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For the naked ridicule of Long Chen, although many people in the dragon wolf team were eclipsed by it, the leading wolf inflammation was not affected at all.

Langyan looked calm and composed, and looked at Long Chen with some playfulness. It seemed that he was able to look at Long Chen’s realm.

“It’s said that you didn’t even mention your name to my dragon wolf team. In the current situation, I don’t know if you can keep your name? Although my Langyan kills countless people, I never kill the unknown.” Lang Yan said loudly.

Long Chen slightly smiled, saying: “Long Chen, Hongmeng polar person.”

“Okay, very good!”; Langyan nodded with a smile, said: “The people of Hongmeng Polar Region, how dare to take care of our dragon and wolf business, really act recklessly! Since you have no plans to bow down, let me come Let you know that in this Longmeng Polar Region, you are not a 5-Layer guy of the Hongmeng Metarealm Realm who can do anything wrong!”

When the voice fell, Lang Yan’s whole body immediately burst out a strong Primordial Chaos Qi momentum, like a wave of anger, burst out of Lang Yan’s within the body in an instant.

Feeling this imposing manner, Long Chen immediately reacted.

The wolf flame in front of me, although it looks like a 9-Layer of the Hongmeng Yuanjie Realm, but its imposing manner has clearly told everyone present that his wolf flame has already touched the threshold of the Hongmeng Cangtian realm. I want to be only one step away, and I can truly be promoted to the Hongmeng Heaven Realm!

“I heard that you can manipulate 9 fire dragons, ice dragons, and ice spirit ghosts and wolves as your hole card means. If I didn’t guess wrong, your within the body must have a Dragon Race bloodline. “Langyan said confidently: “100,000 years ago, when the Dragon Race was not destroyed, there were many humans with Dragon Clan Bloodlines in the Hongmeng Polar Region. You should be the descendants of those people. In other words, you Long Like our Dragon Wolf, Chen has such a powerful strength because of the Dragon Clan Bloodlines in his body!”

Long Chen laughed, nodded and said: “It’s not so good if you know it. Speaking of breaking the sky, you are just a Hongmeng Yuanjie that has just touched the threshold of the Hongmeng Cangtian. Since everyone is the Hongmeng Yuanjie, you are Where is the self-confidence that speaks loudly to me before the battle begins? If you let someone who doesn’t know listen to it, it’s as if the battle is over and I am defeated by you.”

After Long Chen said this, he deliberately made an indifferent look.

As the night faded away, there was a little grey dawn on the horizon of the wasteland in the distant eastern sky.

“It looks like you are still impatient, it doesn’t matter, since you are rushing to die, then I have no reason to continue to talk nonsense with you.” Primordial Chaos Qi in Langyan’s body has grown a little bit again, and said loudly: “Go!”

When the voice fell to the ground, Long Chen directly urged Hongmeng all over his body, and a leaping body was suspended in the air.

“Are you planning to come alone? Or do you guys come together?” Long Chen mocked.

Langyan was still standing on the ground at this time, and after hearing this, he couldn’t help but feel dissatisfied.

Unfortunately, after listening to what Long Chen said, the wolf mad behind Langyan quickly leaned against Langyan and said, “Big brother, this kid has too many cards. Sooner or later I can subdue him, but I am afraid that it will change later, or else, I will go with you?”

Lang Kuang’s expression is very solemn, it can be seen that Lang Kuang wants to kill Long Chen from the heart.

Langyan didn’t blame the wolf mad, just shook the head and said, “You stay here, and be optimistic about the three dragon foxes on the opposite side. It’s best not to act blindly without thinking until I and the kid have a victory. In my opinion, the girl with the face of Dragon Fox is not a simple character.”

After hearing this, Lang Kuang had no choice but to obey Lang Yan’s instructions.

Feng Wu stood by the Dragon Wolf team, looking forward to the next battle more and more.

The Primordial Chaos Qi surrounding Langyan’s body shook suddenly, and in an instant, Langyan’s figure rose to midair.

Langyan is full of ambition for the battle that will begin next. The dragon and wolf clan, because they are pregnant with Dragon Clan Bloodlines, are born physique and prosperous, coupled with the dragon and wolf clan’s ability to stand, it is almost in the dragon wolf clan. Among them, all dragon wolves who can be promoted to the realm of Hongmeng Yuanjie have experienced nearly 100 Life and Death Battles by large and small.

And he Langyan, a dragon wolf that has half-footed into the Magnificent Heavenly Realm, has experienced nearly 1000 Life and Death Battles. Numerous times, he has gained vitality on the edge of death. The greatly trained Langyan is very important for fighting. Nowadays, facing Long Chen, a 5-Layer human cultivator, even knowing that he has many cards, Langyan is fearless.

Long Chen knows very well that this will be a tough battle. However, as long as this battle is won, he must be famous in this Longmeng polar region. At that time, if the dragon Flame Dragon is really in Longmeng Polar Region, after hearing the news of Long Chen, he would definitely take the initiative to find Long Chen.

That being said, this battle is also a good thing.

“Long Chen, take the move!” Langyan loudly shouted, and the suspended body in the air swept out straight out, and the Primordial Chaos Qi around him turned into a bloody red in a flash.

This is indeed something that Long Chen didn’t expect. Scarlet Hongmeng, what will happen?

Soon, without waiting for Long Chen to react, the scarlet Hongmeng around Langyan was faintly gathered under the traction of Langyan. Soon, the scarlet Primordial Chaos Qi gathered to Langyan’s power. In the sharp claw, I saw a scarlet blade emerging like a torrent of flames between the blur of blood light.

Long Chen immediately realized that this scarlet sharp blade should be made of a certain or a certain kind of skeleton, and it can be cast into a skeleton that can be used as a weapon by a person in the 9-Layer of the Hongmeng Yuanjie Realm, the Langyan. It’s not an ordinary skeleton.

This is the Longmeng Polar Region, is it possible that, is this scarlet blade made of keel?

Lang Yan holding the scarlet blade, laughed at the surprised Long Chen, and said: “Long Chen, my blade is made of True Dragon teeth that fell 10000 years ago. It is used against opponents who have Dragon Clan Bloodlines. , It couldn’t be better.”

After hearing this, Long Chen couldn’t help being frowned. Indeed, the aura of True Dragon in the fight will suppress those Dragon Clan Bloodlines whose Bloodline is not very pure. And if the dragon teeth in Langyan’s hands were really made of True Dragon teeth as he said, the formidable power can be imagined.

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