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I originally thought that the 7th invasion would proceed so smoothly. I never thought that at the last moment when Long Chen was about to completely crush the Divine Soul Seal of a stranger, there was still something that did not let Long Chen feel at ease.

I saw that Divine Soul Seal is about to be broken, and at this moment, a violent force burst from the about to be broken Divine Soul Seal, and this force comes from the realm of the pearl. the power of.

After Long Chen successfully blessed the strength of Divine Soul to the bead above surface of the realm before, Long Chen always thought that the strength in the pearl of the realm would not produce much strikes to his strength of Divine Soul. But the development of the matter is so unintelligible to Long Chen.

It seems that it has been catalyzed by the Divine Soul Seal of a stranger, or because of other things. In short, at this time, the strength released from the Realm Orb completely ate Long Chen’s Divine Soul. No small pain.

Moreover, it is not only a single tearing force, but also what Long Chen can’t bear. It is the swallowing aura revealed in the bead above surface of the realm.

It’s like the jewel of the realm wants to swallow Long Chen!

However, when Long Chen discovered this, Long Chen’s strength of Divine Soul had been completely blessed on the bead above surface of the realm, and it was impossible to get out of it for a while!

“Senior, save me!” Long Chen shouted.

In an instant, a stronger strength of Divine Soul swept around the Pearl of the Realm. The Divine Soul remnant of the Ice Dragon ancestors turned into an incomparable charge at this time and went straight to the realm. The pearl of the domain is gone.

“Long Chen can see clearly that the goal of the ancestors of the ice dragon is the jewel of the realm.

At this time, the ancestors of the ice dragon did not forget to remind Long Chen: “The matter is over, don’t leave for now, wait for my return!”

When the voice fell, that shocking force immediately completely locked Long Chen’s strength of Divine Soul, and took advantage of the trend to completely engulf the Divine Soul Seal of strangers who surround the bead above surface of the boundary. Degenerate.

And the divine soul remnant of the ancestors of the ice dragon is also because it has disappeared around the realm pearl.

Long Chen took back his strength of Divine Soul, and after a little stabilization, combined with the practice of the ice dragon ancestors just now, Long Chen fully understood the original meaning of the ice dragon ancestors.

If Long Chen didn’t make a mistake, the Ice Dragon Ancestor had planned to do today’s hard work before Long Chen arrived. However, for some reason, even if the Ice Dragon Ancestor had this idea, he still did. Can’t give it a go.

First, although the ancestors of the ice dragon knew that the bead above surface of the realm had the Divine Soul Seal of a stranger, and also knew that the Divine Soul Seal was on the verge of collapse after 10000 years of checks and balances, but However, the ancestors of the ice dragon were not able to grasp the strength of the Divine Soul Seal. 2 In the past, the ancestors of the ice dragon must also be very clear. After the strength of Divine Soul blessing, the ancestor of the boundary will produce the strength of backlash after a period of time. And this force cannot be countered.

For these two reasons, the ancestors of the ice dragon dare not give it a go. After all, if one is not careful, if the Divine Soul consciousness of a stranger is still strong, when the ancestors of the ice dragon suffer a counterattack from the realm pearl, the ice dragon First of all, the ancestors will be hit hard, and then the Divine Soul of the aliens is struggling while the iron is hot. Presumably, the ancestors of the ice dragon will start to deviate like the aliens’ side because of the checks and balances that the ancestors of the ice dragon have maintained for nearly 2 years.

This is what the ancestors of ice dragons absolutely don’t want to see.

That’s how the ancestor of the ice dragon will come after Long Chen, so impatient let Long Chen try this thing.

After all, with the participation of Long Chen, if Long Chen can replace the ice dragon ancestor to test the strength of the stranger Divine Soul Seal, the ice dragon ancestor will be more certain.

Long Chen figured out these things, and it was inevitable for a while to have a lot of slander on the ancestors of the ice dragon. However, as the divine soul seal of the ancestors of the ice dragon disappeared, as the spirit of the realm pearl eased, Long Chen feels that these things are not very important.

As long as it can help the Ice Dragon ancestors to completely suppress the Divine Soul Seal of the stranger, it seems that it can be said to be a good thing for the Dragon Race and the entire Hongmeng Heaven.

Then, Long Chen watched the realm pearl change one after another.

Without the Divine Soul Seal blessing of the aliens, the realm pearl at this time gradually cut the connection with that huge ice crystal, which means that the current ice dragon ancestors no longer receive the realm pearl. The balance of power can wake up from dormancy anytime, anywhere.

It is precisely this way, that realm pearl, at this time, has become illusory.

It seemed to be drawn by some kind of force and was about to leave here.

Long Chen suddenly thought that in the things that the ancestors of the ice dragon first explained to him, there was a reminder that Long Chen should finally collect the Pearl of the Realm.

Thinking of this, Long Chen hurriedly jumped up and slowly moved towards the realm pearl floating over.

Since it is said that a certain power of Long Chen within the body will be backlashed by the Pearl of the Realm, the current Long Chen simply does not use any power at all, just relying on his fleshy body to hold the Pearl of the Realm. In the hands.

It was also the moment Long Chen took the Realm Pearl in his hand. There was a huge shock in this World of Ice and Snow.

“Boom…ka ka!”

Long Chen looked up and saw that the huge ice crystal in front of him, at this moment because of some kind of force, began to show signs of fragmentation!


Long Chen let out a sigh, looking at the ice crystal that was about to break apart, Long Chen even reacted.

It wasn’t until Long Chen put away the Realm Pearl in his hand that Long Chen realized that the ice crystal shattered. Doesn’t it mean that the ancestor of the ice dragon trapped in the ice crystal is about to wake up?

Long Chen was overjoyed and hurriedly flew backwards to avoid being hit by the broken ice crystals.

Around the ice crystal, there is an ancient and rich Primordial Chaos Aura, which is mixed with the very strong Dragon Race Bloodline Strength. Each ice crystal falling will reveal a large ice dragon body blocked by the ice crystal.

The almost magnificent storm of the Harmony is rolled up, and in the World of Ice and Snow, the dust is flying and the Harmony is shaking!

An ice dragon with a body of ten zhang emerged from the ice, and after a short period of energy accumulation, it rushed to the sky!


A dragon roaring spread across the sky, the mighty and mighty storm of Hongmeng rolled up beside Long Chen, and the coercive force poured on Long Chen, making Long Chen a little unstable.

Feeling this coercion, Long Chen not only did not look painful, but was somewhat delighted.

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