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After listening to Long Chen this remark, Han Mingfeng was looking thoughtful. After a while, Han Mingfeng said solemnly: “Well, it doesn’t hurt to tell you these things.”

Long Chen rubbed his hands and said, “Wearing ears and listening.”

Han Mingfeng thought for a while, and said: “Origin Continent is the source of myriad worlds. History can no longer be traced back to its roots. It has gone through how many years before that, and no one knows it, or that people who know it, also Not here anymore.”

“Origin Continent is divided into 3 planes, namely the upper plane, the middle plane, and the lower plane. Now the region you are in is the lower plane of Origin Continent. Some people say that only the upper plane of Origin Continent is counted as the upper plane. The true Origin Continent, however, there are 3 to 1000 channels between the 100 planes, which means that the middle plane of the lower plane is inseparable from the upper plane.”

“The lower plane where you are now, for now, is also a very large area. The lower plane is divided into 5 spiritual realms, namely East, South, West, North and Centre. The current Cloud Sect is in the top 5. The southern spiritual realm in the spiritual realm.”

Long Chen was a little dizzy when he heard it, and said: “Why is it so complicated, a good Origin Continent, why is it divided into 3 planes and then divided into 5 spiritual realms? What is going on?”

Han Mingfeng said: “You are too stupid, high, middle and low 3 planes, of course, in the upper and lower planes, just like you are now in the lower plane, wait until you have been stuck in the top and swept away. It is possible to reach the mid-plane.”

Long Chen suddenly realized, “It turns out that this is the case. It seems that if you can fly to the mid-plane, you have a must?”

Han Mingfeng nodded, said: “The most basic requirement is that the realm reaches the Origin Realm. Otherwise, it will not be able to withstand the pressure of the critical barrier at the junction of the lower plane and the middle plane. This leads to the people of the middle plane. Those who look down on the lower planes, the people on the upper planes look down on the people on the middle and lower planes, the time and place are right, so to speak.

Long Chen snort disdainfully, said: “is it possible that, is it possible that the babies conceived by those people in the mid-plane are Origin Realm from birth?”

Han Mingfeng slowly nodded and said: “They were born with Yuan Core Realm’s strength.”

Long Chen was speechless.

Is there such an unfair thing?

People from the lower planes have worked so hard to cultivation for a lifetime, and even said that they may not be better than a baby just born on the middle plane?

“You don’t need to sigh here. This kind of thing is already a commonplace in the lower planes. Everyone has a time when you blame the gods and accuse others. Some people also have great benefits. In the Origin Continent 3 planes, the Origin Force barriers of the lower planes are the most stable, and the oppression in them is that no one can shake in the past 100,000 years. This has also led to even the medium Those people on the plane have the strength of Yuan Core Realm since they were babies, but when they come to the lower plane through the passage between the two planes, they can only display the peak strength of Yuan Core Realm at best. Some people Relying on the secret technique, it is possible to display the strength of Origin Realm and even Heavenly Origin Realm, but this has extremely powerful damage to their cultivation foundation. Therefore, these people generally will not arrogant to the lower planes. and domineering.”

“But as far as the lower planes are concerned, some situations have improved a lot. As long as people who have been cultivating on the lower planes since childhood, even if they have been promoted to Origin Realm, they can still choose to stay in the lower planes, even until Heavenly Origin Realm. , Are able to stay in the lower planes. This kind of benefit can only be possessed by the people of the lower planes, and the people of other planes are impossible.” Han Mingfeng said with a smile.

“There are advantages and disadvantages.” Long Chen looking thoughtful said.

Han Mingfeng agreed again and said: “Of course it is, and the three large planes and the lower planes are the largest in the region. In addition to the recognized five spiritual realms, there is also an endless endless sea, where is the sight, No one has been able to describe it completely. Some people say that there is the Great Demon of the Heavenly Origin Realm in the sea, and some people say that there is a direct access to the upper planes. In short, under the divergent opinions, the vast sea of ​​opportunities is accompanied by challenges, and every year Many Origin Realm powerhouses went to search for them, but few came back…”

Long Chen added: “Senior, I told you about the Territory Sect before. I want to ask, what is the division of the Territory Sect on the Origin Continent plane?”

“Because of the huge area of ​​the lower plane, among the five spiritual realms of the lower plane, there are countless powers such as the secular dynasty, sect, and family. All in all, the secular dynasty is higher than the family and some Small Sect, Great Sect and Great Family. They can also control the lifeblood of the secular dynasty and restrain each other. But in the middle spiritual realm, these tangled and complicated relationships are much simpler. The forces in the middle spiritual realm are only sect. According to some news, the sect in the middle spiritual realm There are as many as 5, among which are roughly divided into Demon Sect, Monster Sect, and the self-proclaimed Upright Sect of humans. They are also constantly arguing with each other. The powerful sect controller city villages of all parties, continuously having cultivators Go to worship sect. But on the upper plane, things are much more stable. There is a very powerful dynasty Great Tang Dynasty on the upper plane. Under the rule of the Great Tang Dynasty, there are many sect and family acknowledge allegiance, which are divided into 10000 Great. Family, Nine Great Sects, these forces have almost unconditionally executed the orders of the Great Tang Dynasty. Therefore, the disturbances on the higher planes are much smaller and can be described as paradise on earth.”

“The Realm Sect you are talking about is one of these Nine Great Sects. It specifically constructs the other world and then erodes the power of the constructed world, thereby enhancing its own strength. It is an extremely powerful one Sect.” Han Mingfeng slowly said.

After listening to this, Long Chen couldn’t help but feel a little headache.

Now he is in the lower plane. If you want to go to the upper plane, you have to pass a middle plane in the middle. Not to mention what will happen in this, but the promotion of the strength realm is nowhere in sight.

However, even if there is such a great danger, Long Chen can’t give up. After all, Ali and Zhu Ziyin still have the lives of Hongmeng Tianxia 10000 1000, and they are still in the hands of the Realm Sect.

“Senior, you should know that I have been understood, many thanks to tell.” Long Chen slowly said.

Suddenly, Han Mingfeng’s expression tightened, and said: “You better wake up soon, someone is coming.”

“Someone?” Long Chen suddenly became interested and said: “It’s also time to get familiar with this Cloud Sect. My trip to Origin Continent starts with this Cloud Sect!”

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