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Unrelentingly back…

Could it be that Long Chen is dead?

Everyone’s heart sank, even if it was Jian Shi 3, his complexion was completely blue.

The children of Hundred Smelting Sect were even more flustered, panicked inexplicably, and shouted: “It’s over, it’s over, now we are all going to die here!”

“Then why is Long Chen doing this? Why should we listen to him and stay in this array…”

Ao Cangqiong looked at Cave Mansion and smiled ruthlessly, saying solemnly: “Long Chen said that if you can keep a moment, he will be back in a few days!”

Will be back?

Several Hundred Smelting Sect disciples almost heard the biggest joke in the world, and shouted: “Come back? Will he come back to commit suicide even if he doesn’t die? How many days… 5 days? Ten days… Or wait until Tinder Secret Realm opens!”

“What can he do during these hours? Can he really beat the ruthlessness at this moment! Besides, I think he is already dead outside at this moment!”

These people seem to be a little crazy already, and their unrelenting fear makes them feel a little unstable.

剑十3 Keep silent, long sword clings to his chest behind his back, without saying a word.

Feng Qinghou was silent for a moment, but said solemnly: “Jie Ruoqing did not even show a trace of wounds on his body, and the time before and after it was too short. If Long Chen and Ye Hailan desperately tried to resist him, it would be so easy…”

“Long Chen and Ye Hailan are definitely not dead, there are only 3 possibilities at this time!”

“First, Long Chen escaped with Ye Hailan, and Jue Ruthless could not chase him down, but Jue Ruthless itself was Long Chen’s first goal. Even if Long Chen escaped, he should choose to continue to hunt down.”

“Second, Long Chen and Ye Hailan died, and they were killed with the force of relentless as easy as blowing off dust!”

“Third, Long Chen found a way to delay for a few days, and within a few days, as he said, he was able to find a ruthless solution…”

Feng Qinghou’s eyes loomed, and only relying on the words of Long Chen and the ruthless state at this moment to calculate these things, it is really rare.

Hong long long !

A violent The earth shook and the mountain quivered interrupted everyone’s thoughts, and saw Jue Jue’s shook with a knife, and the corners of his mouth were full of stern smiles.

“Long Chen is dead and Ye Hailan is also dead. How long can you hide? When I blast away the Array, each and everyone will torture you to death!” The absolutely ruthless voice came out like a demon.

The countless fire beasts on the mountain wall were also frightened, rushing from each and everyone within cave to Jue Ruthless.

Absolutely ruthless eyes full of blood and tyrannical color, continue to slaughter these Monster Beast.

Ao Cangqiong said solemnly: “Now you only have a dead end when you go out. Since I have promised Long Chen to stay here, as long as there is a fire, this battle will never stop!”

However, everyone’s minds sank to the bottom, and Jue Ruthless even personally said that Long Chen is dead…

the other side.

Under the Fire Crow Nether Cave, under the dazzling red light, a man and a woman hugged tightly, but under them was a piece of blood-colored spar. If you look closely, you can find that it is burning like a flame.

Ye Hailan’s clothes had disappeared at some point, and her almost perfect body was tightly attached to Long Chen’s chest.

And Long Chen’s hands are close to her perfect and without blemish waist, but these hands are drenched with blood…

Ye Hailan lifted her cheeks from Long Chen’s chest. When she saw what Long Chen looked like at the moment, she felt the impossible to bear trembled in her heart and bit her lower lip tightly.

At this moment, Long Chen’s body was covered with bone scars, and it was the countless Fire Crow scratches and bites. If he hadn’t been covered in scales, his injuries would have been even more terrifying.

Only now did she know why Long Chen hugged her tightly in his arms. This was to minimize the damage Fire Crow did to her.

But why should he treat himself this way?

Cough cough ……

Long Chen coughed abruptly, Ye Hailan’s expression was startled, and he quickly leaped up and left Long Chen’s chest. Only now did he find that he was completely naked, only a few burning rags.

Immediately after that, a spiritual light flashed in her hand, quickly took out a set of clothes and put it on.

“You didn’t get any injuries this time, but you are so beautiful this time…”

Ye Hailan just turned her head, but when she saw that Long Chen was looking at her directly, she whispered.

For a while, Ye Hailan’s entire Face is red like a soldering iron, but her voice was as cold as frost, extremely dissonant: “You, what did you see!”

Long Chen coughed twice but raised his head and couldn’t stop laughing. He didn’t seem to care about his injuries at all, because he knew that his injuries with Five Clawed Golden Dragon Bloodline would return to the same condition within three days.

even more how there is a whole Fire Element spirit vein under his feet at this moment!

“Did you know that there is such a place under this place? But there are so many Fire Crows above, we are basically impossible to climb out, and wait if we are trapped in this place…” Ye Hailan coldly snorted glared at Long Chen and moved The topic said.

“There is actually a spirit vein of Fire Attribute. If Five Great Sects learns that there is such a spirit vein here, I am afraid that everyone will be crazy, and even the manpower and material resources will make this place see the sky again.”

Long Chen nodded, naturally knows the temptation of this place’s spiritual vein for Five Great Sects.

On the other hand, as Ye Hailan said, if you want to climb from here to the ground ten thousand meters apart, it might have been cut into meat slices by Fire Crow. Unless the powerhouse of Hedao has a volley and void, you can only grow charge ahead. , Otherwise there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

But Long Chen didn’t care and motioned to Ye Hailan to help him up.

Seeing Ye Hailan walking reluctantly and holding him back, Long Chen unable to bear laughed again.

This scene in the previous life was not the case, but he was holding Ye Hailan, and that time he killed Unrelenting, and Ye Hailan’s injury was only fully recovered a month after returning to the sect…

“What the hell are you laughing at? There are bones all over here, I am afraid that the number of people who have strayed into and died here is not counted 100, do you know how to leave!

Listening to Ye Hailan’s questioning, Long Chen showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and put the clothes he took out on his body. Said solemnly: “It’s very simple. These Fire Crows are gathered here for 1000 to 10000 because of the Fire Attribute under your feet. spirit vein … If this spirit vein disappears completely, then there will be no more Fire Crow stop here.”

Ye Hailan hearing this gave Long Chen a fierce look, and tweeted: “It’s still up to you, Fire Crow is like fire, no one knows.”

“Originally, all Great Sects thought that there was a Land of Blazing Flame below this, and these fires were also formed by the power of countless fire sea lava, but no one thought that there should be a whole Fire Attribute spirit vein…”

“But if you want this huge spirit vein to disappear completely, how could it be possible for the two of me to do it? Even if there are 2 people digging every day and night, it may take months!”

However, Long Chen’s next words made her stupefied, “Why don’t you need 100 people, a few months… I can count on one day!”

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