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In the midair, the breath of Primal Ice Soul 4 spread out, and the whole piece of Heaven and Earth, biting-cold wind.

The ice spirit ghost wolf opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and suddenly moved towards up ahead, releasing an even colder spirit strength.

Langyan’s expression was terrified, feeling that it was the spirit strength that could make him aware of a chill, and the tension in Langyan’s heart rose to several levels.

Lang Yan quickly stepped back, calming his agitated emotions a little.

However, Langyan is also the powerhouse of Hongmeng Yuanjie 9-Layer, and he stabilized his mentality extremely quickly during the battle. Soon, Langyan changed his mentality, thinking that even if Long Chen had the advantage in the previous competition, Long Chen was able to show the limelight for a while, but Langyan could not only defeat Long Chen with that trick!

In front of so many people, if oneself, a 9-Layer of Hongmeng Yuanjie Realm, loses to Long Chen, a 5-Layer of Hongmeng Yuanjie Realm, this is the most embarrassing thing. In this case, Langyan definitely cannot allow occur!

Even without the help of the ancient True Dragon, even if the secret technique is used, even if the real dragon wolf is revealed, this arrogant boy named Long Chen must be torn apart!

My Langyan wants to let him know how powerful the price of provoking the Earth Dragon wolf clan will be!

Suddenly, a thick killing intent appeared in Lang Yan’s blood-colored eyes, his face trembling faintly, and the Primordial Chaos Qi around him became much more unstable.

The ice spirit ghost wolf continued to move forward. Although the Primordial Chaos Qi power around him was gradually weakening, the imposing manner of the original ice spirit on his body still maintained the level that Langyan could feel.

Long Chen’s purpose is to let Langyan bear the pressure of his heart!

Soon, when the ice spirit ghost wolf was only a few feet away from the wolf inflammation, the whole body of the wolf inflammation burst out a very violent Primordial Chaos Qi flow, and at the same time, the whole form of the wolf inflammation also occurred. A huge change.

The appearance of the human race gradually faded, and Langyan suddenly gave birth to many azure hairs. At the same time, Langyan prostrated himself, and the fangs in his mouth gradually grew.

It’s exactly the same as when Long Chen played against Wolf Warriors.

Langyan wants to release the real body of the dragon and wolf!


Between the violent explosions, several misty blood shadows flew across 4 places. Seeing this, Long Chen immediately controlled the ice spirit ghost wolf to stop.

Long Chen didn’t dare to deal with this kind of unknown matter.

Soon, under the violent tumbling of Langyan’s body, the dragon wolf, who had been close to ten zhang, suddenly appeared.

Long Chen could see very clearly that Langyan’s dragon wolf real body, but it is much stronger than the wolf crazy dragon wolf.

Lang Yan had several blood-colored lines on his body. Is there a bloody rays of light radiating from his dragon wolf true body?

As the wolf dances, Primordial Chaos Qi suddenly rises.

“Dragon and wolf body?” Since Langyan has done this step, Long Chen is not good at using ice spirit ghost wolf to deal with it hastily.

Long Chen looked solemn, frowns softly, and couldn’t help but use a bit of strength with the hand holding the dragon halberd.

From the previous battle with the wolf mad, Long Chen knew that among the dragons and monstrous polar regions, the strongest fighting form of the Dragonborn Monster Race was to release their Monster Race body. In this way, their imposing manner would be able to A qualitative leap.

However, although this form has increased battle strength, it also has a fatal flaw.

That is, once the Dragonborn Monster Race releases their Monster Beast body in battle, it means that they have no better way to deal with their enemies. Freeing the Monster Beast body is the last way. With the huge Force of Primordial Chaos blessing brought by the release of Monster Beast’s body, he quickly blasted his opponents to death.

However, if Long Chen can defeat Langyan when Langyan releases Monster Beast’s body, or drag him with Langyan, at least to a tie, it would be equivalent to defeating Langyan completely.

You can’t beat me in your strongest form, so what about other methods?

Long Chen’s imposing manner is right now, thinking that your Langyan wants to defeat me with Monster Beast’s body, it is not easy for you!

Long Chen decisively took back the ice spirit ghost wolf. It was obvious that the ice spirit ghost wolf had no effect at this moment.

Taking back the Ice Spirit Ghost Wolf, Long Chen dealt with it all alone, and the chance of winning would be greater.

The shining sun behind Long Chen is getting bigger and bigger. At the same time, the dragon phantom of Long Chen within the body condenses. After a short period of experience, Long Chen is the “Flame Dragon Heaven and Earth Gong”. The fire dragon phantom is released!

Dragon halberd psychic, Long Chen does not need “Heavenly Dragon Technique”, does not need ice spirit ghost wolf, does not need original ice soul, Long Chen wants to defeat Langyan with pure fire strength of Dragon, pure Flame Dragon Heaven and Earth!

On the Langyan side, he was also ready.

After Lang Yan showed the dragon wolf’s true body, the whole person’s expression became extremely hideous. At the same time, the Primordial Chaos Qi surrounding the dragon wolf’s true body was gradually aching.

“Dragon wolf mad sand!”

A neighing shout came from Langyan’s mouth when Long Chen condensed his body’s imposing manner. Although Langyan maintained the real body of the dragon wolf at this time, he did not know why he could still make such a tremor. A human roar. Immediately afterwards, the Hongmeng Gang wind abruptly in the wasteland, Langyan’s entire body actually began to twitch.

On the ground, A Li couldn’t help frowning at such a frightened step.

Fengwu looks dignified, looking thoughtful.

Long Chen couldn’t understand the mysterious for a while, so he had to tighten his mind all the time to prepare for the sudden force of Langyan.

Soon, Hongmen Gangfeng above the wasteland faintly absorbed all the Primordial Chaos Qi from Langyan’s body under the control of Langyan, before Long Chen could react to what happened, a splitting heaven and earth The apart-like explosion sounded from this piece of wasteland.


The Hongmeng Gang wind enveloping Heaven and Earth absorbed all the Primordial Chaos Qi in Langyan’s body, and several Primordial Chaos Qi pillars burst out from Langyan’s body, 4 scattered!

At the same time, Langyan’s entire dragon and wolf real body also jumped up, that huge dragon wolf real body was driving the intense and frantic Hongmeng Kuangsha in the midair, and directly moved towards Long Chen rushed into it!

The impact at this time seems to be nothing fancy, but Long Chen sensed it, and the frantic sand surrounding Langyan’s body contained all the Primordial Chaos Qi potential of Langyan’s body, but if it was scratched, it must be Long Chen The whole person will be crushed directly.

Langyan’s entire face looked terrifying, and the Primordial Chaos Qi surrounding him had almost covered the entire Heaven and Earth.

Not only Long Chen, but even the Dragon Wolf tribe on the ground also felt the Supreme formidable power contained in the Dragon Wolf Furious Sand.

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