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“What is the situation in this Flying Eagle Fort?”

At this moment, Long Chen, who was in the arranged room, couldn’t help thinking.

Thinking of the news about Flying Eagle Fort that he had inquired about before, and thinking of the current situation, Long Chen became more and more confused.

According to intelligence, Flying Eagle Fort has been mining the ore in the northwest region for so many years, and it has long been extremely powerful. Now, taking advantage of the Heavenly Sword Sect and the 9th Ring Gate Battle, Flying Eagle Fort has begun to recruit all parties. The people and horses, the Primordial Spirit Realm Yuan Core Realm, come and go together to enter this towering Eagle Fort built in the northwest region, preparing to become the third force dignified in the northwest region.

This kind of thing is definitely not allowed for Cloud Sect, who is about to rise in the Southern Spirit Realm.

sect’s purpose of sending undercover agents into Flying Eagle Fort is to detect the movements of Flying Eagle Fort. It stands to reason that they should be lurking in the dark. But why, these people are just and honorable who dare to lead the city gate?

It can be seen from the attitude of the people who were sent by Sect to break into Flying Eagle Fort alone that these people must have some ulterior secrets.

If these three people have defected, it is inevitable to fight Long Chen. With Long Chen’s current strength, if you want to deal with one of these three people, you can still easily defeat them, and you can deal with two people. , But if the three of them play together, Long Chen will definitely not be an opponent.

Thinking of this, Long Chen couldn’t help but panic.

“It seems that you have to be promoted to a level of realm to better deal with this flying eagle fort.”

After several days of refurbishment, Long Chen has firmly stabilized Yuan Core Realm’s first realm, so now Long Chen has the confidence to be promoted to Yuan Core Realm 2.

In addition, Long Chen knew that even if he was promoted to Yuan Core Realm 2, people who wanted to deal with the 3 sects would have some certainty, but there are many doubts in this Flying Eagle Castle, Long Chen’s identity is so Sensitive, the opponents he needs to face are definitely more than these, so Long Chen also needs to think of some other plans.

For example, constructing a talisman array in advance can guarantee the safety of one’s life.

Long Chen’s attainments in the spell, although he is self-taught, his attainments are surprisingly high, and at this time, Long Chen’s hands are also in the hand of the rune page given by the Earth Dragon Zhuangtian cottage last time, adding Some dyes, Long Chen is enough to build a small talisman array, in order to protect himself, in case of 10000 one.

Now that he thought of this, Long Chen didn’t hesitate. He immediately took out the rune page and paint, and closed the doors and windows tightly, and he started to run the magical will, draw amulet!

Under the manipulation of divine will, the paint little by little falls on the rune page, because there are not many rune pages left, and Long Chen can only draw 7 chapters of spells.

In order to achieve the greatest degree of perfection, Long Chen is trying to draw a higher Rank spell.

There are only a dozen spells recorded in “Pill Control Technique”. After all, it is mainly about Alchemy Technique. I think there are other books about spells.

This time, Long Chen chose to draw a spell called Wind and Thunder.

One, two, three …

Long Chen continued to drive his divine will, making the spells complete one by one.

When drawing the third charm, Long Chen realized that something was wrong.

It turns out that this wind and thunder spell is not just drawn casually like the previous spells. The paint required by the wind and thunder spell is also quite strict. If ordinary paint is used, it may only be able to exert half of the power of the wind and thunder spell. In the highest case, however, if the pigment with the meaning of wind and thunder is used as prescribed by the wind and thunder spell, it is able to fully display the formidable power of the wind and thunder spell.

The wind and thunder are all in the spell.

However, with the current conditions, being able to complete 7 ordinary wind and thunder spells is a great thing for Long Chen.

After 7 Zhang Fenglei charms are completed, then they will be built into a talisman array. At least, 10000. When Long Chen needs a lasting battle, this array can save Long Chen from the crisis.

Finally, seven Zhang Fenglei charms were drawn, and Long Chen was not in a hurry to form them into a rune array, but chose to take them with him.

This level of spells, even if they don’t form a rune array, have huge formidable power.

“With these 7 charms, you can be bolder here in Flying Eagle Fort.” Long Chen muttered to himself: “Yuan Core Realm’s realm is already close to Perfection. It looks like it’s time to get promoted. Up.”

After harvesting 7 spells, Long Chen did not rest. Instead, he chose to continue his cultivation, thinking about being promoted to Yuan Core Realm 2 in one fell swoop.

Between each realm of Yuan Core Realm, there is a bottleneck, which is why Yuan Core Realm 2 will have such a huge advantage against Yuan Core Realm, and if Long Chen wants to be promoted to Yuan Core Realm 2 is heavy, and it’s a bit difficult.

Thinking of this, Long Chen was in this room and started serious cultivation.

Of course, before that, Long Chen also released his divine will and looked all around the room without falling. After making sure that no one was staring at him, Long Chen started his promotion road with no distraction.

In the house, the strong Origin Force began to fluctuate, and the meridian everywhere in Long Chen’s body began to surge.

Origin Force enters the body, meridian runs, and after a big circulation, it gathers in the Yuandan, and then discharges from the Yuandan. During this process, Long Chen can try to maximize his Qi Jin.

After trying again and again, as Long Chen opened his eyes and exhaled a turbid breath, Long Chen’s realm was promoted to Yuan Core Realm 2!

“Successful, this time I was promoted to Yuan Core Realm 2nd level, and there are 7 wind and thunder charms around me. How to say, it is enough to deal with the people of those 3 sects.” Long Chen began to plan.

In Yuan Core Realm, every realm improvement will naturally lead to an increase in divine will. Long Chen’s divine intent is originally higher than that of ordinary people. At this time of promotion, Long Chen’s divine intent will grow again.

Unleashing his divine intent, Long Chen couldn’t help but be a little surprised. The intensity of the divine intent determines the strength that can be exerted by using the divine intent technique.

“Perhaps the spell drawn later can improve some strength.” Long Chen joyfully said.

Gradually, Long Chen accidentally released the gods, wanting to know the things in the Flying Eagle Fort, suddenly, Long Chen frowned, and discovered some incredible things.

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