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Afterwards, the Dragon and Wolf clan, in order to continue the shameless transaction with the Heavenly Wind Unit, bowed down even more. Fortunately, when the Heavenly Wind Unit fell to Old Ancestor, they were not a safe person at all. After several decades, this The transaction began again.

And Lang Ming, who was expelled from the Dragon and Wolf clan, became a victim of this conflict on a certain level.

After being driven out of the Dragon and Wolf clan, Wolf Ming, then went to the most chaotic barren region in the Longmeng Polar Region, where he fought for years, almost every time he pulled back on the edge of death. Finally, a few thousand years later, Wolf Ming He was promoted to the Magnificent Heaven Realm and was appreciated by some people, and he became one of the 1000 Great Generals of the Great Desolate Castle.

But Lang Ming’s anger towards that incident has never been eliminated.

Lang Ming remembered everything about the dragon fox girl, her appearance and name, and Lang Ming engraved it in her heart, just to be able to just and honorable revenge next time she saw her.

If this idea of ​​Lang Ming was known to A Li, A Li would only hate Lang Ming even more.

Lang Ming has a strong grudge against A Li, so why not A Li?

Originally, A Li could spend his life peacefully and peacefully with the Dragon and Fox clan, but now it has become like this. How could A Li not want to find the Dragon and Wolf clan for revenge?

Since Lang Ming was the dragon wolf who kidnapped her to the Hongmeng Polar Region a few thousand years ago, the resentment qi that Ali had been suppressing in his heart was completely released.

as the saying goes, newborn calves do not fear tigers.

In a sense, the past 7000 years in the Longmeng Polar Region or Hongmeng Polar Region is only 20 years for Ali.

Combining the age of A Li’s departure from the Polar Region of Longmeng, plus the 20 years of time, in general, the age of A Li is now in the Dragon Fox clan, which is just a little bit older than the Yueling Yueya 2 sisters.

If it were among human beings, it would just be Ali who had grown from a 15-16 years old girl to a 17-18 years old girl.

In addition to the fact that A Li’s natural cultivation aptitude is not bad, she already possesses the strength of the third level of the Hongmeng Metarealm Realm. Only in the Longmeng Polar Region, she can also shock the existence of one party.

“What happened to me? Are you surprised? A few thousand years have passed. I still look like this, so you can recognize it at a glance. I have to say, do you remember my appearance clearly? “A Li said angrily.

Lang Ming suppressed the anger in his heart and was able to control his emotions steadily. It has to be said that the Hongmeng Cangtian realm is indeed very different from the Hongmeng Yuan realm.

Langyan didn’t know what to say for a while, but this was good for him overall. In general, Langyan and Langming were to some extent only due to two people at the same time. One family, there is a natural closeness on the Bloodline, Langyan makes it easier for Lang Ming to get closer. Now Lang Yan went to Lang Ming for help, Lang Yan also paid a lot of price. After all, Lang Ming had been expelled from the Dragon and Wolf clan for many years, and the Bloodline relationship between Dragon and Wolf had long been ignored.

But now, seeing that Langyan still has his own grievances with this dragon fox called A Li, then even if he doesn’t have to fan the flames, Lang Ming will do his best.

At that time, the Long Chen who has defeated him will definitely come out to protect. The best wolf Ming is to be able to severely wound Long Chen, and he has personally learned about the human brat who does not know the height of the sky. In this way, he The Heart Demon in my heart will disappear completely.

Cultivation people, especially those who are at the critical moment of promotion to the Great Heaven Realm like Langyan, absolutely cannot be blocked by Heart Demon, otherwise it will cause no end of trouble.

Wolf Ming said awe-inspiringly: “Listening to Wolf Yan, there was a human race who helped you the Dragon Fox family the day before yesterday. Although that human race realm is only the 5-Layer of the Hongmeng Yuanjie Realm, it can defeat Langyan, a person who is about to be promoted to the Hongmeng Cangtian realm. , Presumably this person is your dragon and fox clan now relying on, so quickly call him out, I don’t want to waste any more words.”

The dragon fox patriarch and the dragon Fox Race behind him are daring not to say anything. Perhaps the bullying of the dragon wolf clan towards the dragon fox clan over the past few thousand years has left a mark in the hearts of all the dragon fox clan. .

This makes these dragon foxes fear the dragon wolf from the heart.

Ali is not at all this kind of fear, so Ali still has great confidence when facing even the powerhouse of the majestic and heavenly realm like Wolf Ming.

“Why, don’t you want to avenge me? Are you afraid of others sneak attacking you with your strength?” A Li continued to shout.

Wolf Ming smiled slightly and said, “I mean, except for that human being, all of you Dragon Fox clan are too unbearable. If I think about it, I’m afraid your Tianyang Mountain will be destroyed in an instant.”

Ali did not fall into the imposing manner, and retorted: “If you have the ability, you can try it. Although the dragon pythons are all asleep now, I think the major event of the Tianyang Mountain collapse can still wake them up. When the time comes, those Longmeng will figure out the cause of the matter, and you, the culprit, will not be able to escape!”

There was still no mood swings on Lang Ming’s face, as if he hadn’t heard A Li’s words.

Lang Ming was no longer entangled with A Li, then looked around the four parties, and said loudly: “Long Chen, come out if you have the ability, otherwise, today this dragon fox clan, no one can survive!”

“Oh, calling out my name so loudly, if I still don’t come out, wouldn’t you have no face?” A response sounded, and A Li’s expression immediately became tense.

Soon, under Tianyang Mountain, a wave of Primordial Chaos Qi rushed out and went straight to the wood house. In a flash, Long Chen’s figure stood beside A Li.

“Why didn’t you leave? Didn’t I let Yueling Yueya call you?” A Li became a little flustered.

In the past, Ali and Langming did the same giving tit for tat, even if he knew that he was the enemy of Langming, Ali didn’t panic at all, but now, seeing Long Chen not at all leave, Ali is quite panicked. Up.

Long Chen smiled slightly at Ali and said, “If I leave, can you handle it?”

A warm current could not help but a warm current rose in the middle of A Centrifuge, and said slowly: “I can’t handle it. At worst, we will perish together with those dragon wolves. It’s time for our dragon fox clan to end up with the dragon wolf clan.”

“It’s something you should do, but it’s not your way. Remember what I said before. As long as it’s not in the Great Meng Cangtian Realm, I can handle it.” Long Chen said with a smile.

“But Wolf Ming is the Great Meng Cangtian Realm!” A Li reminded.

“Then I can handle it too!” Long Chen smiled more openly.

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