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After a brief surprise, Long Chen took the Holy Blood Spirit Milk into his bag, and then jumped out of the blood pool.

The people all around looked at each other in blank dismay, staring at Long Chen suspiciously, wondering what he did to make the land of the blood pond so violent.

Long Chen coldly shouted: “I saw Zhao Qi appear just now!”

Zhao Qi?

Many people don’t even know this name, only some people in the golden body of the cultivation guard each and everyone have a puzzled face.

Seeing that Zhao Qi disappeared out of thin air, Long Chen complexion is gloomy down.

This person knows the realm of divine corpse very well, and possesses a divine sense similar to his, which is extremely dangerous, enough to kill invisible.

Long Chen’s own divine sense was bound by the Dragon Palace, but Zhao Qi didn’t have it, otherwise he would be impossible to kill so many Monster Beasts in a short time.

After a while, Long Chen shook the head.

Zhao Qi had never heard of this in his previous life, but in this life he has risen up because he recruited children from the Cang clan, and even cultivated the golden body of the god guard.

There have been many changes gradually in this life due to repeated cause and effect.

Whether it is the arrival time of the people of the heavens or the postponement of the battle of the desolation, they have an inseparable relationship with Long Chen.

And the many changes that these will cause are beyond Long Chen’s imagination…

Just as he saved the family in this life, but Transcendent Ruler captured his mother to control him.

People who see all around are very puzzled, Long Chen said: “Continue to cultivation, I will protect you.”

Long Chen’s actions made everyone more puzzled, and I don’t know why he was suddenly so cautious.

But compared to these, the temptation of the blood pool is even greater, and many people have returned to the blood inside the pool again.

Long Chen sat cross-legged on the spot, frowning all the time.

Seeing this, Qing Xuan gave up cultivation and walked to Long Chen’s side, leaning on his shoulder, and whispered, “Why is Young Master so worried?”

Ao Cangqiong and Jianshi 3 and the others also saw that they only have Human Sovereign cultivation base, they can only cultivation outside the blood pool, and can only feel a little sacred power that’s all, and the effect is not obvious.

Seeing everyone doing this, Long Chen solemnly said: “Wherever you go, try to go with other people as much as possible, and remember to leave alone.”

“Someone here can divine sense to instantly kill the semi-holy, even the holy realm…”


Everyone each and everyone’s eyes shrank, only to feel chilly.

The people present were also smart people, and they soon thought of the willingness of the Monster Beast of Gold to die on a large scale.

Long Chen knew that at this moment, it was the safest way to let Jian Fantian and the holy realm of his clan take everyone not to go further, and to wait in place for the day to leave.

But he knew that under the temptation of divine corpse, no one would agree.


Just as Long Chen frowned and meditated, the blood inside the pool 2 sacred power turned into a long sword and rushed out of the water.

Then two old man volleyed up.

There are actually two semi-holy people who stepped into the holy realm together…

“I have been in Semi-Holy for 70 years, but didn’t expect to set foot in the Holy Realm today!” The two of them flushed and trembled with excitement.

Jian Fantian couldn’t help being flushed when he saw this scene. His clan had two holy realms in one day, which was a huge improvement for his clan.

Among the 4 big one-star Ancient Races, even if Haoyue Ancient Race and 9 Yang Ancient Race are combined, the powerhouse of the Holy Land has no more than 100 people that’s all.

The ancient race powerhouses have been continuously cultivated over the years. The entire ancient race is so big, but there are only so many holy realms that’s all.

Long Chen is also slightly nodded. Although the blood pool here is out of the ordinary, the fact that these two people can step into the Holy Land in a short time also shows that their aptitude is good.

Jian Fantian was the first to express his gratitude to Long Chen, and the two powerhouses in the Holy Land also followed closely from behind.

Long Chen walked to Jian Fantian’s side and solemnly said: “Once the divine corpse realm opening time is over, it will be teleported out no matter where it is. I want all of your clan and my clan to stay here.”

“You and I continue to explore in depth with the semi-holy and holy powerhouse, what do you think?”

Long Chen has obtained the Holy Blood Spirit Milk at this moment. This divine corpse is incomparably magical, and it is transformed by the flesh of the so-called Celestial Clan. He also has a lot of meaning in his heart.

However, the existence of Zhao Qi has made this time within the divine corpse a little more variable, and continuing to deepen under Half-Holy will only ease the trouble.

Jian Brahma hesitated for a moment and nodded, after all, most of the semi-holy and holy powerhouses belonged to the Fengjian family.

In the end, the two people discussed, leaving part of the powerhouse and half-holy in the sanctuary to stay in the blood pool, and directly closed the portal here, taking away all the golden Monster Beast eyes on it.

Long Chen alone left without letting anyone follow, including Ao Cangqiang and the others.

Nearly 3, the lowest of ten people is also a semi-holy state.

Jian Fantian said to Long Chen: “I don’t know if Haoyue Ancient Race and the others passed through the land ahead…”

Long Chen hearing this light said with a smile: “They haven’t come to us for so long and the trouble is naturally over, but compared to paying a great price…”

With a word of two people, they soon reached the end of Great Dao, before the countless passages.

Everyone is unable to bear slightly frowned.

I saw that the middle corridor was full of broken arms and stumps, and the blood-reeking qi was very pungent.

However, there are many moth corpses scattered all around.

As Long Chen said, Haoyue Ancient Race and various ancient races became pioneers…

Following the two corridors in the middle, everyone still did not relax their vigilance.

Along the way, everyone felt that Long Chen’s previous choice was correct.

At least 2 people died within these two corridors.

Seeing a bright light slowly appeared, everyone slowed down.

Soon we reached the end of the tunnel.

At the end of the tunnel, the sound of fighting rushed into the ears of Long Chen and the others.

Standing at the end of the tunnel and looking out.

This place turned out to be an ice field, cold like a knife.

On the endless ice field.

In front of them, Haoyue Ancient Race and Xuanyuan Clan and the others were actually fighting each other.

The various races of the original alliance are facing each other.

It’s just the appearance of their fighting that made everyone have one’s hair stand on end. These Human Sovereign and even the powerhouse of the Holy Land were all killed with bare hands, even the weapons were not used.

Each and everyone is not like a martial artist at all, but like a group of street fighters relying on their own strength to fight to death and death!

This scene made everyone’s scalp numb, and saw one life after another being torn to pieces by several people…

Although these people didn’t use the means, the Strength of Fleshly Body was also terrifying.

Everyone’s eyes were full of blood, as if they had lost their minds.

Long Chen couldn’t help but frown and Jian Fantian at the same time instructed those behind him not to walk out of the tunnel without authorization.

While the two people were investigating, Jian Fantian’s body trembled suddenly, stepped back abruptly, and cried out: “Hurry…look under the ice sheet, what is that!”

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