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All around the person who walks the 9th worship service, watching Dao Child of the Yin clan kneeling on the ground is endless.

This person just planned to detain Long Chen directly, but now he kneels directly on the ground…

On the other side, Long Chen also seemed to have not seen him at all.

Ouyang Yun, who turned sideways to one side, said: “You and I are also predestined. This Pill Dao 3 has been fettered for such a long time. Although it is Calamity Tribulation, it is also good fortune.”

“There are 10000 things in the world, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, and cause and effect cycle.”

“Now you have a good retreat for pill concocting. You can try to refine the imperial medicine pill. There should be a 70% chance of becoming an imperial Pill Master.”

70% chance to step into the Imperial Alchemist!

Everyone who is all around has flushed faces. Yesterday, Long Chen’s jade slip made Kong 3 get 2 grades in a row.

Today, Ouyang Yun’s weird illness has been solved, and he can become an emperor Alchemist…

Ouyang Yun hearing this seemed to be in a good mood, and said: “If you all want to become emperors by this method, don’t you hurry up to ask Danzun…”

People all around waved their hands again and again, thinking of the scene Ouyang Yun’s chest before, and felt his scalp tingling.

Secretly thought, it makes sense for him to become an emperor Alchemist.

Ouyang Yun said that with a flash of his hand, a green iron talisman appeared, on which the carved sword pattern seemed very old.

“I went to the center of the wasteland and found it in the divine corpse by chance. It contains a very strange sword…”

“Dan Zun certainly doesn’t care about such a vulgar thing as sword moves, but your follower is a swordsman, and this thing is given to him.”

Ouyang Yun is 7 orifices exquisite, knowing that Long Chen definitely doesn’t need anything from him, so he gave it to Jianshi 3 directly.

Jianshi 3 did not stretch out his hand, but looked towards Long Chen.

See Long Chen slightly nodded, he just accepted this thing…

“Okay, go back to retreat quickly.” Long Chen waved his hand freely.

Ouyang Yun bowed again, then turned and left, as if it had several points of expectation.

However, at this moment, the 9-yin clan Zhukang is complexion ashen, because he is still kneeling on the ground.

Long Chen divine sense flew out, covering this person.

After a moment of silence, he said faintly, and said to this person: “You have been taking that Xunli refined medicine pill for 2 years. You have already stepped into the gates of hell with half of your foot. Maybe you still don’t know it?”

Zhukang’s body couldn’t stop trembling, and he hurriedly said: “Dan Zun save me, Dan Zun save me…”

“I discovered that all the blood was turned into black a year ago, but now I want to come to realize that a disaster is imminent!”

Zhu Kang felt bitter in his heart, but it was not his carelessness.

There are many bloodline mutations in the Yin clan, and the blood turns into black.

How would he think it was caused by taking Guiyin Pill.

Long Chen looked at Zhu Kang, who was still kneeling on the ground, with a playful smile across his mouth, indifferently said: “I am here to find a discipline…”

“It seems that the young people of your clan are going to hold an engagement banquet today. My old man intends to take a look, I don’t know if I can?

Zhu Kang was nodded again and again, and at this moment his life was in Long Chen’s hands. There was no reason to refuse.

even more how this is still a god Alchemist.

At this moment, Long Chen doesn’t seem to have any cultivation base.

But even if you can’t pill concocting, the knowledge and understanding of Pill Dao of a god-ranked Alchemist is definitely enough to win a 3-star Ancient Race.

Seeing that Zhu Kang and Long Chen were leaving, everyone looked disappointed.

Two of them even plucked up the courage and shouted: “Dan Zun, it is still early for the 2 Yin Ancient Race engagement banquet at this time. Can you give me some pointers?”

Long Chen paused slightly, and saw that the two of them were also some Alchemist Guild people behind Ouyang Yun, and they were slightly nodded.

Then he said: “Then you two will start pill concocting, it is best to refine the highest-level medicine pill that can be mastered at the moment.”

2 People looked overjoyed, but they didn’t expect Long Chen to stop, and quickly took out the Dan Ding for pill concocting.

all around Many Pill Masters are full of envy and jealousy.

But many people thought of the many ridicules to Long Chen before, so they didn’t dare to speak, besides, there was not much time at this moment.

Two people pill concocting at the same time, and the entire square has already surrounded Long Chen and the others on the 2rd floor and the 3rd floor.

An hour later, two medicine pills were released.

Both are King Rank Grade 5 Medicine Pill.

Long Chen looked towards 2 people, and said: “You 2 people step into the king to understand that the rules are both the Earth Element rules, and the methods of refining medicine pill and medicine pill attribute are incompatible.”

“The two of you try to refine the attributes to soften the medicine pill. Don’t use the earth fire as the main pill fire. Use wood fire.”

“Dao of Five Elements is the foundation of pill concocting. The higher the Pill Dao cultivation base, the more attention should be paid to it. But now you wait for the pill concocting to be the opposite… alas.”

That’s all for this.

Long Chen turned and looked towards and walked outside the city.

Zhu Kang took a group of black-armored soldiers to follow closely from behind. Seeing that someone was going to come forward and ask questions, his expression immediately became gloomy.

The people all around left in anguish.

Zhu Kang respectfully took Long Chen and Jian Shi 3 back to the 9 Yin clan.

At the moment, the 9-yin clan is very lively, and the divine light above the big mountains in the clan is like a bridge over the mountains.

There are also 7-color birds crowing constantly…

The engagement feast is a grand event of 9 Yin Ancient Race.

Many Ancient Races will come, but their Bloodline Strength must be approved by the 9 Yin Ancient Race, so as to guarantee the Bloodline level.

In fact, in order to ensure the purity of Bloodline, many people of 9 Yin Ancient Race intermarried.

Once the marriage is set at the engagement banquet, the marriage will be completed 1 month later.

Long Chen and Jian Shi 3 under the leadership of Zhu Kang walked along the mountain road towards the highest peak in the center…

Above the mountain breeze, the crowd was crowded.

There are many handsome men and beautiful women, and most of them have the late stage of Hedao, and even the early-Stage cultivation base of the king.

Such a view is enough to see the bottom line of 9 Yin Ancient Race.

And Long Chen’s eyes were immediately attracted by the woman standing on the high platform at the center of the mountain top platform.

This person is really Qing Xuan!

Just as Long Chen was intently, a sharp shout came from behind him.

“Zhukang, what are you doing, why did you bring in outsiders in today’s big banquet… Old Guy will look at Qing Xuan again, I will take your eyes!”

The person who pronounces it is stern and inexplicable, and his speech is inexplicable.

When the words fell, he directly raised his sword to Long Chen…


Long Chen stood still and didn’t even turn his head. The Broken Sword of Sword Ten 3 had already greeted him.

Sword Ten 3 groaned, he couldn’t help but step back a few steps, Long Chen’s right hand blocked him slightly without showing a trace.

“Is this the way of hospitality of the 9 Yin family? The old man has seen it today…” Long Chen coldly said with a smile.

That Zhukang’s face changed drastically, and he quickly stopped the man who had drawn the sword.

“Yin Zhong, don’t be impulsive, do you know who is this senior in front of you?” Zhu Kang said quickly.

Long Chen hearing this slowly turned his head. When he saw Zhu Yin Zhongzhi, he couldn’t help but sneer in his heart.

This person is still as unthinkable as when they first met, but the cultivation base is much higher than that.

But Long Chen can see clearly under divine sense.

His inside of Dantian’s brand of half-round crescent moon has taken root in his entire dantian, and even connected with his Divine Soul!

And this is probably the instigator of his cultivation base so profound.

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