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The atmosphere was deadlocked for a period of 7 hours. Venerable Blood Corpse shook his head and said, “Don’t worry too much. From my point of view, that kid is only able to slightly control the realm pearl that’s all. The power contained therein is definitely impossible to control. Anyway, in this realm, the Lord of the realm is still on our side.”

Let’s just say, Venerable Blood Corpse is looked towards Long Kun.

Long Kun was a little uncomfortable, frowns let out a sigh and said, “I can try my best.”

Hearing this, there was a smile on the face of Venerable Blood Demon.

Long Kun slowly walked forward. He was already seriously injured, and he looked very tired, and his imposing manner spirit was much lonelier than before.

However, when Long Chen and the ancestors of the ice dragon saw that Long Kun was doing something again, they still did not dare to slack in the slightest.

After all, what Long Kun did just now was to turn the two Elders in the Dragon Race into the current Blood Demon Venerable Blood Corpse Venerable. The realm strength of these two Venerables will not be lower than Hongmeng. Cangtian Realm 2th layer.

Soon, Long Kun’s whole body began to gather a peculiar power again, and in the midst of it, it seemed to be some traction with the surrounding Heaven and Earth.

Seeing such behavior of Long Kun, Venerable Blood Demon smiled slightly, turned and looked towards Long Chen and the Ice Dragon Ancestor, and looked towards the Dragon Race people on the shore of Longhu Lake, with a disdainful expression on his face. said with a smile: “The ants in a small place, you will probably never understand what true power is in your entire life. Fortunately, I am willing to give you a favor so that you, the group of ants, can live in the rest of your life. See this vast feast!”

“That really depends on whether you have this capability!” The ancestor of the ice dragon in the distance was also very angry. With a bitter expression, the ancestor of the ice dragon slammed out of his body, the extremely rich Primordial Chaos Qi The momentum came out, directly covering this Fanglong Lake.

Even the ancestor of the Ice Dragon who has survived for nearly 100,000 years, after the provocative words of Venerable Gorefiend, did not conceal the killing intent in his heart.

“Dragon Race, prepare for the battle!” Yan Elder Long saw this, and quickly moved towards the shore of Longhu shouted.

“Dragon Race please fight!”

The Dragon Race on the shore of Longhu Lake, in this brief moment, there is no difference between the previous opposition, and the sound of shouts that resembles the sky suddenly sounded, and immediately shrouded this a side world in the coercion of Dragon Clan Bloodlines.

Immediately afterwards, several surges of Primordial Chaos Qi came out on the shore of Longhu Lake. In just a few breaths, the Dragon Race people on the shore of Longhu Lake all showed the true Dragon Race at this time. The body began to move towards the top of Longhu and gathered.

The ancestor of the ice dragon looked towards Venerable Blood Demon, coldly said: “100,000 years ago you ended up tragically, 100,000 years later, it will still be like this!”

“Hmph!” Coldly snorted, the Venerable Blood Demon, said: “In the beginning, the so-called Dragon Meng Dao ancestor was born. It was also because I underestimated the enemy that I made you move higher. Now, this Dragon Race is actually You, the leader of Sarah who was not in the rankings, do you think you really have the confidence of victory?”

When the Venerable Gorefiend and the ancestors of the Ice Dragon were fighting for Battle Qi, Long Kun was still brewing the aura of his whole body, as if he was preparing a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering trick.

Long Chen had many worries, only because Long Chen used Divine Soul to control the pearl of the realm, and he sensed a trace of the aura from Long Kun’s body, that aura, too powerful.

Powerful enough that Long Chen could not explore the nature of power.

“Is there any certainty of winning? If you say it, I will use my strength to prove it to you!” The Ice Dragon Ancestor said solemnly.

Venerable Blood Demon glanced at Long Kun next to him, said with a smile: “I’m afraid, you don’t have the chance to prove it!”

When the voice fell, I saw the strength of Long Kun’s body suddenly dispersed, moving towards all directions rushing forward.

This power was attributed to all directions in an instant, to the entire Longmeng Cave.

The Longhu Lake below began to tremble violently, and then, the land on the shore of Longhu Lake and the mountains in the distance were all without exception. It has not been trembling before 10000 years!

Then, on the trembling edge of all parties, several strange vigors poured out from it, and immediately rushed back the surrounding Dragon Race people.

At the same time, the Pearl of the Realm at the moment Long Chen controlled and controlled began to vibrate violently. When Long Chen ran the strength of Divine Soul, he could clearly perceive that those weird vigor and strength were related to this realm. Beads same qi, connected branch!

In other words, this is the same kind of power!

“As the lord of the realm, I am far more familiar with the manipulation here than you are. You ants, you are also impossible in this life and will have this power!” Long Kun’s expression became incomparably hideous, as if in the dark. It is full of extremely gloomy power.

“Damn it!” Looking at the abnormal movement between Heaven and Earth, Yan Elder Long was shocked for a while. This kind of catastrophe was obviously going to destroy Fang Longmeng’s cave!

A burst of violent Qi Jin from the Longmeng Cave Sky is useful, and it immediately produces an accumulated collision with the Primordial Chaos Qi potential in the Longmeng Cave. Without exception, every collision is that Qi Jin. Occupying an absolute advantage, for a while, the Dragon Race clan members in the Longmeng Polar Region were simply to avoid these weird energies, which consumed a lot of Force of Primordial Chaos.

Seeing such a tragic collision, Long Chen was horrified. Because Long Chen’s hands had the sphere of the pearl, those strange vigor could not have much impact on Long Chen, but neither could Long Chen. Let this energy spread like this, not only for the Dragon Race people, but for the entire Longmeng Cave. If it is not stopped, the whole Longmeng Cave would be destroyed.

Yan Elder Long was also confused for a while, and quickly flew over to the ice dragon ancestor, and asked melancholy: “Ancestor, since Dragon Race is in danger, please tell ancestors how to act!”

The ancestor of the ice dragon browses tightly frowns and said: “Anyway, there are only three of them. I will hold one of the two venerables. You take the other dragon patriarch to hold the other one… “

Yan Elder Long was a little surprised. With his current strength, he could completely hold one of the nobles by himself, is it possible that, that strength would be so strong?

“Ancestor, how should Longkun respond? The mutations in the Longmeng Cave are all from his hands. If we don’t stop him, I am afraid I will be powerless!” Yan Elder Long looked solemn, slightly panicked. Said.

After hearing this, the Ice Dragon Ancestor did not answer, but instead looked towards Long Chen.

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