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People from the Cangyun tribe came to count Long Chen’s Hongmeng spiritual medicine, and after that, they handed the bones of the ice spirit ghost wolf to Long Chen.

Long Chen accepted the skeleton, and a touch of joy appeared on his expression.

When touching this skeleton, Long Chen faintly perceives the Bloodline Strength of the ice spirit ghost wolf possessed by the lock in this skeleton. Perhaps it is the ancient time who successfully summoned the ice spirit ghost wolf. The yearning for Bloodline Strength was so powerful that Long Chen couldn’t control his expression.

The joy of Long Chen was seen by everyone on the trade fair. Most of them are in the clouds and mist. Few people would have thought that Long Chen has another important thing to this ice spirit ghost wolf. This is the original ice soul.

As the owner of this ice spirit ghost wolf bone, Yun Chiluo knew from the moment of meeting that if the bone was used well, it would be a powerhouse in the Magnificent Heavenly Realm. However, even if Yun Chiluo knew about this, he You can also get this method of making a real ice spirit ghost wolf, but he didn’t have the original ice soul that urged the ice spirit ghost wolf to resurrect.

Without such a thing, everything that is so valuable is just empty talk.

Therefore, Yun Chiluo put this skeleton on the trade fair, and that’s it, this skeleton met a destined person, Long Chen.

Although Yun Chiluo did not take this into consideration at this time, more or less, Long Chen’s several shots have attracted his great attention. If you want to come to Long Chen’s next action, you will be even more affected. Yun Chiluo looked in his eyes.

After the bones of the ice spirit ghost wolf were successfully traded, the people on the trade fair finally reached the most exciting moment. There was no other reason, but it was above the sky at this time. Only the last white light group is left, that is, the last Spirit Treasure of the trade fair!

Being able to be put on the last stage, no matter what, this Spirit Treasure is shocking!

Under the eager expectation of everyone at the trade fair, Yun Dun’s always calm face was also gradually moved during this brief moment. He slowly glanced at the last white ball of light in the air, slightly Nodded.

After that, Yun Dun said to the people at the trade fair: “Next, it is the last Spirit Treasure of this trade fair. I want to come to some people and get the news in advance. I don’t sell too much here, just like the legend outside. Like the news, this last Spirit Treasure is indeed a cosmic heaven art!”

The voice fell, and everyone on the trade fair cheered. You must know that every Harmony Heaven Art is unique in the world. It must be immersed in the Harmony Heaven Realm for a long time. It is possible to create it by someone who can impact the realm of Dao Ancestor. The entire Harmony Polar Region, the so-called large tribes, are many. They can only support the scene with the means and skills similar to the universal heaven art, but they have never possessed the real universal heaven art.

The tribes capable of possessing the Harmony Heaven Art, without exception, are among the Ten Great Tribes in the Harmony Polar Region.

After all, to a certain extent, with the Harmony Heavenly Art, there is also a Harmony Heavenly Powerhouse that is expected to be promoted to Dao Ancestor.

Under normal circumstances, the Harmony Heaven Art is regarded as a treasure by those big tribes. Except for word of mouth, it is absolutely not able to be condensed into the Primordial Chaos Qi wave by the Harmony Heavenly Powerhouse as it is today. After all, it must be considered. The reason for the disclosure, therefore, in the entire Hongmeng Polar Region, there are very few people who are fortunate enough to practice and master the Hongmeng Heaven Art.

And now, after Yundun finished speaking, Yundun was moved towards that white group of light to cast its grandeur, almost in the blink of an eye, the Spirit Treasure, which Yundun called the Great Meng Heavenly Art, faded away from the whole body in mid-air. The light mass, thus turned into a section of Hongmeng, vaguely constituted an air wave.

Long Chen can see that this kind of Qi wave is a unique way of storing the Harmony. Almost only the powerhouse above the Harmony Heaven Realm can have this ability. It transforms a piece of information into a Force of Primordial Chaos, which is transforming this force of Primordial Chaos is condensed into such a visible wave of naked eye, which can achieve long-term storage.

In other words, this Spirit Treasure, which is known as the Great Heaven Art, is already in the eyes of everyone at this moment, and it is extremely real.

Otherwise, how can the powerhouse of the Magnificent Heaven Realm be so boring to make an empty Primordial Chaos Qi wave?

In other words, these people present today really have the opportunity to witness this magnificent heavenly art.

When the atmosphere on the trade fair became a little more stable, Yun Dun slowly said: “I think you guys don’t believe that this is the real universal heaven art. At first, our Cangyun tribe also doesn’t believe it, but after many verifications, It’s still confirmed that there is indeed an omnipresent heavenly art in this Primordial Chaos Qi wave. According to the description of the person who has obtained this omnipresent heavenly art, this is a Divine Soul in the Antiquity Battlefield, a Divine Soul that is completely destroyed. What I found next to powerhouse, I think it was that 10000 years ago, after the Little Spirit Realm battle, this dying predecessor couldn’t bear to have the Magnificence Heaven Art created by himself disappeared, and it was preserved, so today This Primordial Chaos Qi wave also has the opportunity to meet you all.”

“Since my Cangyun tribe is hosting this trade fair, there is naturally no need to deceive everyone. Although this Magnificent Heaven Art in the Primordial Chaos Qi wave has been spied on by others, the information it retains is still complete. If someone gets it, he can still use the Primordial Chaos Qi wave to extract the information contained in it, so that he can also practice this magnificent heaven art.” Yun Dun said slowly, his expression a little excited. .

“This Magnificent Heaven Art, named “Great Vajra Art”, was 10,000 years ago. It was one of the former Ten Great Tribes. It was part of the Vajra tribe. Although the current Vajra tribe has become the Great Vajra Art. The joke among them, but it is undeniable that in a few 10,000 years ago, their Vajra tribe had the courage to challenge the entire Hongmeng Polar Region with this “Big Vajra Art”!” Yundun looked solemnly, and said: “Next I announce , The deal for this “Big Vajra Art” begins now!”

“Big Vajra Art”, just listening to the name Long Chen feels magnificent in an imposing manner. Although I don’t have the slightest impression of the Vajra tribe mentioned by Yundun, I want to come, since I can become the grandest of the polar regions a few 10,000 years ago. One of the Ten Great Tribes, the formidable power of “Big Vajra Art”, it is not to be underestimated.

Because of this, the large tribes who came to the trade fair are finally going to make a move.

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