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The Qi Family brothers couldn’t believe the scene in front of them, 20 yuan Immortal Realm, more than 2 100 holy realms!

This force, even if the two of them took the shot personally, they dare not say that it could be easily won.

But how long will the two of them leave now…

Long Chen took a deep breath, but frowned tightly.

This shadow instant hell is too evil, and its formidable power, even with its powerful divine sense and the backing of Saint Origin Force, which is comparable to immortal strength, should never be so terrifying.

Especially Long Chen has already noticed that after using this technique, he has faint traces of enchantment.

Long Chen was a man in the 2nd life, and he became a Ruler powerhouse in his previous life. How stable is the Taoist heart…

“Well, how can this be, who the hell are you? How did you do that just now!”

“In the darkness, I lost all perceptions. Those shadows are terrifying, as if they were in purgatory and killed themselves…”

“Holy realm, how could you just be a holy realm? A holy realm ruined our 20 Immortal Realm and more than 2 fleshy bodies of the holy realm in an instant, and only held me to wait for the Divine Soul!”


One after another Divine Soul was detained by Long Chen, with a horrified expression on his face, and lost his voice in amazement.

The scene just now obviously made them tremble.

Long Chen was interrupted by everyone’s voices, stopped thinking, and left the matter behind, only to ask Ao Changkong when everything was done.

I have also made up my mind to never use this technique again.


took a deep breath, Long Chen’s right hand grabbed a volley, divine sense shook suddenly, and killed all the detained Divine Soul.

Faced with these people, Long Chen didn’t have the slightest kindness, and they definitely didn’t deserve kindness.

The glutton on the side waved away all the storage rings of the more than 20 Immortal Realm on the ground, and immediately screamed, as if there were many good things in it.

Long Chen stared at a few people, but said: “Join forces, smash the space here directly to me, stir up the space turbulence, and let them all die!”

Long Chen’s voice was extremely cold, and the Qi Family brother nodded and the three great beasts and war spirits walked to the tombstone.

Several people moved together, boundless force almost covered the entire tombstone.

ka ka

One after another naked eye Visible cracks appeared from top to bottom, all around the space began to vibrate.

Each tombstone hides a space, and the fragmentation of the space causes countless turbulence.

The corrugated light door directly above the tombstone was instantly solidified.

Peng peng peng!

Violent strikes came from within, as if trying to blast through the boulder space.

The coldly snorted strikes of Long Chen got faster and faster, and the space near the tombstone was shattered…

Such space turbulence, plus this place is within the Secret Realm, even if the Immortal Realm forcibly Tearing Space is 9 deaths,

After dozens of breaths, 10000 1000 cobweb-like cracks appeared on the entire pitch-black tombstone and collapsed.

An air wave stirred up the dust in the sky.

Within the space of the tombstone, the all around spaces of all races in the universe are constantly shattering, and countless Space Cracks are like a heavenly blade.

The screams came and went one after another, and the powerhouse of the Holy Land was crushed by space turbulence almost the moment it fell into the Space Crack.

“This space is about to collapse, and quickly enter Space Crack, there will be a hint of life!”

“Who would dare to wait for me to take action, the guard outside?”

“Those who are alive, inform Haoyue Ancient Race, the Yun Clan will definitely take revenge for me…”

The moment the space collapsed, a huge space vortex was formed in the same place, and the Immortal Realm escaped into the space turbulence.

Many people were crushed into fly ash at the moment they disappeared, and some were directly swallowed by vortex.


Long Chen and the others saw the tombstone space completely shattered and moved on.

“These people death cannot wipe out the crimes, my lord, let me get the stars and moongrass quickly, and come to Yuan Immortal Realm earlier to solve this desert war!”

“In the battle of the desolate, countless people die every day. I am afraid that 20% of the ordinary person in the desolate land has died now…”

“It’s just that the 10000 people who entered just now cannot be rescued!”

The Qi Family brothers and the three great beasts and war spirits are all sighing, 3% of them sounded very few, but in fact, facing the huge population base of the barren land, at least 20 people violent death.

Long Chen shook his head and said: “These people caught in the Heaven and Earth Bag may not live long even if we save them. This thing cannot be used to house the human race…”

Everyone was silent and no longer said much. The people in the barren land in front of the various races in the heavens are really fate than paper.

Everyone galloped quickly, scattered and began to look for the tombstones in the cold purple clothes.


As everyone went deeper, Long Chen and the others did not enter any tombstone space.

Now that they are at the very end of this divine realm, any tombstone space is extremely dangerous, but this is not the time for adventure.

found it!

The Qilin woman yelled, Long Chen and the others’ eyes condensed, and quickly came back to her.

Immediately everyone stopped in front of a tombstone. The tombstone towered ten thousand zhang, but it was slightly different from the countless tombstones all around, and its color was crystal clear like a gem.

The most striking thing is that on the surface of this monument is Seven Stars!

This is what the cold purple clothes said, and there are a lot of stars and immortals…

“My two are walking in the front, you follow closely from behind.” Brother Qi Family said to Long Chen and the others.

Long Chen and the others nodded, follow 2 people behind and step into the 7-star tombstone.

Although everyone was excited, they didn’t have the slightest sense of relaxation. The five gods are the most dangerous Secret Realm in the ancient land.

No one can guarantee 100% safety in such depth.

But when they stepped into the tombstone, everyone subconsciously stepped back 2 steps.

Stepping on the void, starry night, a galaxy path stretches to the end of darkness…

On the two sides of the star road, for every 2 meters, there is a huge boulder of more than ten meters floating above the void, and the multi-colored plants above the boulder give the whole space a bit more bright colors.

One after another, the strange fragrance pounced on Long Chen and the others like a wave of air. Everyone felt that the pores were breathing rhythmically, and the whole body was divine glow.

“These are all stars in the sky!”

“Star by moon grass, purple jade green ginseng, blood rain chestnut…”

“This stellar road is endless and winding. Where does it lead? Is it the land of the heavens that the cold purple clothes said?”


Everyone was surprised, no one thought that there would be such a scene.

Seeing the three great beasts, war souls and Qi Family brothers were excited and ready to set foot on the star road, Long Chen took a deep breath and stopped everyone.

“Walk in a formation, first take a plant and see.” Long Chen said a little solemnly.

There are countless opportunities for both the ancient land and the heaven.

Such a treasured place, he has encountered too many in his previous life, but he also knows that the more so, the more dangerous it often hides.

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