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“Hua’er, the people from Tianshanzhai and Earth Dragon Village actually sent the materials needed for the spell, and the other is, the old village owner of Earth Dragon Village, Gong Sun Dong, and the owner of Tianshan Village, Meng Fanzhi, personally suppressed the battle. It’s already at the entrance of the village.” Zhou 2 Fang, as the Head of a Clan, shouldn’t have been so panicked. However, Zhou Family Village’s position for several decades has made Zhou 1000 Fang so cautious. Attitude.

Knowing the pros and cons, Long Chen said: “Father, you go and meet these two people first, and I will go to the main hall to meet them in a while.”

“Good.” Zhou 1000fang hurriedly left.

Long Chen calmed down for a while, then changed his clothes and went to the main hall of Zhou 1000fang’s home.

At this time, a group of elders from Zhou Family Village had already welcomed Gongsun Dong and Meng Fanzhi to the main hall.

After Long Chen came in, Zhou 1000 conveniently signaled Long Chen to get to another seat in the main hall.

It stands to reason that with Long Chen’s seniority, in front of these clan elders, it is absolutely impossible to sit in that position. However, now that Long Chen’s identity is different from the past, according to the Cloud Sect, this has fully demonstrated Long Chen. Ability.

“Master Press Chaji!” Seeing Long Chen coming, Gongsun Dong and Meng Fanzhi stood up quickly and said hello to Long Chen: “I haven’t seen you for a few days, but the Chaji is still so majestic.”

Although this looks very like a Long Chen flattery, in fact, in Gongsundong’s view, Long Chen is indeed very different from the Long Chen I saw a few days ago.

A few days ago, Long Chen was strong, but his aura was a bit disordered, and it looked like he was injured. But today, Long Chen is already strong and full of vitality.

Long Chen nodded, said: “Two seniors, please sit down. This time I abruptly asked the two seniors to help my Zhou Family village capital. It was really presumptuous. I didn’t expect the two seniors to come personally. It really makes me feel honored.”

Gongsun Dong and Meng Fanzhi glanced at each other. Gongsundong said with a smile: “It’s a serious matter for the sir. It’s my honor to be able to work for the sir. It’s just a rush of time. Bring the stock materials, not at all, bring too much, and I hope you can make adults Haihan by inspection.”

Long Chen laughed and said: “What do the two seniors say? Today, Tianshan Village and Earth Dragon Village are willing to help me, so I will not hide it. Next, I will use the materials brought by the two seniors. Build a Sect Protection Great Array for my Zhou Family Village!”

After all, Long Chen looked towards Zhou 1000 Fang with serious eyes.

Zhou 1000 Fang hurriedly said, “The materials are already in front of the ancestral hall.”

Long Chen faced Gongsundong and Meng Fan’s cupped the hands, and said: “If the two seniors have time, can they come with me and give advice to Junior?”

Gongsun Dong said: “I can’t talk about it, but I want to see the strength of the inspector.”

Having said that, Long Chen and Gongsundong 2 moved towards the door, and a group of elders from Zhou Family Village immediately followed.

At this time, at the door of the ancestral hall of Zhou Family Village, there were all kinds of materials needed to draw spells.

The rune page is a kind of bark that can withstand the impact of powerful divine will. After layers of Origin Force casting, it forms a thin, paper-thin sheet although it is a bit rough.

The rest are naturally the best dyes for fusion of divine will.

All kinds, 7 more than those prepared by Zhou Family villagers before.

Such spells, if successful, will inevitably have more formidable power than the amulet drawn by Long Chen before. However, the difficulty of drawing these spells will increase exponentially.

From the perspective of Zhou 1000, if the materials in front of them are sold to those sects, they will inevitably sell nearly 10000 pieces of low grade Spirit Stone, which is a full 10000 pieces of low grade Spirit Stone, perhaps for Tianshanzhai and Earth Dragon Village. The two powers with aloofness and lowliness are not too important, but for Zhou Family Village, it is worth the expenses of Zhou Family Village for 2 years.

“This time the materials are indeed very complete. The two seniors have bothered.” Long Chen cupped the hands, expressing gratitude to Gongsundong.

Afterwards, Long Chen asked several people in Zhou Family Village to open all these materials, especially the rune pages, which were placed on the ground one by one.

Gongsundong and Meng Fanzhi looked at each other in blank dismay and couldn’t help but ask Long Chen in their heart, are you going to paint on the rune page, landscape painting?

Long Chen didn’t care about Gongsun Dongmeng Fanzhi’s concerns. Instead, he used his divine will and went straight to the dye.

“Very powerful divine will!” At the moment when Long Chen felt the divine will, Gongsun Dong and Meng Fanzhi were immediately shocked.

This kind of supernatural intent was almost equal to Gongsun Dong himself, which naturally surprised Gongsun Dong.

You know, Gongsundong is the 4th Yuan Core Realm, and Long Chen is only the Yuan Core Realm 1st!

Afterwards, Long Chen deliberately tested all the pigments, and he quickly understood the carrying capacity of these dyes for his own delusion.

The dyes are all tempering and various spiritual medicines. They originally contain the extremely powerful Origin Force. After being blessed by the gods, these dyes have a strong impact, and then they are bound to the rune page. This is the painting The process of casting spells.

Let the Origin Force and the divine will blend with each other, so as to reach the point where it can burst out strong energy.

Long Chen’s accomplishment of this step was indeed able to surprise Gongsun Dong and Meng Fan, but this was not enough to convince these two people, but possessing a powerful divine intent would not explain any more problems. If this A powerful divine control, this is true ability.

But at the moment when this idea in Gongsundong’s heart fell, Long Chen’s whole person directly divided the divine will into ten, and at the same time blessed it on ten different paints!

Ten gods?

This scene completely convinced Gongsun Dong and Meng Fanzhi.

Being able to transform the divine will into ten parts, and all of them can produce such a powerful formidable power, which is enough to show that Long Chen has absolute strength control over his powerful divine will!

Gongsun Dong was extremely shocked, even as a Yuan Core Realm 4 he was not sure that he could run two divine wills at the same time, didn’t expect, Long Chen was able to run ten divine wills at the same time!

At this moment, Gongsun Dong completely understood that it is definitely not a simple talk to re-establish the quota with Cloud Sect!

This Long Chen is very likely to be the next lord of Cloud Sect!

The occurrence of this kind of thing has already subverted the world view of Gongsun Dong and Meng Fanzhi.

Everyone in Zhou Family Village has been dizzy long ago.

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