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The old patriarch of Haoyue was full of sneers. Although he had been guarding the forbidden passage here, he had also heard the news that Long Chen not at all died in the Nether Land.

But he never thought that Long Chen would come again, and actively asked to enter the Haoyue Ancient Race forbidden area…

More than him, many people all around showed incomprehension.

With the tension between Long Chen and Haoyue Ancient Race at this moment, he was asking for trouble in entering the Haoyue Ancient Race forbidden area.

Long Chen was indifferent to everyone’s gaze, then turned around and said to Ye Hailan: “The last time you went to the Yesha clan, there was an accident, this time you go again.”

“Although you have reached the Human Sovereign cultivation base, there is still what you need here…”

Ye Hailan didn’t say a word, and after a short hesitation, he took the token from Long Chen.

As for Ao Cangqiong and Qing Xuan, he directly sent 2 divine senses and made some instructions.

After doing this, Long Chen walked straight to the entrance of Haoyue Ancient Race forbidden area.

Ao Cangqiong browses slightly wrinkle, said solemnly: “You be careful, 10000 once again this clan violates the covenant…”

Before his voice fell, there was a person who appeared in front of everyone like a phantom not far away. He was the Great Elder of the Fengjian clan.

This Great Elder directly interrupted Ao Cangqiong’s words, and took a deep look at the Fengjian clan. Said solemnly: “Today, the Fengjian clan wants to see who dares to violate the covenant against the younger generation!”

“And I Alchemist Guild!”

“And my dark star organization!”


In a blink of an eye, many of the great Ancient Race Human Sovereigns in the forbidden passage Array gathered.

Haoyue Ancient Race and many Ancient Races are sucked in a breath of cold air. I never thought that Long Chen would come today to have so many Ancient Race support.

And among them, the Alchemist Guild, the Dark Star Organization, and the Fengjian clan are all Peak forces in the wasteland.

I am afraid that other major 2 star and 3 star Ancient Race came out because of the Three Great Influences.

Ao Cangqiong couldn’t help but be stunned when he saw this scene, especially since there was even a high-level Dark Star organization coming forward, which made him somewhat unexpected.

But seeing this, he felt a little relieved.

As long as there are no people from the older generation, with Long Chen’s strength, the younger generation is rare.

Seeing Long Chen stepping into the forbidden area of ​​Haoyue Ancient Race, Elder Huang of Haoyue Ancient Race had to be coldly snorted.


On the other hand, within Haoyue Ancient Race.

Immediately after Long Chen stepped into the forbidden area, Haoyue Ancient Race got the news from the Chuanfu.

On the great hall, instead of a trace of worry, all the people on their faces showed sneers.

The headed Haoyue Ancient Race patriarch was even more solemnly ordered: “Remove all the members of the race from the forbidden area, and then open all the arrays in the forbidden area, raising the difficulty to the highest level!”

As the voice of Haoyue Ancient Race patriarch fell, an Elder immediately responded, but when he left, he turned his head and asked: “Are all the 9 rounds of the new moon level open? If the Moon God Essence was taken away by other people, it would be difficult… …”

“It’s all turned on. He is impossible to get the essence of the Moon God. Even if he passes all the cards, there is still only a dead end.”

“However, if he died under the power of the forbidden area, it would save a few people from the cold, and when the divine corpse realm was opened, their effect would be even greater.”

Hearing Haoyue Ancient Race patriarch’s words, the man walked out of the hall without hesitation.

The sacrificial Elder coughed twice and said: “Didn’t expect this child to really dare to enter our forbidden land, but he can make the Alchemist Guild, the Fengjian Clan and the Dark Star Organization come forward at the same time, which is not simple… …”

The voice of the sacrifice to Elder fell, and a hair grey-white old man beside him was silent for a moment, but he has several points of worriedly said: “This person has also been implicated with Huang Golden Lion Clan before. This person has some connections, will he join hands with me Haoyue Ancient Race?”

When his words fell, the priest Elder sneered uncharacteristically, and even Haoyue Ancient Race patriarch, who had always been stable, shook his head.

Sacrifice to Elder solemnly replied: “My clan has been standing in the Haoyue Ancient Race for a long time. I haven’t seen any winds and waves, but it still survives as a supremacy. It’s not without reason.”

“Even if a few Great Family even hands, none of them dare to really attack my Haoyue Ancient Race…”

The words of the sacrifice to Elder revealed strong confidence.

The old man who made this statement seemed to feel that there was something wrong with it, so he stopped saying more, and just said indifferently: “I was worrying too much…”

Not much time.

Elder just left and returned to the great hall. Said solemnly: “The difficulty in the forbidden area has been raised to the highest level, but there are still many children and Dao Child who have entered our clan who have not left yet.”

“I believe that after getting the order, they can all return within one hour.”

As the person said, the right hand drew a huge elliptical ripple in the air, and within the ripple was the scene in the forbidden area of ​​Haoyue Ancient Race.

At this moment, Long Chen has just stepped into the forbidden area…

The Haoyue Ancient Race is no different from the forbidden area. At that time, there were 9 crescent moons above the sky, and the entire space was shrouded in moonlight.

The whole earth is cold and white, which makes people born out of thin air a little scared witless.

On the 5th round of the new moon, there is a 9 ray of milky white beam of light, which is straight with all directions.

Seeing such a scene, it made Long Chen think of the 9 Bingshan Mountain in the Northern Domain.

It’s just that the 9 light beam channels here are not just connection channels, but 9 levels.

As far as Long Chen could see, at least three of the beams of light were already passing through the barrier.

The divine sense spreads, all directions There are also many children of various races fighting against many Monster Beasts on the land.

“The Monster Beast and Array above the ground here are of average strength. They should be aimed at ordinary Dao Child, and the place I’m looking for should be in the 9 rounds of new moon.”

Long Chen came to the Haoyue Ancient Race forbidden area this time, and naturally knew that this trip was difficult.

But he must come in this line.

Because if you want to completely destroy the Haoyue Ancient Race clan, then you must destroy the secret passage of this clan connecting the universe.

Otherwise, no one would dare to touch Haoyue Ancient Race at all.

Long Chen flew out, but before he reached the place where the straight Heavenspan crescent channel was connected, Long Chen’s footsteps stopped.

Because he found that Haoyue Ancient Race child was rushing towards the entrance of the forbidden area.

“It’s just that you are the children of Haoyue Ancient Race…” Following Long Chen loudly shouted, he rushed out instantly.

A Haoyue Ancient Race Dao Child who had just competed with another Ancient Race child for victory only felt a sudden cold in his abdomen. He was originally prepared for the Hui nationality, but he felt that his energy was exhausted.

After a short daze, he discovered that his dantian had been smashed into pieces by someone, and he was completely a waste.

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