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6 Heavenly Palace Rulers gathered in the 5th Heavenly Cloud Country!

Long Chen had just sent away a few people who had gone to school too, and a team of people came eagerly.

A middle-aged man in the lead bowed and walked in front of Long Chen, and said, “Senior, six Heavenly Palace Rulers are already waiting in the hall. Please go there.”

“The people who are too in school have left, my lord has been waiting for seniors for a long time.”


Several people spoke respectfully, and there were several points of fear in their eyes.

Long Chen is slightly nodded, but his complexion hasn’t changed at all. He just said indifferently: “Let them come here to talk, I’m a little weak these days.”

Several people looked stagnant, but they couldn’t move forward anyway.

The 6 of them are all trusted confidants selected by the ruler from the big clans in the universe, and each of them is at least the cultivation base of the Yin-Yang Realm Early-Stage.

It also represents the ruler of the major universe.

In the past few days, because of Long Chen’s talk with the Taishang Palace, the Rules of each domain have been waiting for nearly a full day, but now they have let each Ruler come in person.

A few of them were even more angry.

However, Long Chen seemed to pay no attention to what they meant, and turned around and walked towards the room again.

I said goodbye to the 4 people in the Taishang Palace for 5 days, but only 2 words…

Six people were violently bullied on their chests, and a ray of anger appeared on everyone’s face, and the whole face went black.

One of them even said “unable to bear”: “This person is too arrogant. Although his battle strength is strong, how can he dare to be so big, let the six Heavenly Palace Rulers come to see him!”

“Hmph, this person defeated 3 Heaven Domain Ruler in one battle and shocked Ten Directions Heaven Domain. Everyone knows it. Naturally, the eyes are higher than the sky!”


xiū xiū xiū.

Several people shouted in low voices and wanted to return to report, but the moment they turned around, 2 brilliance had already rushed out of the temple.

Guanghua’s speed is extremely fast, and only two breaths have appeared in front of them, standing back and forth.

“See the lord!”

“See the lord!”


6 people bowed and saluted, looking at each other in blank dismay.

Peng peng peng!

Immediately afterwards, they felt a huge force blasting the 6 of them directly, and blood spilled from the corners of each of them.

People who all around Yun Family watch it from a distance, each and everyone is also at a loss.

No one would have thought that six Heavenly Palace Rulers would shoot to their cronies at the same time.


As soon as the 6 people arrived, the door of Long Chen’s room was opened.

The first Heavenly Palace Ruler coldly snorted and said: “No matter how rude, take you 6 Divine Soul refining!”

The 6 Heavenly Palace Rulers didn’t say much, and they seemed to agree with this person.

The six cronies knelt on the ground again and again, their backs chilled.

“Six people don’t need to be like this, just come in and discuss something.” Long Chen’s flat voice came out, and the six Rulers walked towards the house.

Seeing a few people disappear into the house and the door closed, everyone was sighed.

Ten Directions Heaven Domain All the Heavenly Palace Rulers, each has a Divine Kingdom standing, when anyone has seen them like this.


Inside the house.

Long Chen looked at the six people walking slowly, his expression was pleasing, but his heart sneered.

A strong murderous intention was hidden deep in his heart.

In the last battle of the previous life, these 6 people were Transcendent Ruler’s right-hand man, leading all the Nirvana Realm supreme cultivators of Ten Directions Heaven Domain, and countless armies destroyed his Divine Kingdom.

They were also the many gods and brothers who besieged Long Chen!

When the 6 people gathered together and appeared in front of him, everything seemed to have returned to the previous life.

Back in the scene of bloody killing and enemies in the world.

6 people browse slightly wrinkle and seem to feel the murder of Long Chen.

The first Tianyu Ruler took the lead and said to Long Chen: “You don’t have to be hostile to me. Today I am waiting to acknowledge your status, not to come to embarrass.”

The other 5 people also nodded, seeming to agree with Ruler’s words of the first day domain.

They subconsciously believed that the reason Long Chen had a killing intent was because they had misunderstood their intentions. After all, Long Chen had just killed three Heavenly Palace Rulers.

Long Chen’s murderous intentions passed away in a flash, spitting out one mouthful of impure air, knowing that he lost self-control.

Long Chen asked several people: “If that’s just the case, why do you come here in person?”

The 6 people glanced at each other, slightly nodded, a flash of aura flashed out in their hands, falling in front of Long Chen.

Vajra Demon Flame!


Jade Milk 100 Star Grass!


6 Auras are all rare things, and they are invaluable!

Then the Ruler of the First Heaven Domain once again spoke out first, saying: “These days, you are famous for moving to the 3rd day domain. If you want, you can move to the 1rd day domain, but I hope that you will not attack any Ruler powerhouse in the Ten Directions Heaven Domain. .”

“You will soon become the discipline of Transcendent Ruler. Senior Hanxuzi has always been beyond the world. I don’t want to be an enemy of his discipline…” an Old Lady echoed.

“Transcendent Ruler never pays attention to Ten Directions Heaven Domain, but I am willing to give him this face. After all, you are going to be a person of his discipline, or it is better not to cause trouble for him too much.”

“Although I respect Transcendent Ruler and his cultivation base, I am not afraid of people!”

Long Chen thought nothing but sneered in his heart.

It seems that his fairy soldier really got the trust of Transcendent Ruler.

These 6 people came to show their favor at the same time. On the surface, they were shocked by Long Chen’s continuous beating of 3 Rulers in the sky a few days ago, which caused the 3 Divine Idol to collapse and Ten Directions Heaven Domain went into chaos, fearing Long Chen’s battle strength. , Choose to quiet people.

In fact, it must have been ordered by Transcendent Ruler, not just the cultivation base that respects Transcendent Ruler.

Looking at the dazzling array of things on the ground, Long Chen pretended to be arrogant and said: “You can rest assured, as long as you don’t mess with me, I will naturally not be an enemy…”

“As for the control of Ten Directions Heaven Domain, I am not interested at all, but if anyone stops me from saving my mother, there is only dead end!”

Long Chen didn’t seem to have the six Heavenly Palace Rulers taking seriously, and his words were blatant.

His appearance really made the hearts of six people sullen, but he was not stunned at all.

They even felt that Long Chen’s stunned words were incomparable to what he had done these days.

Long Chen is like a youngster who suddenly grasped the determination of battle strength.

Such people are supercilious, arrogant and arrogant.

But it is definitely not difficult to remove.

Several people hearing this thought of Long Chen nodded one after another, and then turned and left.

Seeing several people disappear into the sky as Changhong, the arrogant color on Long Chen’s face disappeared without a trace, replaced by cold murderous intent and cold smile.

The 3rd day domain, the 5th domain, and the ninth day domain. Long Chen doesn’t have to fight for these 3 big domains, because these 3 big domains are in his hands, someone will fight for him!

The people of the cloud country each and everyone watching the ruler disappearing in the sky.

Everyone cast a respectful look at the room where Long Chen was.

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