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The abolished sacred realm of Purple Mountain and the 3 Nether Soul clan turned into 3 celebrity giant beasts, which no one can think of.

Not only that.

The battle strength of their three people has returned to the holy realm, and the breath it radiates is also profound mystery.

The old man named Jing Chu of the Nether Soul clan had his face drooped all over Old Zhang.

He stared at the 3 Jing Purple Mountain, icily said: “You actually burned the Life Source through the Array with your own Bloodline as a sacrifice, and even incorporated a certain brand of Haoyue Ancient Race…”

“Er wait for self-decision, I can still treat you as a member of my Bauhinia Nether Soul clan!”

Hearing what Jing Chu said, everyone in the Nether Soul clan looked angry.

The other sacred realms also understand why Jing Purple Mountain and the others look like this.

The 3 people were willing to be used by Haoyue Ancient Race and used a special sacrifice technique to obtain such a cultivation base.

And their goal seems to be to avenge Long Chen!

Haoyue Ancient Race powerhouse sneered, icily said: “The Nether Soul Bloodline of Purple Mountain is not weak, otherwise this sacrifice technique would not have this formidable power…”

“But their three people only have one hour’s life. Let’s get revenge now!”

Dozens of sacred powerhouses of various races saw Haoyue Ancient Race preparing to escape, and immediately rushed out to destroy them all here.

But it was forcibly held back by the 3 people from Purple Mountain.

Everyone each and everyone was shocked, secretly thought that the power gained by the Purple Mountain 3 people was very strange, obviously only the power of the late stage of the holy realm, but forcibly all their holy power was corroded.

A few short breaths gave Haoyue Ancient Race a chance to escape.

Haoyue Ancient Race Holy Land powerhouse led the clansmen to retreat quickly, no longer willing to fight.

When I left, I saw one after another array mark falling quickly towards everyone, leaving Long Chen and Jing Purple Mountain alone.

After doing all this, the people of Haoyue Ancient Race had no intention to look back.

Haoyue Ancient Race, which was able to kill as many as possible, also escaped because of Jing Purple Mountain and the others…

Of course, only the Holy Realm and Semi-Holy escaped, and many other Human Sovereigns have been killed and injured in the hands of various races.

Purple Mountain is like a pile of countless white stones, like a huge ape.

He stared at Long Chen with blood red eyes and said: “I want to drag you to hell!”

When the sound fell, there was a natural phenomenon behind the three people all their lives, and a round of bloody moon appeared.

Within Haoyue, there seemed to be a Nether Soul all over the bauhinia bound inside.

Long Chen didn’t have the slightest pity in his heart when watching the three people end up as human yet not human, ghost yet not a ghost.

Jing Purple Mountain This person is too narrow-minded to oppose Long Chen. If it weren’t for Jing Tianming’s love, Long Chen would have killed him.

But he didn’t expect that he spared Jing Purple Mountain’s life, but he wanted revenge in this way.

Long Chen coldly snorted, shook his head and said: “Just this kind of power wants to kill me, you look at yourself too highly…”

Although the 3-person cultivation base is close to the Holy Land 8-Layer, its life is already at stake.

Seeing 3 people attacking, Long Chen didn’t at all immediately attacked but kept defending.

The powerhouses of all races were trapped by the Array of Nights for a while, and several of them shouted to Long Chen: “Their three people’s holy powers are very strange. After only one hour, they will only die! “

As everyone said, Long Chen also immediately felt the strangeness of these three attacks.

The sacred powers of the 3 people seem to have extremely powerful corrosive abilities at any time, and even Long Chen’s Long Yuan seems to be suppressed.

The three people headed by Jing Purple Mountain sneered, and everyone seemed to be in a state of madness.

However, as time passed by, Long Chen did not have the slightest intention of defeat, but was able to do so.

All around the Holy Land powerhouse has also begun to break through the night Array, and the Human Sovereign powerhouse outside the night has also begun to enter it.

All around Saint Realm through the Array, saw that Long Chen was so calm in the face of the attacks of 3 people, and I couldn’t help but be shocked.

Just now, the three of them relied on the weird holy power to hold them all for a short time, and now the three opponents, Long Chen, did not lose the wind at all.

Everyone was relieved, and as long as it went on like this, it didn’t take a quarter of an hour and 3 people changed back to their deaths because of this sacrifice method.

The three of Jing Purple Mountain seemed to become more and more crazy, but Long Chen’s long sword suddenly flicked for some reason, and he easily killed one of them.

“This, how is this possible… You are just a semi-saint that’s all, why can you resist the three of us!”

Then the second person died beside Jing Purple Mountain, leaving him cold all over.

He originally thought that with the power of sacrifice, he could hold Long Chen as a backstop, but now Long Chen easily killed two people.

Such a terrifying attack made him unable to understand.

Their three people realm has even reached the late stage of the holy realm, and Long Chen is just half holy!

all around the powerhouse of the Holy Land each and everyone has already broken through the night Array, and can’t help being stunned when seeing this scene.

No one thought that Long Chen would give up the method of delay and kill 2 people in a blink of an eye.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, originally intended to rescue Long Chen by breaking the Array, but now it seems that Long Chen does not need them…

Long Chen saw that the 3 great beasts and the others had already arrived behind him.

He stared at the stone mountain-like body of Jing Purple Mountain, indifferently said: “The method of sacrifice, no wonder Haoyue Ancient Race is not used by anyone, but let the three of you at the cost of your lives…”

Long Chen’s voice fell, Jing Purple Mountain deng deng stepped back.

No wonder Long Chen can easily kill 2 people, and Purple Mountain knows their weaknesses.

Their cultivation base is like duckweed and empty bamboo.

“With a cultivation base, but the Yuehua who was forcibly injected with toxins, the inside of Dantian still has nothing, even the 5 sense of consciousness began to disappear…”

The moment Long Chen’s voice fell, his figure suddenly disappeared, and his long sword shot again.

This sword was unremarkable, without a trace of sacred power, and immediately beheaded Jing Purple Mountain.

Jing Purple Mountain was unwilling, still staring at Long Chen bitterly before he died.

Everyone sighed, and the powerhouses of the holy realm of all races also had a little more awe in their hearts.

Breaking through the night, seeing the weakness of the Purple Mountain 3 people, they all shocked everyone.

“This attack on Haoyue Ancient Race has Mr. Long Chen waiting for me, no worries, this battle will win!”

“Next, I will wait for the horse head of the Yicang race!”

“With Long Chen, I will still like a hot knife through butter in the future!”


After this battle, people of all races seemed to have more confidence in Long Chen.

Long Chen was not like that. Instead, there was a ray of worry between his eyebrows. The next path was just like this sacrifice technique, and he had no clear understanding of the plan.

Everything can only be seen one step at a time.

Haoyue Ancient Race is a branch of the Celestial Clan, and the next battle is the most critical one.

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