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The 3 of you come with me!

This sentence almost choked everyone to death.

These are three Danzuns, you really regard yourself as a green onion!

People who all around are unable to bear spit out……

The three Danzun’s expressions also sank suddenly, and said, “Why do you have to pretend, your Excellency, I must have some misunderstanding about this matter, you and I just talk 3 sentences and go back for business.”

Long Chen shook the head, and people who saw all around gathered more and more, so it was not a problem to go first.

The divine sense immediately enveloped the three of them. After a while, Xiang took the lead and said: “Just now you said that the three of you have just left the customs, I don’t think it is necessarily…you have already left the customs yesterday.”

3 people browse tightly knit, staring at Long Chen, not knowing what he wants to say.

“You exchanged medicine pill after it was closed yesterday, and you continued to take it.”

“The Qingshui Ziyu Dan you refined, what you refined…”

Long Chen said word by word, the time when three people refined medicine pill and took medicine pill, and even said clearly the medicine pill.

Three people petrified the scene instantly, and one of them even silently asked, “How do you know so much?”

The people all around saw Dan Zun reacting like this, and they were shocked by Long Chen.

The scene of Long Chen was really too hot, and looked towards 3 people and said: “You refined medicine pill yesterday. There are still flaws in it. I can take it further.”

“But talking here is too inconvenient.”

Through the powerful divine sense and Pill Dao inheritance, Long Chen can clearly analyze the odors and residues on the body of a few people to figure out how many people refine medicine pill.

In particular, the properties of the medicines taken by a few people at the moment did not completely evaporate at all. After the few people swallowed and vomited, he almost determined the properties and names of the medicine pill.

In fact, if you pay attention to it, you can even guess the geometry of the spiritual medicine…

3 People looked at each other, thinking that they were originally ordered, and now it is the best if Long Chen can really help them.

If they can’t, they’d better go back for business as soon as they wanted to. The three of them immediately agreed and said directly to Long Chen: “Then your Excellency, why don’t you accompany me to the first Danding Giant Mountain to have a look. It’s more suitable for discussing Pill Dao. .”

Long Chen nodded, followed the three people and walked outside.

Proud Cangqiang and the others follow closely from behind, but when they reached the bottom of the first Pill Ding Giant Mountain, everyone was stopped.

It turns out that only the people of Alchemist Guild can enter the Earth Pill Ding. Ao Cangqiong, Ye Hailan, and Qing Xuan 3 were stopped outside, and many people from all ethnic groups who watched the excitement were also helplessly blocked outside.

On the contrary, many of the younger generation children of the Alchemist Guild that Liu Yiyi and her walked with followed everyone behind and set foot on the Dingshan Mountain.

Walking all the way to Dingshan, when Dingshan passed 2/3, countless square platforms less than 100 meters in vertical and horizontal appeared all around, and all around was still one after another towering tree.

Therefore, from the outside world, no one can see these squares inside.

Many Pills stand on the square platform, and someone is refining medicine pill…

The three Danzuns arrived, followed by many younger generation disciples, which still attracted the attention of many people, and they wanted to salute the three.

The last 3 Danzun took Long Chen and the others and stopped on a larger platform.

Several people beside Liu Yiyi, unable to bear asked: “Yiyi, this person really is your Master? Is his pill concocting really so powerful, can he teach Danzun and his like?”

Liu Yiyi looked at Long Chen with pride, and said excitedly: “Master is the most powerful in Yiyi’s heart. He refining medicine pill is the most perfect one Yiyi has ever seen!”

Everyone hearing this looked towards Long Chen and the 3 Danzun with excitement.

The three Danzun frowned and looked at Long Chen, but didn’t care about Liu Yiyi and the others.

Long Chen took the lead and said: “This is a deal between me and Alchemist Guild President. The three of you are the ones I want to teach. If you have any questions, you can ask.”

be that as it may.

However, the three of them seemed unwilling to ask upwards, solemnly replied: “The president, his Senior, manages 3 machines per day, and I’m afraid he won’t see us again for this…”

Long Chen sighed.

I heard several people say that if he thinks right, Alchemist Guild should have a president on the surface, and Yun Family, where Yun Meier, who met him yesterday, is the real manipulator of Alchemist Guild.

Compared with this Yun Family, Alchemist Guild is their money-making hall that’s all.

“You don’t have to be like this. I may be inferior to you in terms of pill concocting, but it is enough to guide you to refine medicine pill of higher quality.” Long Chen said.

The three Danzun shook their heads and laughed, no matter where they are true or false.

Since it is determined that Long Chen is the person mentioned above, they can only be ordered to learn Alchemy Technique.

But the three of them seemed a little absent-minded.

As Long Chen said.

They are Dan Zun, and Long Chen’s pill concocting cultivation base is not even as good as them.

They naturally don’t hold any hope that they can learn from Long Chen.

Long Chen didn’t get angry when he saw the attitude of the 3 people. After all, the 3 people were Dan Zun, a little arrogant and natural, just handing them the method of refining the veins.

Of course, Long Chen impossible to give them all…

“What kind of medicine pill are the three of you best at refining, each of you refining three types in front of me.” Long Chen ordered the three.

The 3 people looked at Long Chen’s nonchalant appearance and didn’t get angry. When did they become Dan Zun when they were ordered like this.

“Okay, you guys don’t have any ink stains. Hurry up and get a day with this person. Tomorrow will be Pill Pagoda report, forget it, and it’s a cutscene.”

“Practice hands, the words that this person just guessed has several points of strangeness, we just open the eyes of these juniors today.”


The three people also compromised, and they called out giant cauldron to start pill concocting.

3 People are worthy of being the honorable name Alchemist, and one after another, one after another, a virtual fire is born out of thin air, and a strain of spiritual medicine is dancing at the fingertips…

All around Liu Yiyi and the others are even more excited to watch. It is a rare opportunity to watch 3 Danzun and his like at the same time at the same time.

However, after dozens of breaths, Long Chen’s brows wrinkled deeper and deeper. In the end, he was coldly snorted and shouted to three people: “Stop!”

“What are you doing? Don’t you understand what I said… I want you to each refine 3 kinds of your best medicine pill!”

All around the children who watched startedled, and no one thought that Long Chen would dare to stop the three Danzun pill concocting.

The expressions of the three Danzun also became cold for a while.

Long Chen directly ignored their faces, saying solemnly: “If you have this attitude, you can go directly to the chairman and tell him that I can’t pay you.”

“Otherwise, don’t waste my time here. I will refine the 3 best medicine pill by one person. I will teach you how to improve the quality of medicine pill.”

One of the Danzun sneered, icily said: “I’m afraid I will wait to refine the medicine pill, you have never seen it before, ignorant child!”

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