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There were countless cracks on the chest of the huge Golem God’s Mansion.

One after another Under the cracks, there are magic lines all over.

But these magic lines are now eclipsed, and they are cut off from the middle by a force…

xiū xiū xiū.

The yin and yang giant dragon is like a huge streamer across the sky, and it strikes quickly on the body of the devil’s golem.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

“You are crazy!”

Mo Xuan was shocked, and his entire body of Power of Fortune immediately gathered the boundless power of attack and kill.

As soon as the power to attack and kill has condensed, the next moment has been forcibly knocked apart.

At this moment, Moxuan wraps his soul with the power of the divine residence and melts into the golem. Therefore, at this moment, the strength of battle strength has reached a shocking level.

But Long Chen is completely different.

Everyone originally thought that Long Chen did not have Divine Idol here, let alone blended with Divine Idol like Moxuan.

But at this moment, Long Chen’s appearance, even if it was Moxuan, was completely a little afraid.

He even wrapped the divine mansion with his Divine Soul!

in short.

Moxuan hides the most vulnerable Divine Soul in the deepest place, and controls the Divine Idol who believes in Power of Fortune to attack and kill.

But Long Chen did the opposite.

Putting the most fragile Divine Soul on the outermost layer, in the eyes of Moxuan, this is simply seeking death.

The intensity of the Divine Soul in the Yin and Yang realm has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Attacking Divine Idol with Divine Soul is more of a virtual fight, taking advantage.

Just like Long Chen’s attack, he forcibly destroyed the mysterious rules in the golem with his powerful strength of Divine Soul every time he hit.

Mo Xuan withdrew and exploded back. If this continues, his golem will probably be completely shattered.

Moxuan’s knowledge of Long Chen’s Divine Soul has reached a new height. At least he has never seen anyone dare to hit Divine Idol with Divine Soul…

“You lunatic, since you want to die today, I, Divine Idol, should be your funeral!” Moxuan saw Long Chen still follow closely from behind.

His complexion is gloomy but full of anger.

Mo Xuan stopped, no matter Long Chen kept hitting him, countless Power of Fortune turned into 10000 1000 hooks to block Long Chen.

The Divine Soul of Long Chen and the rays of light dimmed constantly, but they hit Moxuan’s body like a hot knife through butter.

Countless mageweave boulders fell off the golem, and everyone stared at Long Chen in shock.

“Is he crazy? He used Divine Soul to envelop the Divine Mansion to attack. I’m afraid that even if Divine Idol is smashed, he is already destroyed by Divine Soul.”

“This person is terrifying, and at this step I have to fight either the fish dies or the net splits!”

“In this way, even if Moxuan wins, most of the Power of Fortune condensed by his golem will be destroyed.”


Everyone shook their heads, they were all shocked at Long Chen’s madness.

The sky above the sky is like two torrents constantly intertwining, and the sound of rumbling is endless.

The impact lasted for 3 days and 3 nights.

On this day, countless snakes and beasts violent death in the entire Demon Snake Prison even wailed.

Moxuan’s surrounding golems were already less than one third, and almost all of them were crushed to pieces.

Pu chi pu chi.

Moxuan’s whole body was thrown out of the golem, blood spurting in his mouth.

Divine Idol fell into the ground and disappeared without a trace on the corpses of countless snakes and beasts.

Mo Xuan was trembling all over at this moment, complexion pale as paper, airy.

He stared at Long Chen in front of him, his voice was not even audible: “You, your Divine Soul, how can it be so indestructible…”

Long Chen’s power of Yin-Yang dissipated, and Divine Soul disappeared into his body again.

At this moment, his state is also very depressed, and he even sometimes appears confused in his eyes.

Since Moxuan summon Divine Idol, the two of them have fallen into a deadlock.

Once Long Chen stops attacking, I am afraid that the next moment will be directly bombarded, but what Moxuan did not expect is that Long Chen never stopped.

He used the most vulnerable Divine Soul to contain his fusion attack with Divine Idol.

Both sides suffer.

But everyone knows that the current Moxuan loses a lot, his Divine Idol has been almost completely shattered, and the Power of Fortune is almost gone.

“Your Divine Soul hasn’t broken yet, but how long can you hold on? Go to hell!”

Mo Xuan also saw the confusion in Long Chen’s eyes, knowing that he was also an arrow at the end of its flight at the moment, and the long knife in his hand suddenly became like a rainbow, bringing up a heavenly demon light.

Countless blade glow turned into a sky storm, as if to tear Long Chen to pieces.


A dragon roar sounded loudly in Long Chen’s mind, and the shadow of the dragon palace bloomed again ten thousand zhang rays of light, and succumbed to Long Chen’s Divine Soul.

In fact, this is also Long Chen’s backing.

His Divine Soul has been together with Primal Chaos Golden Canon and Dragon Palace fuse, and its strength has reached an unprecedented level.

Otherwise, even though Divine Soul has a special destructive power for Divine Idol, he would not dare to strike like this.

If such strikes were placed on another Ruler powerhouse in the Yin-Yang realm, I am afraid that Divine Soul would disappear within a few dozen strokes.

Accompanied by dragon roar throughout his life, the Dragon Palace stays in Divine Soul.

Long Chen’s eyes became clear again, seeing the storm overwhelming him.

He had no intention of attacking with all-out defense, but shouted with the sound of thunder in his mouth: “Shadow Instant Hell!”

The words fall, Long Chen has been completely annihilated in it.

But the three words of Shadow Instant Prison clearly spread to everyone’s ears. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. I don’t know what kind of technique Long Chen used.

However, everyone at the next moment was dull on the spot, and the shadows under them seemed to come to life.

Pairs of scarlet eyes appeared from the shadows, sent cold shivers down one’s spine.


Counting 100 dark glows, like Space Crack, appeared in the place where Moxuan’s body was less than one meter, and instantly wrapped him.

“This, this is…”

pu chi, pu chi.

The blood burst, and Moxuan was instantly crushed by one after another black light, and the shadow under his feet was like a rope, binding him in place.

The Moxuan fleshy body was completely turned into a powder, but at this moment Long Chen walked out of the storm.

He is holding a Saint Soldier, and his body is covered with 1000 sores and 100 holes.

Divine Soul appeared, instantly turned into an illusory python and fled through the air.

In the remote mountain and poor place, a black shadow disappeared in a flash. It was the magical Long Chen. He took a deep look at this place and disappeared completely.

This so-called Shadow Instant Kill was not done by Long Chen in front of everyone.

I am afraid that this blow, even if it is Moxuan, has no idea why it is so weird, but it is shattered in an instant at such a distance.

But at this moment Moxuan did not at all have the time to think about it.

“Where is the demon snake prison god, why don’t the devil snake prison army take action!” Mo Xuan burst into mouth while fleeing.

The people in the Demon Snake Prison have never taken action, and he has never cared.

Because he is confident that he can kill Long Chen.

But now when he wanted their help, he was shocked to find that everyone seemed to be standing behind a Demon Soul with chains behind him.

These Demon Souls seem to have suppressed all the people in the Demon Snake Prison, even his god generals struggled but could not move.

“Feng Mo Ming, how is this possible, you have Pluto as the backing!” At this moment, Mo Xuan only felt fear from the soul.

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