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In full view, everyone seemed to be waiting to watch Long Chen’s good show.

After all, a stockade took out 1000 Emperor Origin Force, which is several times that of other stockholders.

But before Tao Jiu’s voice fell, Long Chen took out 1000 Emperor Origin Forces and handed them in front of the Eagle Head Divine Race 2.


Suddenly, the people all around were dumbfounded.

Even though the 2 pairs of sharp eyes of the Eagle Head Divine Race couldn’t help but flicker, Tao Jiu was still on the spot.

Within 30 days, a person can get 2 Emperor Origin Forces even if his cultivation base has been promoted to level 1000.

On average, more than 300 pieces were obtained a day.

How can this be done without using the traction Array!

In fact, they didn’t even believe that Long Chen could use that weird Array to kill so many Emperor Origin Force.

This is really appalling.

The eagle head Divine Race 2 glanced at each other, waved to put away the 1000 Emperor Origin Force, and then stared at Long Chen: “Very good, good…”

“Tao Jiu, you can compete again next year. You must not come to make trouble for this village from now on. If the two of me find out, you know the consequences.”

Tao Jiu’s complexion ashen was like this, and Long Chen waited for him to slap him 2 slaps directly.

A new survivor challenged his authority one after another.

Let him lose face in the land of the remnants.

Tao Jiu’s words of the famous Eagle Head Divine Race are naturally clear. Long Chen who can turn over 1000 Emperor Origin Force in one month is enough for the Eagle Head Divine Race to take special care of.

Tao Jiu had to respond, and then gnashing teeth retreated under the sharp gaze of the Eagle Head Divine Race.

After Tao Jiu left, the two Eagle Head Divine Race stared at Long Chen for a while and then turned and left.

But after the two eagle head Divine Race left, Long Chen’s face was also very ugly.

He took the sword ten and the others back to the stockade, took a deep breath and said: “These two eagle heads Divine Race just sound transmission to me, next month I will pay 3 Emperor Origin Force!”

“bully intolerably !”

When this remark came out, even if it was Sword Ten 3, I couldn’t help but burn with anger.

The Emperor Origin Force is so precious in this land of remnants, more than ten pieces will have the opportunity to make a Through Heaven Realm peak into the Emperor Realm.

But this eagle head Divine Race is sitting on the ground and starting price, go back on one’s word to such a point.

Long Tianxing was also coldly snorted and said: “Chen’er, this eagle head Divine Race didn’t put me in the eyes at all. At this moment, he didn’t take you and the sword ten 3.”

“I’m afraid it’s just that you would rather die than surrender that’s all.”

Long Chen nodded, browse tightly knit.

This eagle head Divine Race holds a lot of copycats, and the battle strength of two people was also seen before.

If you can’t reach the late imperial stage, there is absolutely no chance of victory.

“Go and find the Yun Family people back, that Tao Jiu’s Liangzi has already died. Although there are the words of the eagle head Divine Race today, it is hard to guarantee that he will not be moved anymore.” Long Chen said to Jianshi.

Sword Ten 3 is, after all, the cultivation base of the imperial realm, and walking here is much safer than others.

Jianshi 3 nodded responded, just about to leave, but saw Yun Meier push the door in.

Behind her is Yunlan Mountain, and behind the two old man there are two emperor 2-Layer.

Such a scene, let Long Chen and the others each and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

These 2 people are from the 6-Layer of the Emperor Realm!

How could they willingly follow behind Yun Family, a group of people whose cultivation base is no more than 6 Rulers.

This is really incredible.

After all, in this place, people who have not reached the emperor realm are called slave 2, even if they walk on the road, they may be killed.

Although they are members of Long Chen Village, most people are afraid of it.

But this kind of tiger following the rabbit is really shocking.

“Hey, how is it? I found the 2 Emperor Origin Forces you asked for at the time, and they didn’t give them in vain…” Yun Meier giggled as everyone looked at everyone in amazement.

Yun Lanshan looked at Yun Meier and laughed at the disabled to bear, as if he was very pleased with the daughter.

He walked up to Long Chen and said, “Let’s go into the house and talk about it…”

Long Chen nodded took Qing Xuan, Jianshi 3 and Long Tianxing into the courtyard together.

Yunlanshan and Yunmeier opened the mouth and said first when they were seated together: “The people of my clan have used this month to blend in among the vendors in the Land of the Remains, and they can own a shop next month at most. “

“How did you do this? There is not even one emperor among the Yun Family members.” Jian Shi 3 was very puzzled.

He clearly remembered that he took Yun Meier and the others to the vendor’s place.

They only have 2 Emperor Origin Force in their hands.

But because of their cultivation base, it is a miracle that these 2 Emperor Origin Forces were not robbed.

How can we still have today’s achievements?

Yun Meier hadn’t said anything, but Long Chen shook his head and laughed, explaining: “If I guess it’s correct, these two people just broke through to the 2-Layer of the Emperor Realm, and their life essence has also increased because of this.”

“But it takes at least 2 or 5 Emperor Origin Force to make 6 Emperor 2-Layer advance to 300-Layer? And it may not be successful.”

2 300 Emperor Origin Force.

Sword Ten 3 and the others became more shocked.

The people of Yun Family actually earned 2 times the profit in the market in just one month with 100 Emperor Origin Forces!

Yun Lanshan shook his head and said: “If you talk about the cultivation base, maybe my Yun Family member is not as good as anyone else.”

“But don’t forget, even in Ten Directions Heaven Domain, my Yun Family can almost get nearly half of the wealth!”

“Maybe this ancient Saint God World is vast, but it may not be a huge platform for my Yun Family!”

Everyone was silent, but immediately understood.

As Yun Lanshan said, Yun Family by the strength of oneself almost antagonized Hanxuzi’s Heavenly Palace at the beginning, and the strength of his clan members was ordinary.

However, it can attract all parties Ruler to take action, and Ten Directions Heaven Domain can be seen everywhere in Yunhai business buildings.

In this ancient Saint God World, only the cultivation base and power have changed.

Businessmen will never change.

Long Chen looked at Yun Meier and Yun Lanshan, as if he saw the hope of changing their status quo, said solemnly: “What do you need?”

“More Emperor Origin Force is needed so that it can stand up.”

“Otherwise, people of Tao Jiu’s level will wait for me sooner or later, and we need backing for business anywhere, otherwise we can only operate in the place of vendors.

Long Chen nodded responds, it seems that these 2 emperor realm 6-Layer have used all of their emperor Origin Force.

These two people seem to have signed a contract with Yun Family, but Yun Family needs more such people.

Long Chen was silent for a moment, and 320 Emperor Origin Forces appeared in front of everyone between the waves, said solemnly: “I will give you all of these. If I need to, I can get more…”

Everyone is together startled.

They all knew that Long Chen had already handed in 1000 Emperor Origin Forces. Who would have thought that he still had a few 100 in his hand!

The Emperor Realm 2-Layer of the two people who followed Yun Family also had their faces full of stunned expressions, and immediately was full of joy.

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