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The bully knocked his head a few times again and said, “Daxian, I don’t know this. I was originally all villagers near Tianyang Mountain. By chance, I was caught by the Tianyang fairy master. Tianyang Mountain’s helpers usually only help Tianyang levy Spirit Stone from these surrounding villages. I don’t even know the world outside.”

Long Chen couldn’t help but be puzzled.

At this time, Long Chen’s this World, Hongmeng Spiritual Qi is even richer than the small Spirit Realm. It stands to reason that if humans live here, their cultivation realm should be far higher than 9 polar regions. Yes, but what Long Chen sees now is that people in this world can’t help but have very poor cultivation aptitude, and they don’t even have the most basic understanding of the entire world.

There is something wrong with this world.

In other words, this is not a normal world.

Just like the little Spirit Realm that was later created and condensed into the world, although there is a strong spiritual Qi in it, the cultivator is very backward.

It is very possible that the world Long Chen is in at this time is such a world constructed by a powerful person.

And this world is in the Hongmeng Polar Region.

Long Chen asked again: “Where is the Tianyang Mountain you mentioned?”

Since asking these people who did not even condense Primordial Energy could not get the answer that Long Chen wanted, Long Chen felt that it would be much better to ask the Heavenly Sun Master who can control this side of resistance.

The bully pointed in one direction and said, “Tianyang Mountain is right over there, probably a dozen or more li, and the highest mountain is where the Celestial Master Tianyang lives.”

Where did Long Chen talk nonsense with them, his mind moved, and the oppressive force released from his body increased again, directly suppressing these bandits to fainting.

Afterwards, Long Chen looked towards the villagers of the timid, cup one fist in the other hand and said: “Villagers, thank you for your care over the past few days. Now these bandits are temporarily in a coma. I have something to do. These people will leave it to you. Disposal.”

The voice fell to the ground, and the old man who had had a conversation with Long Chen took a few steps forward and said: “Dare to ask the fairy master, you are going to Tianyang Mountain to find that Tianyang fairy master?”

Long Chen nodded, said: “Yes, to be honest, I don’t belong here. With such a sudden arrival, I must first figure out what the place is. Since you are not clear, I can only ask that one. Tianyang is a fairy teacher. Senior, I, Long Chen, take care of these few days in my heart. When I get to Tianyang Mountain, I will definitely ask you for justice!”

After all, Long Chen is about to stand up.

“Master Xian stayed…” The old man hurriedly stopped Long Chen.

Long Chen smoothed his strength and said: “Senior, is there still something?”

The old man said: “Since the immortal master is going to Tianyang Mountain, the little old man has some information, and he must be able to help the immortal master.”

“Oh?” Long Chen’s eyes lit up and said, “Tell me?”

The old man took a few steps forward again, slowly said: “Although the little old man doesn’t know what the world means in the words of the immortal master, but the little old man knows that this entire region originally had no cultivator. I know very well. I remember that when I was a child, the elders in the village still lived hunting for a living, and they all lived in caves. I don’t know what the chance was, some villagers became extremely tough and hunted. The strength of the villagers became stronger and the lives of the villagers quickly improved. This is the source of the cultivator. After that, Tianyang Mountain did not know when it rose up and began to control us villagers.”

When the old man talked about these past events, his expression was slightly sad.

“I have been to Tianyang Mountain once, and I have also met that Tianyang Immortal Master. At that time, the Tianyang Immortal Master had not been too harsh and enslaved to us. He also told me the same problem as the Immortal Master. It was about this World. After that, because no one could answer the words of Master Tianyang, Master Tianyang began to summon bandits and enslaved the villagers around us, forcing us to mine those that are useless to us. Spirit Stone, tribute each month, must not be missed.” The old man said, let out a long sigh.

Long Chen’s expression changed a little after hearing this, and he began to think.

According to the old man’s opinion, this fairy master Tianyang doesn’t know this world?

So, where is this world?

Thinking of this, Long Chen became more determined to go to Tianyang Mountain. Faced with the Tianyang fairy master who is likely to come from the same world as himself, Long Chen must figure it out.

“Senior, thank you for your reminder. This time I go to Tianyang Mountain, it will definitely bring improvements to your lives. I can guarantee that in the future, you will no longer need to pay tribute to Spirit Stone each month. You can be yourself What you want to do!” Long Chen said smugly.

Hearing this, the old man burst into gratitude and said, “many thanks Master Xian!”

Long Chen didn’t want to continue to entangle here, and went to Tianyang Mountain earlier to find out. If Long Chen controls this World, he has one more chance of winning.

Long Chen didn’t talk nonsense anymore. This time, the Spiritual Qi of Hongmeng all over his body burst out. Long Chen jumped up and headed straight to the direction the bully pointed out.

Seeing Long Chen rising into the sky, those timid Cun Mi quickly knelt down and bowed to the ground one after another.

Feeling the rich Spiritual Qi in the sky, some of which are even comparable to the Hongmeng Lake within the realm, Long Chen felt that something was getting worse.

What is this world like, Master Tianyang, who are you?

The journey of a dozen or more li, under Long Chen’s full-speed flight, is just a matter of dozens of breaths.

Soon, Long Chen was in the air and saw the towering Tianyang Mountain described by the bully.

On Tianyang Mountain, repairing these slightly magnificent houses must be the place where Master Yang lived that day.

Before Long Chen approached the Tianyang Mountain completely, Long Chen was surprised to find that on the top of the Tianyang Mountain, there was a person standing facing Long Chen, smiling slightly.

It seems that this person is waiting for Long Chen again.

is it possible that, is this the fairy master Tianyang?

Long Chen once again moved towards Tianyang Mountain and flew for a certain distance. Only then can he see the face of the person on the top of the mountain.

It was a middle-aged man, dressed plainly and standing tall.

Long Chen didn’t talk nonsense, and collected all his strength and fell directly beside the middle-aged man.

The first sentence of the opening, Long Chen straight to the point, said: “Are you Tianyang Immortal Master?”

The middle-aged man nodded with a smile and said: “Yes, I am.”

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