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In the early morning of 2nd day, almost all the Dragon Fox Race people gathered together, and grandiose walked up to the front of a hidden cave near the top of Tianyang Mountain.

This is the place where the dragon fox clan is taboo, that is, where the dragon fox ancestors suppressed the two consciousnesses of the cultivation genius.

Everyone looked at the hidden cave, feeling the hidden Array of fluctuations from the surrounding of the cave, and could not help but some tragic atmosphere in the air.

Since the Dragon Fox patriarch announced that A Li would enter the forbidden place of the Dragon Fox clan, it has undoubtedly caused an uproar among the Dragon Fox clan. Many people in the clan are not optimistic about A Li’s behavior and feel that A Li will die if he enters. undoubtedly.

But on the other hand, everyone at Dragon Fox Race feels that Ali’s entry into the forbidden place of the dragon fox clan is a hopeful behavior. Most hope that Ali can successfully emerge from the forbidden place and successfully awaken the Dragon Race Bloodline. Strength, in this way, the strength of the Dragon Fox clan has also directly increased to a level.

Long Chen and A Li stood together, facing the taboo place of the Dragon Fox clan.

Longhu patriarch stood aside and said, “Mr. Long Chen, this time, please.”

Long Chen nodded with a smile, said: “I will try my best. No matter this time I can awaken A Li within the body’s Dragon Race Bloodline Strength, I will let A Li come out completely.”

After hearing this, A Li on the side naturally felt warm in his heart.

The dragon fox patriarch nodded immediately released the Force of Primordial Chaos. Soon, in the hidden cave in front of Long Chen, it was full of vitality that was not at all before.

Come to think of it, it was the secret technique performed by Longhu patriarch that awakened some spiritual objects in this cave.

The forces of the two can be involved in each other to form such a situation.

In an instant, a thick layer of Primordial Chaos Qi appeared in the cave. From a distance, a huge air mass appeared from a distance, completely covering the original cave entrance.

The dragon Fox Race people present all retreated in unison, for fear that something bad would happen.

A Li didn’t flinch at all, but saw her steady her breath and slowly took a step forward.


Long Chen followed immediately, and the two of them, one after the other, stepped into the air mass.

“Must come back…” Longhu patriarch Aqing, with rays of light flickering in the corner of his eyes.

Entering this unpredictable Primordial Chaos Qi group, Long Chen immediately felt a strong wave of cosmic waves. Unconsciously, Long Chen entered another space. It was not until this time that Long Chen discovered this. With a bunch of mysterious places of the Primordial Chaos Qi group, I have to sigh in my heart the magic of this forbidden place for the dragon fox clan.

When the Primordial Chaos Qi group in front of me gradually dissipated, what imprinted in my eyes was a vast and boundless pure white space, which seemed to be standing on an endless cloud group. Long Chen looked towards all around and found that he didn’t know anything. At that time, he and A Li came to the center of the cloud group.

As if there is no way out.

A Li was not as shocked as Long Chen, his expression still calm, and he walked forward slowly.

“Ali, do you know where to go?” Long Chen couldn’t help asking.

Ali nodded, said: “I can feel the traction of Bloodline, trust me.”

Long Chen had to follow along. After all, it is also a taboo place for the dragon fox clan. As a dragon fox, Ali naturally has a feeling of mind that Long Chen can’t feel.

Following Ah Li, Long Chen seems to be walking on the clouds, pushing forward little by little.

Among them, Long Chen is also fully operating his Force of Primordial Chaos, which can be regarded as a preparation for the challenge at all times, for fear that some danger will suddenly appear.

After walking for some distance, A Li stopped suddenly, Long Chen stopped there, and immediately saw that in front of A Li, there was actually a layer of Force of Primordial Chaos condensed into a dragon and fox phantom, which was quiet. Standing peacefully on this cloud group seems to be guarding this.

Facing this group of dragon and fox phantoms, A Li respectfully gave a salute and said: “Ali, the descendants of future generations, come to visit, and hope that your ancestors will understand.”

Although in Long Chen’s view, there is no anger in this group of dragon fox phantoms, it is purely relying on the unique Qi circulation method of this forbidden place to preserve it so well. But Long Chen also followed Ali gave a salute, how to say, etiquette is to be achieved.

After that, A Liyou started to march, because all around is almost exactly the same cloud group, Long Chen is really going to be stunned, if it is not for looking at A Li, it seems that he can really feel the unique dragon fox induction power. Long Chen always thinks that A Li is going blind.

After that, the two people encountered a dragon and fox phantom one after another one after another, just like before, the two people saluted one after another.

Just when Long Chen couldn’t bear it and wanted to complain, Ali suddenly stopped.

I thought I had encountered the ghost of Dragon Fox again, but this time Long Chen looked closely, but found nothing.

Standing in place, A Li slowly released his Force of Primordial Chaos.

Long Chen realized that A Li might have discovered something, so he didn’t bother moving forward.

When A Li released his Force of Primordial Chaos into the vast clouds, a melodious sound of the fox sound came out. At first, the sound was still low, but the sound of the fox sound was all around. thorough!

Under the sound of the fox, Long Chen couldn’t help but feel a sense of crisis. Long Chen felt very clearly that this cloud group between Heaven and Earth, Hongmeng Spiritual Qi was constantly fluctuating, as if there was something coming out.

Sure enough, soon, the previous Hongmeng Spiritual Qi caused by the sound of the fox’s voice began to gather together, and almost in an instant, a virtual dragon and fox shadow appeared.

Long Chen realized that the dragon fox phantoms they encountered were previously transformed by the dragon fox ancestors in this forbidden land, but they have completely lost their life force, and there is no way to The ability to help A Li, and this one Dragon Fox Phantom that appears now is full of vitality. Obviously, this one Dragon Fox Phantom can help A Li!

A Li knelt in front of the shadow of Dragon Fox and said, “Ali, descendants of future generations, come here today, and ask my ancestors to help me awaken within the body Dragon Race Bloodline Strength!”

“Finally someone has come. If I drag on, I’m afraid my vitality will disappear like those people. The Dragon Fox clan, but there will be no chance again…” The Dragon Fox ghost slowly said.

Upon hearing this, Long Chen frowned quickly. Since the Dragon Fox phantom was transformed by Dragon Fox, why can’t I feel the slightest Dragon Race Bloodline Strength on it?

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