the ones that Long Chen has seen before, 3 brilliance can be regarded as an ordinary person, 4 brilliance is some innate talent.

When everyone saw the 4th Guanghua, they were also exclaimed. After all, they were the leader of the Rock Tribe. If they really didn’t have this innate talent, they would definitely not be the leader.

However, many people can see that after the 4th brilliance, there is actually a weak Strength of Domain on the pillars of this domain, which is faintly fluctuating.

Before everyone could react, the Strength of Domain on the pillar of the domain appeared at the next moment. Suddenly, the 5th brilliance was illuminated on the pillar of the domain!

5 brilliance!

4 brilliance is some innate talent, but this 5 brilliance is really a genius.

The 5th brilliance lights up, and everyone’s exclamation continues.

After coming over for a while, Shi Feng tried to work harder, and there was no response on the domain pillars. Shi Feng also knew that his Strength of Domain was up to 5 brilliance.

However, Shi Feng was already satisfied with this.

After all, before him, there was no one who could light up the 5 brilliance of the pillars of the domain, and even the 4 brilliance were very few people who could be counted on one’s fingers.

After Shi Feng retreated, Hai Qingling on the side immediately took a step forward. Obviously, Hai Qingling was about to test his Strength of Domain.

“Qingling younger sister, do you have more confidence than me?” Shi Feng looked at Hai Qingling’s slender jade hand, and the corners of his mouth curled up, saying with a smile.

Hai Qingling rolled the eyes and didn’t care about Shi Feng in the slightest. He walked straight to the side of the domain pillar, preparing his own Strength of Domain temptation.

Hai Qingling did not reply, Shi Feng was somewhat embarrassed, but he had nothing to do. After all, Hai Qingling’s realm strength was not below him. In terms of power, the Blue Sea Tribe and the Rock Tribe belonged to the Ten Great Tribes. Which is lower is still undecided.

Hai Qingling stretched out the slender jade hand and slowly placed it on the pillar of the domain. At the same time, the strength of the domain was also condensed, directly instilled by the pillar of the moved towards this domain.

The first 4 brilliance lights up almost at the same time, and the brightness of that brilliance is deeper than that of Shifeng.

4 The brilliance lights up, and everyone not at all exclaimed, because they all know that there must be something worthy of their cheers in the future.

Sure enough, the 5th brilliance appeared brightly on the pillars of the domain in the hope of everyone.

Everyone was cheering. It was indeed worth cheering to be able to see two geniuses who light up the pillars of the domain with 2 brilliance.

At this time, Hai Qingling is slightly frowned, and the Strength of Domain around him is still instilled in the stele in the moved towards this domain.

Seeing such a scene, Long Chen smiled slightly and said: “It is estimated that this Hai Qingling will have 6 brilliance.”

“What? 6 brilliance?” Hua Zhan was very surprised when he heard this.

And at the moment when Hua Zhan’s voice fell, on the pillar of the domain, the 6th brilliance suddenly appeared!

Everyone exclaimed, and when they saw the sixth brilliance appeared, they fell into silence.

Although the brightness of this 6th brilliance is slightly dimmer than the 5 brilliance in front of it, no matter what, this 6th brilliance has indeed appeared.

After the silence of the people, not just where it started, but a violent exclamation immediately came.

Hai Qingling retracted his palm and turned around cleanly, before replied to Shi Feng coldly: “Beyond you, naturally you have confidence!”

When Shi Feng heard this, the words he had intended to congratulate were forcibly held back, and his expression was gloomy.

Shi Feng couldn’t help but feel ashamed when he thought that he was complacent because he had urged 5 brilliance before, and when he was slightly showing off in front of Hai Qingling.

“There are 6 brilliance, it is really not to be underestimated. It seems that the people of the Ten Great Tribes are not all arrogant like the Heavenly Wind Unit.” Dragon Tomb sighed.

Long Chen looked at Dragon Tomb’s awe-inspiring expression, and said: “Dragon Tomb, if you go to investigate, how many brilliances will there be on the pillars of the domain?”

Dragon Tomb slightly smiled and said: “You may not believe it, if I go, there will definitely be a unique ten brilliance on the pillar of the field.”

“Oh?” Long Chen exclaimed and said: “You are so confident?”

Dragon Tomb waved his hand and said, “It’s not that I have confidence, nor is it that I have high innate talent, and that Strength of Domain is strong. These conditions affect your pure Hongmeng Yuanjie powerhouse. For me, don’t forget. My strength is really strong, but it’s in the Hongmeng Cangtian realm. It’s only because of the ancient fleshy body that I have to pretend to look like the Hongmeng Yuan realm. If I go to explore my Strength of Domain, the pillars of this domain will either I can’t detect the Strength of Domain within the body. This is because my domain is about to be transformed into a golden core by me again, or it is the unprecedented ten briliance. Because I was originally the powerhouse of the Hongmeng Yuanjie realm. The probability of promotion is naturally 100%. But to me, it’s really meaningless. After all, I was originally the powerhouse of the Hongmeng Heavenly Realm. The brilliance of the pillars in this field reflects the powerhouse of the Hongmeng Metarealm. The chance of being promoted to the Magnificent Heaven Realm is a joke to me.”

“It turned out to be like this,” Long Chen glanced at his mouth, and said, “I thought it was amazing.”

Dragon Tomb complexion ashen immediately had an urge to kill Long Chen.

After everyone’s exclamation was falling, the gloomy man who followed Shi Feng Hai Qingling that Long Chen couldn’t see through the flower battle, also slowly moved towards the domain stele and walked a few steps, to explore himself The Strength of Domain.

Long Chen has carefully observed that whether Shifeng urged 5 brilliance before or Haiqingling urged 6 brilliance, this gloomy self has a peaceful face without the slightest fluctuation in his expression. Obviously, such a person must have enough Strong strength.

Long Chen is also curious about how strong this gloomy man’s Strength of Domain will be.

The gloomy man walked to the side of the domain pillar, and after a little preparation, he placed his palm on the domain pillar in a somewhat random manner.

Next, it was the time that belonged to this gloomy man.

Everyone is also watching this moment, and they also want to know what strength a person who can keep abreast of the two Ten Great Tribes leaders will have.

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