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Yang Zhen had a bad sense of direction, so when he started on the road, Long Chen didn’t let him open the way, but led him to explain some things that must be noticed during the experience.

“Senior Brother Zhou, who told you this?”

Long Chen’s rich experience made Yang Zhen 10000 points to worship,

“There is no who told me this. It’s just that I brought you out this time. I told you in advance to prevent you from being in danger.” Long Chen shook the head.

“Senior Brother Zhou, you’re not cracking a joke, right? So many meticulous precautions are you comprehending?” If this is the case, then how much danger Long Chen has to go through during the experience, Yang Zhen just thought for a moment All feel a bit terrifying.

Long Chen glanced at Yang Zhen and felt that he hadn’t told him one important point, and this point was very important.

“Junior Brother Yang, whether it’s experience or cultivation in the sect, you must know that not everyone is so kind, telling others about the experience gained from the cultivation base for their lives, and never Putting your own business on others, if you have this kind of thought, it is extremely dangerous, and it will even kill you. One way of cultivation, you can only rely on yourself.”

Yang Zhen didn’t expect Long Chen to say such things, but when I thought about it, he was grateful for Long Chen.

“Yes, Yang Zhen was taught.”

Long Chen nodded, walked another section of the road and asked Yang Zhen to open the road ahead, and from time to time instructed him 2 times behind.

After entering the snow line in the Northern Frigid Region, everything you can see is silvery white. There are no minerals and no spiritual medicine. It is no wonder that most cultivators who go out to practice do not want to come here.

As he walked, Yang Zhen suddenly stopped, “Senior Brother Zhou, there is someone in front.”

Long Chen heard that he stepped forward to check and found that it was a team of dartists on horseback. Many of them were injured in shed blood. It seems that the Spiritual Pill-like supplies were not collected enough before departure.

He probed the breath of these people and found that they were all alive, so he asked Yang Zhen to leave medicine pills for them.

“Senior Brother Zhou, don’t you wait for them to wake up?”

Long Chen shook his head, “We are not the same with them, leaving medicine pill is enough.”

Yang Zhen frowned, always feeling that he couldn’t save him. “Senior Brother Zhou gave them the Spiritual Pill. The environment in this snowline is so bad, I’m afraid it will be difficult to survive a few people, or we still Help them?”

“.” Hearing Yang Zhen’s words, Long Chen always felt that he had brought out a replica of the jade purple lotus, he sighed,

“If it’s not that Puyunshan does not recruit male disciplines, your character is more suitable to stay there than to stay in Cloud Sect.”

Yang Zhen didn’t care about Long Chen’s ridicule, he just said with a smile, “Hey, there is kindness in the heart, it is no harm to yourself or the other. I think weapons are used to protect themselves, not to kill.”

Long Chen is a fast-moving person. Here, several cultivators that are about to fall to the ground have been re-righted and they have been fed with recovery medicine pill.

After a while, an older man woke up and saw Long Chen who was taking his pulse. He trembled and said, “Yes, this little friend saved me?”

Long Chen shook his head and pointed to Yang Zhen, “I’m just helping him.”

Seeing this, Yang Zhen waved his hand quickly, afraid that the old man didn’t understand what it meant, and shook the head, “It’s not me, it’s my Senior Brother.”

The old man didn’t care, just nodded, and thanked Long Chen and Yang Zhen one after another.

Long Chen is not outstanding in Qi Huang’s technique, so he just took a rough look at these cultivators to make sure they can survive.

“Okay, Fellow Daoist, your companion should be fine. Just wait to wake up. My Junior Brother and I still have things to go on, so we won’t accompany you much.”

The old man saw Long Chen leaving and hurriedly shouted, “Fellow Daoist wait a minute, Fellow Daoist! There is danger ahead.”

When Long Chen heard this, he raised his eyebrows and turned back, “Danger?”

The old man nodded, “I’m from the northern cold region, and I’m usually responsible for escorting the goods shipped to the southern spiritual region. This time someone asked us to go to the glacier in the snow line to find treasure. Didn’t expect unexpectedly triggered Who left behind the powerful array, the array is in the middle of the road, and a group of 34 people who entered finally escaped from us.”

“Dare to ask what kind of array is it?”

“That was an absolutely Killing Formation. At the time, we didn’t know what type of Array was. As a result, the reaction was a step slower. As a result, the Fellow Daoist on the periphery didn’t even have the opportunity to resist, and the unfathomable mystery was dead.”

Unfathomable mystery is dead? Long Chen frowned and continued to ask.

“The array is in front of this road?”

“Yes, that’s why I told you not to go there. When they wake up, I know there is another way. Although it is not easy to walk, it can bypass this array. I have to go to the spiritual palace and spiritual palace quickly when I look back. Seniors report this matter.”

Long Chen knew that the old man was also thinking about the two of them, so he agreed to stop first. He also had a chat with the old man about the array.

I don’t know, when understood some specific array attack patterns, Long Chen was shocked and his heart was a little turbulent.

If he is right, this array should be an array set up by a spiritualist, specifically for the cultivator’s spirituality. Long Chen feels that this array is not simple.

“Then how did you trigger this array?”

“There is a section of the road under the glacier. At that time, we entered into the glacier from an ice cave according to the map provided by the orderer. As a result, we didn’t expect a section of the road on the map and the northern cold. A section of the snow line of the domain just overlaps.”

Long Chen picked out some key points while listening.

“What then?”

“Later we carved out a cave from an ice wall under the glacier as shown on the map. We went in for a short time, and suddenly an ice formation was triggered. Now think about it, that ice formation is not lethal. Great, as long as we withdraw in time, we won’t end up in such a situation, and we have killed and injured so many people, and even the largest access road in the entire Northern Cold Region has been completely blocked.”

The old man was very regretful, “I don’t know if anyone is going to leave the Northern Cold Region now. If someone mistakenly installs this Killing Formation, then I made the killing!”

Long Chen remained silent after listening, he combed through the events before and after the incident, as well as the various possibilities in his mind.

If the ice and stone formation and the Killing Formation were produced by one person, it is very likely that the person who set up the formation did not intend to take the life of the person who struck the formation, because the ice and stone are in front and the lore is in the back. If it is a cultivator of killing firmness simply not There will be ice formations, as long as the Killing Formation is laid in the cave, no one can escape alive.

However, there is another possibility that at first the cultivator has installed the Killing Formation. As for the Ice and Stone Formation, the later cultivator added it. If it is the latter, it means that the Killing Formation can make it fall into a dormant state again. of.

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