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The huge 7-weight strikes on the body of the dragon python patriarch, with the realm of the dragon python patriarch’s strength, it was actually difficult to carry it, and it had to fly out, which could hold the mind.

After the dragon python patriarch landed, his expression became gloomy, and the look towards the golden light group in the sky became a little terrifying.

The rest of the dragon python cultivator hurriedly got together and surrounded the dragon python patriarch.

After the dragon python patriarch calmed down his messy Primordial Chaos Aura, he took a deep breath and whispered to the dragon python cultivator around him: “Don’t do it for now, just wait here.”

The other dragon python cultivator was nodded quickly.

The cultivators around the Great Array saw that the dragon python patriarch took a shot, they were even less interested in the Spirit Treasures above the Great Array.

No matter how good Spirit Treasure is, it must be used for life.

However, there is also good news for these cultivators waiting around the big array.

That was the Dragon Race Bloodline Strength that had been lingering around the big formation before. After the impact of Long Chen, it was never seen again. Although from time to time, there would still be some invasion power released in the dark golden light group, but Without the suppression of Dragon Clan Bloodlines, this also means that as long as the entire Ancient Battlefield does not collapse, they will be able to stay here forever.

Sword Ten 3 moved towards The large array approached a little, and the sword energy all over his body screamed.


At the moment Long Chen came into contact with the golden light group, Long Chen was surprised to find that the seemingly violent Primordial Chaos Qi jins released from the golden light group before were actually in contact with the golden light group. When it is time, it is directly transferred and dissolved.

Then, Long Chen was wrapped in a group of golden light and couldn’t help closing his eyes.

When Long Chen recovered his mind and his eyes opened, what appeared in front of Long Chen’s eyes was actually heaven and earth’s difference to separate from the previous scene.

Here is a shining space of gold and jade in glorious splendor, the space all around has no end, and the surroundings are full of golden light clusters like those that appeared on the large array before.

These golden light clusters wander aimlessly in this dazzling space, and there are some Primordial Chaos Qi potentials around them.

Compared with the golden light cluster above the previous large array, the golden light cluster in this dazzling space is really too soft.

“Is this in the big formation?” Long Chen walked slowly a few steps, feeling the Force of Primordial Chaos around him, while muttering to himself.

Long Chen tried to release his mind, blessing on the golden light balls that drifted past him.

Soon, Long Chen got a response.

Among these golden light groups, all are Spirit Treasure.

long sword, stone hammer, spirit card, robes…

“Where is this?” Although there are so many Spirit Treasures appearing in front of Long Chen’s eyes, for now, Long Chen is not at all at all but the source of these Spirit Treasures. And the emergence of these Spirit Treasures has a strong curiosity.

Moreover, in reminiscent of the living things aura that he had felt before, Long Chen is even more anxious to figure out the mystery of this great array.

Long Chen moved towards those golden light groups slowly walked away.

In the bright space, there seems to be no end.

And those golden light groups are endless.

If these golden light clusters appear outside in a single brain, must it be that the entire Longmeng is going crazy?

Suddenly, when Long Chen was about to approach one of the golden light clusters, there was a violent extraordinary movement in this bright space.

The golden light ball floating in the air suddenly stopped the aimless movement, and it was actually slowly gathered together.

Then, the surroundings of these golden light groups directly released a strong killing aura and went straight to Long Chen.

Come to think of it, this is a kind of defense for the intruder of the whole big formation.

However, for Long Chen, these defenses really seem a bit impossible to withstand a single blow.

Whether it is Dragon Race Bloodline Strength or the power of invasion, Long Chen is able to deal with it perfectly.

If the power in these golden light groups is pure Primordial Chaos Qi Jin, Long Chen would not have such confidence.

Fortunately, as Long Chen expected, the most important means of these golden light group attacks is the Dragon Race Bloodline Strength mixed in.

Long Chen slightly smiled, directly releasing Heavenly Dragon Bloodline Strength from his body, forming a strength barrier in front of him.

All of the golden light group’s vigorous attacks fell on the strength barrier displayed by Long Chen, almost instantly, these seemingly surging vigorous attacks dissipated.

Long Chen was even more curious to resist the attack of the golden light group.

The battle 100,000 years ago was the battle between the human cultivator in the 3 polar regions and the dragon and monstrous polar regions. As everyone knows, the Dragon Race believes in Bloodline Strength. They will not go to refining Spirit Treasure at all. That is to say, these Spirit Treasures should They are all left by the human cultivator who participated in that battle 100,000 years ago. So, since these Spirit Treasures are used by human cultivators, why do these Spirit Treasures have Dragon Race Bloodline Strength on them?

Although these Dragon Race Bloodline Strength cannot be considered strong, but it is true that this is Dragon Race Bloodline Strength.

After the golden light masses dissipated their cohesive strength, and once again returned to the previous aimless march, Long Chen continued to move towards the depths of the bright space.

There is no end in sight.

For the Spirit Treasure floating in the air, Long Chen not at all thought.

Nowadays, figuring out the mystery of this bright space and finding the way out is the most important thing.

I don’t know how long it has been, and finally, in front of Long Chen, there seems to be an end.

The so-called “end” is a sacred mark standing in this shining space.

There is no golden light cluster around this imprint, where it stands quietly, as if it has not changed in 10000 years.

Long Chen slowly approached this mark and put his arm on it.

In an instant, Long Chen noticed an extremely fierce and powerful force of life.

This power of life is exactly the power of life that Long Chen had missed from above the big formation.

What kind of creatures are the creatures in Ancient Battlefield?

Terran, Dragon Race, or something else?

After the war, why stay in this Ancient Battlefield for 100,000 years?

Long Chen put his palm on this mark, and in an instant, this great mark directly released a layer of surging and humming great invasion force.

Accompanied by this force of invasion, there is also a reverberating buzzing sound.

Long Chen turned his Primordial Chaos Qi momentum and the strength of Dragon to the extreme, and he dared not relax for a moment.

Above the imprint of Hongmeng, an invading force burst out again. In an instant, Heaven and Earth turning upside down in the bright space.

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