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One after another The violent aura rose to the sky again, and there has never been such a violent scene on the Dark Star Sea.

Thunder and lightning flashed above the sky, and the dark clouds were ten thousand li.

The wind is like a giant Dragon Inhaling Water, turning into countless tornadoes.

And the center of all this is Long Chen…

At this moment, the breath of Long Chen’s body rioted again!

Holy Land 7th Floor, Holy Land 8-Layer, Holy Land 9-Layer, Holy Land Peak!

Ao Changkong and the Qi Family brothers also stood on the spot, a medicine pill, the cultivation base was upgraded to 5-Layer, which is unheard of!

Everyone stared at Long Chen, even if the Ancient Race powerhouse of Zhao Qi’s subordinates stood still.

Can he step into the Yuan Immortal Realm?


However, at this moment, a loud noise came from Long Chen within the body, as if a giant dragon was about to break out.

The mutation above the sky stopped suddenly, and a wave of immortal strength turned into a wave of air, sweeping ten thousand li with Long Chen as the center.

Yuan Immortal Realm!

At this moment Long Chen went straight to Yuanxian!

At the same time, an old man above the turtle village looked at the dark Star Sea, his eyes were full of surprise.

After a long while, he said, “This kid has stepped into the Yuan Immortal Realm. There is such a talented person in the world. I hope he can live through today…”

The old turtle tone barely fell, his eyes seemed to penetrate the space to look in several other directions, and finally he shook his head and said nothing.

Where the Northern Domain is, a streak of divine light also rises into the sky, and then stares at the Southern Domain, leaving next moment Tearing Space.

There are 5 such scenes, and their targets are all where Long Chen is.


Long Chen stood in the air, his eyes swept across the ancient race powerhouse in the big universe.

Everyone felt that there was a thunderbolt roar in their minds, except for the 5 people headed by Han Qingsha, no one dared to look at Long Chen directly.

Many of them, Immortal Realm and Yuan Immortal Realm, are not coldly snorted, and only feel humiliated.

Peng peng peng!

One after another of Zhao Qi’s light curtain shattered, Array shattered suddenly, and Zhao Qi’s mouth kept bleeding.

He took a deep look at Long Chen, then turned and disappeared in place.

All races in the universe, looking towards Long Chen, there is a ray of murder in everyone’s eyes.

Ao Changkong and the others leaped to Long Chen’s side, said solemnly: “Didn’t expect, you can actually refine the holy medicine pill, and completely ignore the barriers of the cultivation base to reach Immortal Realm…”

“This thing is for you!”

Ao Changkong said right hand moves, Starry Sky Meteorite appeared in front of Long Chen.

Long Chen hadn’t acted yet, but saw his right hand long sword soaring into the sky, a poignant Sword Soul appeared, and Starry Sky Meteorite was directly disappeared in front of everyone.

“Sword Spirit!”

“Sword Spirit! That’s Sword Spirit…”

“Sword-blade magical soldiers, there are magical soldiers here!”

The powerhouses of all races in the universe stared at the unsheathed long sword in Long Chen’s hand, but only greed was left in their eyes.

A long sword capable of possessing a sword spirit must be at least a god!

In the Ten Directions Heaven Domain, there are only 1000 known weapons on the list of magic weapons. Among them, there are less than 100 sword weapons. Among the top ten, there is no sword weapon.

In Ten Directions Heaven Domain, every magic weapon is invaluable and can be said to be in the hands of the most powerhouse.

But now they found a weapon with a sword spirit in this deserted ancient land, how could this not make them feel excited.

Zhao Qi left, and the Ancient Race powerhouses in the universe lost their confinement.

The powerhouse of the Immortal Realm of all ethnic groups volleyed into the air, surrounding Long Chen all directions.

The turtle in the urn.

These 4 words may be most suitable for today’s scene.

Long Chen’s outer layer of Tianyu Ancient Race, self-improvement and arrangement, no less than hundreds of people.

Long Chen looked towards such a formation, I can’t help but sigh in my heart. If he hadn’t been kind to Zhao Qi in the future, I am afraid that no one would be impossible by the strength of oneself, trapping hundreds of people for 5 days…

Why did the Celestial Clan, such a powerful race be buried in the long river of history in such a short time?

“Holy medicine pill, sword spirit magic soldier… you really are the greatest wonder I have seen when I come to the deserted ancient land.”

“This person is Long Chen? Now it seems that this person is really good!”

“Talk about this, kill this person first!”

a Yuan Immortal Realm and even the Immortal Realm powerhouse glare like a tiger watching his prey on Long Chen, and even the senior leaders of all ethnic groups all act together to shoot Long Chen.

These people seem to want to take the sword in Long Chen’s hand!

Long Chen rises in the sky, standing ten thousand zhang high in the sky, like a king overlooking the world.

He watched countless powerhouses rushing towards him, took a deep breath, and said, “Let me see how you can save the world!”


Countless immortal strength lights burst into the air, and Long Chen’s long sword was finally slowly pulled out of the scabbard.


cold glow, biting chill, scraping sword light.

The blade is only half an inch exposed, and 10000 people on the sky are all stagnant…

Everyone only feels that the needle is on his back, and a chill rises in the mind.

Ka ka 咔…

There was a crisp sound, one after another sound, and gradually turned into a boundless sword chant, making people’s eyes and ears hurt.

Everyone lost their voices in horror, trembling all over, and saw that the swords in their hands were evenly broken.

“No, no… this sword is not a weapon of the gods!”

“This…what is going on, what kind of weapon is this, just the appearance of an inch of blade can be shocked!”

“Could it be that this is a holy soldier, this impossible, how can there be holy soldiers in the deserted land!”

All eyes fell on the long sword that was about to be unsheathed in Long Chen’s hands.

One inch.




When the long sword was completely out of the sheath, Long Chen suddenly spoke. His whole body Saint Origin Force had already been completely transformed into a fairy Origin Force.

The long sword did not move, Long Chen looked at the hundreds of people below, and the blood disaster of the entire ancient wasteland flashed in his mind.

He seemed to have returned to the battlefield where Divine Kingdom was built in his previous life.

His eyes were full of coldness, and he opened the mouth and said: “True Immortal Technique, Sword Art…One Sword Punishing Immortal!”

The Origin Force of Long Chen’s whole body almost turned into a long dragon from his inside of Dantian, and almost condensed the stone upside down, fell towards his right hand, and finally gathered on the long sword.

sword cry, sword glow out.

A sword is eternal.

The moment the sound fell, the long sword in Long Chen’s hand disappeared without a trace, and the entire space seemed to stop.

A sword glow is almost at its extreme, faster than everyone’s gaze, faster than everyone’s action.

Perhaps because the sword was too fast, even the space stopped…

pu chi, bang!


One after another, the sound of blood cracking is endless, and an Immortal Realm fleshy body is broken, and the sky is full of blood like flowers.

One person, 2 people, 100 people, 1000 people, 10000 people…

More and more people were dying, but the blood of the first person to die had just gone down. This sword was really fast.

But every time this sword glow moves, Long Chen’s face becomes pale.

When he held the hilt with his hand again, there was no Ancient Race powerhouse in the universe where he could see.

Only the bloody sky, blooming like countless bright red flowers.

Beauty, beauty to the extreme.

It’s just that blood-reeking qi that made him frown, and the five streams of divine light lasing from far away made him sneer.

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