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The complexion pale as paper, and there are 1000 sores and 100 holes on the fleshy body.

He stared blankly at the proud sky with Divine Soul in front of him, without saying a word…

The relationship between Ao Cangqiong and his father was not good again, and he never even wanted to have too much intersection with the Dark Star Organization.

But now it is each and everyone the Dark Star Assassin is protecting him with his life.

Xiu xiu xiu!

Long Chen swept across the sky and rushed straight to Ao Changkong, blocking the front of more than ten Yuan Immortal Realm.

There are more than 100 holy realms behind these Immortal Realm powerhouses!

The appearance of Long Chen suddenly made everyone present suddenly shrink, especially the more than ten Yuan Immortal Realm in front of Ao Changkong.

“You are Long Chen, right?” Three of them slowly stood up and stared at him icily and said, “A few days ago, Haoyue Ancient Race, chasing and killing your 3rd Immortal Realm, why did you die?”

“Why died?” Long Chen said with a cold voice, his eyes narrowed slightly: “Because they are courting death just like you!”

When Long Chen’s voice fell, the Qi Family brothers and the three great beast battle spirits had already taken action.

As soon as the Qi Family brothers took action, these more than a dozen Yuan Immortal Realm’s complexions changed drastically, and each and everyone retreated wildly.

“It’s the Immortal Realm powerhouse, no wonder Haoyue Ancient Race 23 people were wiped out!” The leader was shocked, and he didn’t expect the Immortal Realm to exist in this barren land.

However, since the Tianyu Haoyue Clan has more than 20 Yuan Immortal Realm violent death, they are naturally prepared.

The two leading Immortal Realm are surrounded by amazing immortal strength brilliance, and the cultivation base is all in the Immortal Realm Middle-Stage, and there is some defensive magical artifact.

After a short fight, the two fleeed wildly before they chose to choose Tearing Space.


Facing the Qi Family brothers, they didn’t have the heart to fight.

However, as they retreated, Long Chen actually held a sword to stop them.

A Holy Realm Middle-Stage dared to stop more than a dozen Yuan Immortal Realm and a few 100 Holy Realms. This scene made everyone on the scene feel nervous.

However, at this moment, Long Chen’s whole body was shot like a tide one after another Saint Origin Force, and his mouth was cold and cold: “Since it’s here, don’t you leave anything?”

“Void Sword Technique, the third sword!”

Following Long Chen loudly shouted, his whole body of Saint Origin Force seemed to be emptied in an instant, and an Invisible Sword slashed out.

Pu chi!

The place where Invisible Sword had passed was clearly the powerhouse of the Holy Realm. The fleshy body broke and violent death within a short time, and the leading Immortal Realm were also forced to retreat dozens of steps.

Everyone stared at this scene in horror. Long Chen was clearly just a holy middle-stage, but this sword was really terrifying.

Under the Yuan Immortal Realm, no one is the enemy of this sword!

The Qi Family brothers also shrank their eyes, but the black and white twins in their hands did not stop their attacks, and immediately killed the 4 Immortal Realm!

“Damn it, kill me!”

The two leading Yuan Immortal Realm seemed to be completely irritated by Long Chen. As Yuan Immortal Realm, they were actually forced to retreat by a holy realm Middle-Stage. This was a complete insult to them.

The 2 Immortal Realm headed by 3 people beheaded to Long Chen in a moment, and one after another immortal strength directly shook the battle spirits of the 3 great beasts.

The rest of Immortal Realm barely resisted the Qi Family brothers.

Seeing this, Long Chen still has no retreating intent, and saw him swaying above Straight Clashing Nine Heavens.

Immediately after the Bloodline body slowly, dragon roar said: “Bloodline supernatural power!”

One after another Bloodline’s magical powers leaned with his Saint Origin Force, and the headed Immortal Realm powerhouse turned out to be in a quagmire.

After ten breaths, Long Chen vomited blood from in the sky and burst out.

And those Immortal Realm were all cut by the Qi Family brothers, and only 2 Immortal Realm Middle-Stage escaped with the defensive magical artifact in their hands.

When they looked back, they stared at Long Chen, and at this moment they couldn’t help but feel a sense of fear for Long Chen.

This fear is not comparable to the fear of the Immortal Realm cultivation base of the Qi Family brothers. What they fear is the potential of Long Chen.

Long Chen is just a Holy Land Middle-Stage!


If they are given enough time to kill the current Long Chen, it is nothing difficult, but if Long Chen one day enters the Immortal Realm, or today he is the pinnacle of the holy realm.

I am afraid that no one can escape today…

Seeing everyone fleeing, Long Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, the chill in his eyes remained unchanged.

If he arrives a bit late today, I’m afraid Ao Cangqiang will live overnight.

Seeing countless deaths and injuries in the Underground Dark Star Organization at this moment, Long Chen’s mind sank to the bottom.

The battle of the desolate and desolate came too early, and the resistance of all races in the desolate and ancient land in this life is far inferior to that of the previous life.

“Quickly return to the dark Star Sea!” Ao Changkong stared at Long Chen, his eyes under the mask were full of look of shock.

Long Chen and the others followed everyone in the Dark Star Organization and hurried back to the Dark Star Sea, and then countless Dark Star Assassins were hidden in the darkness the moment they stepped into the Dark Star Sea.

Every breath has disappeared, and even many people have just stepped into the dark Star Sea and their whole body scars have disappeared.

Ao Changkong’s whole body is even more strange, the sea water of one after another pitch-black as ink directly recasts a body for him…

When Ao Changkong saw that Ao Cangqi had nothing to do, he relied, and ordered the four-faced people in a deep voice: “Recall all the people of the Dark Star Organization in the Desolate Ancient Land, and gather the Dark Star Sea!”

“Even if it is Tianyu Ancient Race, I have to make them pay the price of blood!”

One after another command was sent down, and Ao Changkong signaled Long Chen and the others to follow him to the depths of the dark Star Sea, one after another the ladder extended below the sea, all around the sea separated to the 2 sides.

Every time everyone took a step, the ladder just disappeared, and soon only the calm sea was left above.

Ao Cangqiong’s white clothed dress is incompatible with the entire dark Star Sea, and never said a word.

After a long while, he asked Long Chen in a deep voice, “Am I wrong…If I hadn’t saved people today, the Dark Star Organization would not attack Yuan Immortal Realm.”

Long Chen hearing this, shook the head: “What happened today may be related to you, but these people did not come because of you, but because of me!”

Long Chen knew in his heart that these people must be understood his relationship with Ao Cangqiong, so he came to a place not far from the Dark Star Sea with such fanfare.

Ao Changkong’s footsteps were slightly paused, and it seemed to have heard the words of two people, said solemnly: “The Ancient Race here is not the Haoyue clan, but the Moonwolf clan that arrived 2 days ago.”

“This race uses the Haoyue Ancient Race as its head, but even if there is no order from the Haoyue Ancient Race, I am afraid that it will take action against my dark star organization within ten days.”

“This… is what they want!”

Ao Changkong stopped completely at his feet, and saw that they are now in the depths of the dark Star Sea, all around is an open area of ​​1000 meters, and the sea water of pitch-black as ink seems to be an endless abyss.

And in front of them is a huge irregular stone, the bumps on the stone are unclear, and there is even one after another black flame lingering and rising.

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