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Long Chen was a little surprised, saying 7: “Only True Dragon can enter Longmeng Cave? Apart from this, is there no other way?”

Longhu Xuying nodded, said: “As far as I know, this is true, but all I know is about 10,000 years ago. As for what happened in the past 10000 years, I can’t say for sure.”

Having said that, Long Chen is not good at asking more. If he wants to come to the Dragon Fox phantom, it should be true. Otherwise, Longmeng Cave is also impossible to invade the Hongmeng polar cultivator in the past 10000 years. Under the circumstances, it has been preserved to this day.

Thinking of this, Long Chen asked again: “Senior, since this is the case, is there any way to contact Longmeng Dongtian?”

Longhu Xuying said solemnly: “If you are in the Longmeng Polar Region, release your Hongmeng Spiritual Qi moved towards the sky, maybe you can make Longmeng Dongtian’s True Dragon notice it.”

“Is this method really okay?” Long Chen was a little surprised. When Sword Ten 3 was about to tell himself about this method, Long Chen did what he did, but he never had any hope of this matter. Now Longhu Xuying said, this method still has a basis?

“Isn’t it said that Longmeng Cave Sky is a Small World independent of Longmeng Polar Region?” Long Chen was confused and said: “Why can Longmeng Cave Sky be connected from Longmeng Polar Region?”

Just finished speaking, Long Chen divine light flashed in his mind, and quickly said: “is it possible that, is this Longmeng Cave Sky floating above Longmeng Polar Region?”

After hearing this, Longhu Xuying, nodded, admitted it.

“Yes, Longmeng Cave Sky is just above Longmeng Polar Region. However, Longmeng Cave Heaven is floating all the time. It is possible to directly exert Hongmeng spirit strength from Longmeng Polar Region, but it may be too great. Low.” Longhu phantom said slowly.

“Okay,” Long Chen sighed, “thanks Senior for telling me.”

At this time, the form of the Dragon Fox phantom suddenly fluttered and reunited, which immediately made Long Chen a little nervous.

“Senior, what’s the matter?” Long Chen asked quickly.

The Dragon Fox phantom regrouped and said, “It’s not in the way, it’s just didn’t expect. The Dragon Clan Bloodlines of this tribe named Ali within the body is so strong. With my current strength, it’s actually not there. The method will surrender it in a half-time.”

The voice of the shadow of the dragon and fox became much older in an instant, and it sounded like a sense of exhaustion.

Long Chen solemnly said: “Then this Bloodline awakening can still be completed?”

Dragon Fox phantom replied: “It’s definitely not possible to use the original number of ways. For the present, only if I make a sacrifice can the tribe’s Dragon Clan Bloodlines be successfully awakened!”

“Sacrifice?” Long Chen muttered.

Dragon Fox phantom nodded, said: “I use all my own qi and blood to bless Dragon Race Bloodline Strength, in order to force the tribesmen within the body of the Dragon Clan Bloodlines to yield, so that the tribesmen can control this unruly Dragon. Clan Bloodlines, only in this way can she successfully awaken the Dragon Clan Bloodlines within the body.”

Long Chen listened to the clouds in the mist. After all, there is a big gap between humans and dragon foxes. When Long Chen awakened within the body of Heavenly Dragon Bloodline, it was only necessary to suppress the persecution with the house of Hongmeng spirit strength, and the dragon fox family The awakening of Bloodline really requires so many complicated steps.

There is an insurmountable gap between humans and Dragonborn Monster Race.

Long Chen said: “Dare to ask Senior, how long will it take for this sacrifice?”

The form of the dragon fox phantom once again dissipated and gathered several times. Later, the dragon fox phantom no longer had the ability to condense a complete entity.

“At least 7 days, as long as a month.” Longhu Xuying said slowly.

“So long?” Long Chen was a little surprised. The agreement between himself and Jian Shi 3 could not be dragged by Long Chen here.

Longhu Xuying seems to have seen through Long Chen’s worries, and said: “If you have something, you can go out. You can’t help me here. Ask all sorts of questions also distracted me, even before I die. It’s good to find someone to talk to, but you are a human being after all, and there really is nothing to talk about with you.”

The voice fell to the ground, Long Chen shrugged, if it weren’t for you to help A Li awaken Dragon Clan Bloodlines, I wouldn’t bother to tell you!

“Since the predecessor has spoken, then I will not stay here, and ask the predecessor to send me out, and when I get outside, let the current patriarch of the dragon fox family come in.” Long Chen slowly said.

The Dragon Fox phantom is already about to collapse, but he still made a majestic aura in front of Long Chen, saying: “Alright, let the patriarch of the Dragon Fox clan come in. I also have something to say to her. Go out!”

After that, beside the shadow of Dragon Fox, a burst of strong Primordial Chaos Aura was inspired, and this aura suddenly surrounded Long Chen’s body.

In one thought, Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Long Chen took advantage of the trend, and Hongmeng swept away violently.

When I looked again, Long Chen appeared in front of the original Tianyang Mountain cave.

From that group of Primordial Chaos Qi group, the dragon Fox Race who had been waiting for a long time not at all saw the silhouette of Ali behind Long Chen, looking at each other in blank dismay for a while.

Most Dragon Fox Race people saw this scene and prayed silently in their hearts. If Ali can’t come back this time, it means that Dragon Fox will never be able to awaken within the body Dragon Clan Bloodlines. In this case, their Dragon Fox clan is almost a stagnant pool, and anyone can bully wantonly.

Longhu patriarch A Qing quickly walked to Long Chen’s side, with a solemn expression, and said, “Long Chen, I don’t know how A Li is? Why did you come out alone?”

In order not to make Longhu patriarch nervous, Long Chen hurriedly said: “Patriarch, don’t worry, Ali is very good. Although we had some trouble at first in the forbidden place, we were able to cope with it. Later, we did see Long. The ancestors of the fox clan, at this time, the ancestors are helping Ali to awaken the Dragon Clan Bloodlines within the body. This process takes about 7 days to a month. I can’t help much, so I came out.”

After listening to Long Chen’s explanation, Longhu patriarch was naturally relieved.

Those dragon Fox Race people around also took a breath.

Longhu patriarch continued to ask: “I, the ancestor of the Longhu clan, is really still in that forbidden place?”

Long Chen was a little bit embarrassed. He couldn’t tell the situation of the Dragon Fox ancestors. To be honest, I’m afraid it will make the Dragon Fox Race people who are present become discouraged.

“It’s one thing that the ancestors of your dragon and fox clan asked me to come out, and that is, now he wants to meet patriarch. The forbidden place is no longer dangerous, and patriarch can go in without worry.”

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