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The competition for 2 cottages and so on came to an end.

This kind of competition is held every year, but this year really makes people see a little difference, which is spiritedly discussing.

The crowd has long since dispersed, and the Array that hunted the patrolmen has completely disappeared.

The mountains are empty.

Only Long Chen and Jian Shi 3 stood in place, and did not move for a long time.

In the place of several meters in front of them, a thunder pattern jade token fell in the mud.

剑十3 took a deep breath, so he had to stretch out his hand to pick up the thing.

He just started.

Long Chen had bent down and took out the jade token from the soil.

He put away the jade token and said to Jianshi 3, “Here is the first place where God World will stand.”

Jian Shi 3 Seeing Long Chen’s leaving back, he didn’t speak for a long while.

After a while, he hurried to catch up.

The eagle head Divine Race seemed to have saved them, but in fact they only used them as a tool to grab the Emperor Origin Force, but he was full of disdain for them.

Long Chen bends over here to tell Jian Shi3.

Now today.

They are no longer the Ruler powerhouse that holds the world in the body world!

Only those who can bend can stretch!

2 people left, replied the cottage land.

The entire land of the remnants is divided into countless cottages, as if rows of rows have separated the entire deep mountain.

Every village has

But such a large number of stockades belonged to only 4 survivor forces.

One of them is the Eagle Head Divine Race.

In the land of the remnants, all the villages with eagle head carvings on the village belong to the eagle head Divine Race.

Long Chen and Jian Shi 3 hold thunder pattern jade token, a stockade in the northwest.

Just after entering the stockade, Long Chen started all around all Array with jade token.

Soon his Divine Soul mansions swept away.

The place passed, one after another silhouette manifested out of thin air…

Sword Ten 3 also took out a Magical Artifact like a scabbard, and five silhouettes appeared between the waves.

silhouette staggered.

In a blink of an eye the entire stockade was overcrowded.

When these people saw Long Chen and Jian Shi 3, their faces were filled with confusion.

These days, even though they were in the Long Chen Divine Soul Dragon Palace, they also knew something about what happened outside.

“This, is this God World?”

“Ten Directions Heaven Domain has really been ruined, so am I going to live in such a small place!”

“I want to leave here, there is a vast Heaven and Earth outside this stockade, Great Dao is facing the sky, there is always a place for me to wait for!”


The walled city is wide and horizontal, and there are many spaces in it.

But even so, Long Chen summoned these countless people, and made this place almost heel to heel.

The noise is like a sea wave.

Long Chen took a deep breath, the whole person rose in the air, the coercion suddenly dispersed.

Everyone in the entire village suddenly became quiet, and the hundreds of thousands looked towards Long Chen.

These people are almost the people of the tenth day domain cultivation base cream of the crop, and some of them follow Long Chen from start to finish.

Long Chen looked at these people and took a deep breath of one mouthful of impure air, said solemnly: “The entire Ten Directions Heaven Domain has disappeared. All the people who can be saved in the Tenth Heaven Domain are here.”

“This is the ancient Saint God World. The order is strict. Although surging forward with great momentum, it also kills everybody.”

“If you haven’t reached the Great Emperor Realm, this remnant land is your only place to stay. I will always put this jade token on the portal, and you can leave freely.”

“However, in a short time, the inside of this stockade is the safest place.”

Long Chen finished speaking, then turned around and took Jian Shi 3 into the depths of the cottage, Qing Xuan and the others follow closely from behind.

Even though the place is overcrowded, the people all around still left Long Chen 2 with two courtyards neither too big nor too small.

Long Tianxing and several Long Family members also arrived.

Looking at the densely packed hundreds of thousands of people outside the courtyard, Long Tianxing brows tightly knit asked Long Chen: “Chen’er, how do you arrange these people?”

Long Chen shook the head with a wry smile.

He knows that Long Tianxing and the others still regard him as the backbone.

But they didn’t know that this ancient Saint God World was so vast that an emperor had no right to speak at all.

The many people brought by this Ten Directions Heaven Domain are like a mountain pressing on his shoulders all the time.

Pu chi.

Long Family and the others also had many Ruler realms followed by the Tenth Heaven Domain. He wanted to say something, but he saw Long Chen spray in the courtyard.

Before they could speak.

Long Chen waved his hand to signal them to step back temporarily.

Only the Long Tianxing couple and Qing Xuan, these close relatives looked at Long Chen with worry.

Long Chen wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and said, “Don’t worry, mother, it’s just that’s all caused by the sudden contraction in Divine Soul. It’s much better now.”

The Long Tianxing couple and Qing Xuan 3 looked at Long Chen with heartache.

When they are in the Dragon Palace, they naturally know that there are hundreds of thousands of people in the Dragon Palace who have to bear the pressure.

Although Dragon Palace is strange and extraordinary, it has unimaginable damage to Long Chen’s Divine Soul.

It’s as if a balloon has been forcibly placed several times his stone.

Now that the stone is suddenly taken out, his Divine Soul will inevitably shrink and shake.

Long Chen not at all put the topic on all the people of Ten Directions Heaven Domain. The situation nowadays can only be one step at a time.

All the ancient Saint God World, these people must absorb as quickly as possible.

One year in the land of the remnants gave them a chance to breathe.

While speaking, Long Chen has already closed his eyes and started to repair Divine Soul.

Everyone also lives in one corner, after all, this courtyard is also wider than the outside world.

Long Chen repaired Divine Soul, while his thoughts sank into the center of the Dragon Palace, the blood man was still there.

He looked at Long Chen and said, “Have you figured it out? I need your help, and you also need me!”

Long Chen stared at the emperor Remnant Soul and said: “They only have the memory of Dragon Palace in their minds, but they don’t mention you at all. It seems that you are not at all so weak on the surface.”

“This Dragon Palace ability Primal Chaos Golden Canon cultivation technique inheritance is transformed by my bloodline origin, and it naturally nourishes me.” The emperor Remnant Soul not at all concealed.

Long Chen didn’t worry about the Dragon Palace incident.

Even if such a palace is spoken out, in this endless god within the realm, it will only be regarded as an ordinary Magical Artifact that’s all.

Just as he clearly has only one person, the tester knows that he has hundreds of thousands slaves.

Many people here have Magical Artifacts that contain slaves on such a large scale.

Long Chen stared at the emperor Remnant Soul, said solemnly: “I want you to help me step into the peak of the emperor realm as soon as possible, and then be crowned as the emperor…”

“Three years is enough, but whether or not you can be crowned depends on your good fortune. I said that I have never been crowned realm under the gods.”

Long Chen nodded, said he agreed.

He still has a sense of vigilance about this Remnant Soul in his heart.

But in any case, this Remnant Soul is now a shortcut for him to solve the current dilemma.

“Your Divine Soul is now incomparably scattered, hundreds of thousands of people have been wrapped in the Dragon Palace, which has moved your origins, and you have to repair Divine Soul for the 1st Step…”

The emperor Remnant Soul said flatly, not caring about Long Chen’s vigilant and intimate.

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