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White Night Divine Race.

Since the patriarch of Bai Ye Xing left, undercurrents surged, and Long Chen and the others were pushed to the forefront.

Divine King, a number in the clan, has a vague sense of fighting against courtesy.

Luo Lao was very timid in front of Bai Zijun that day, but he also has several points of means, which really saved Long Chen and the others.

the other side.

In the White Night Divine Race Beiyuan, many people with high authority in the main line gather.

In the main hall of neither too big nor too small, there are more than ten middle-aged people on each side.

In the middle place, Bai Zijun stood behind him impressively, and on top of the main seat in front of him, sat a hair grey-white old man.

The divine glow of this person is introverted, and the cold glow is looming in the eyes, which makes people feel very depressed without realizing it.

He is Bai Zijun’s father, Bai Cang!

Baicang is also one of the White Night Divine Race Divine King powerhouse.

Before Bai Cang spoke, an iron-faced middle-aged man stood up on the left and said loudly: “Big Brother Bai Cang, you have dedicated your life to the family, and it’s your turn in the Position of Patriarch! “

“That Bai Ye Xing is just an emperor that’s all, how can you do several decades Patriarch?”

Bai Cang squinted his eyes slightly, his right hand pressed down slightly, and the sound was dull Thunder Dao: “Nightwalking has made good achievements in the family over the years, and I see it in my eyes.”

“Position of Patriarch aside, this Long Chen matter must be resolved!”

Bai Cang’s voice fell, and the people all around were nodded, but Bai Zijun behind him was browsing tightly knit with a gloomy expression.

Bai Zijun suddenly confessed to standing behind Bai Cang, one-knee kneels, and said sadly: “Father, Bai Feng and I have known each other since childhood, and I am to blame for today’s death.”

“But then Long Chen must pay off with fate, otherwise, what is the majesty of my Divine Race in the White Night!”


Bai Zijun’s voice fell.

In the third place on the left, tables and chairs are directly turned into flour.

An old man with white hair slowly stood up. He was full of murderous intent and angered, saying: “Bai Cang, then Long Chen, I must chopped him up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, Bai Feng Is my only son!”

The people in the hall shook their heads, but immediately became furious, each and everyone shouted.

“If Elder Naluo reported the matter to the gods Elder Wang, how can the affairs of today be so troublesome? A little emperor would have cut it!”

“Then Long Chen is just a recruit for the palace test, so he dared to attack the main department so blatantly, crime deserving ten thousand deaths!”

“Why is Bai Yexing being a Patriarch? Just after leaving, he alarmed Elder Hall for a person who had just joined the clan. If he hadn’t left the order, I am afraid that Luo Lao would not be able to tell the Divine King powerhouse!”

In the hall, Bai Cang gradually became cold, icily said: “You can rest assured that if Long Chen is not dead, I will take down the Position of Patriarch of Night Walk!”


The courtyard where Long Chen and the others are located.

In the past few days, more and more people have gathered, and both the guest official and the main line of the Divine Race in the White Night are very angry.

Had it not been for the four Divine King powerhouses standing above the courtyard, I am afraid that these people would have rushed in and tore up Long Chen and the others.

In the room.

Long Chen 3 people laughed bitterly when they heard the thunderous shouting and killing outside.

Although the 4 Divine Kings waited for Long Chen and the others to be imprisoned, they also waited for them to block the people of the White Night Divine Race.

Day after day.

In a blink of an eye, more than ten days passed.

3 days ago, Long Chen had already integrated all the remains of the emperor obtained from the territory of Tibet, and the cultivation base also climbed one level again, reaching the emperor 9-Layer.

But he also felt it clearly.

In this place of Zhong Prefecture, the emperor really can’t be considered. If you want to get a firm foothold as soon as possible, you must continue to look for the remains of the emperor, so that you can reach the Divine King.

on the other hand.

Long Chen has also been discussing with Emperor Remnant Soul for a long time these days, wanting to prove that Bai Feng did not die by his own hands.

He does not seem to have completely broken with the White Night Divine Race.

The hostile relationship between the White Night Divine Race and the Red Moon Divine Race is a big help to him.

After all, the Divine King of the Void Soul and the Divine King of the Bone are within the Red Moon Divine Race at the moment.


At noon, the scorching sun is in full bloom.

Several God King Level and other pressures suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Long Chen and a few people were suddenly facing enemies, and the array that was originally arranged in the room was also urged to the extreme.

The Emperor Remnant Soul is immediately extended.

Long Chen relieved said: “Bai Ye Xing is back, this matter should come to an end.”

be that as it may.

Long Chen and several people also did not at all remove the Array from the room.

“Brother Long Chen, just open the door and come out. Before things are clear, the four gods behind me, Elder Wang, will definitely protect you.” Bai Yexing’s voice came from afar, but it was full of weakness.

Long Chen glanced at each other, then withdrew Array and opened the door.

Outside the door.

White Night Divine Race saw Long Chen walk out of many people, and suddenly each and everyone yelled.

“It’s him, he is a man who tried Zhao Lan, dare to kill Bai Feng!”

“What did patriarch have to say to him? Just cut it directly!”

“Although this person was recruited by patriarch himself, if he doesn’t kill him today, what is the majesty of my Divine Race in the White Night!”


Long Chen and the others heard the noisy yelling from 4 sides and the murderous intent in 4 vertical and horizontal directions, and they were very helpless.

Bai Zijun’s move really pushed them to the opposite of the entire White Night Divine Race.

Bai Yexing walked out of the crowd slowly, and the four gods Elder Wang followed behind Bai Yexing.

4 Everyone is a silver white robe covering the whole body, but it is similar to the white bone Divine King behind Emperor Wuliang has several points of.

When Bai Yexing stood in front of everyone, everyone only felt that he looked pale.

But when Long Chen approached, his face suddenly changed.

The distance between 2 people is no more than several meters.

The emperor Remnant Soul immediately felt that his within the body was almost taken away by half.

Although the emperor’s cultivation base has not changed, I am afraid that the true battle strength cannot defeat any of the emperor’s later stages.


Long Chen’s complexion became more moved, and he took a deep breath and said to Bai Ye: “This matter is troublesome. These days have really caused trouble.”

A smile appeared at the corner of Bai Yexing’s mouth, and he sloppyly waved his hand to Long Chen and said, “Come on, let me go to Elder Hall.”

“The matter of Bai Feng has its own decision.”

As soon as this statement came out, Emperor Wuliang had already started to retreat.

The Divine King must be gathered in Elder Hall, and the main system of the White Night Divine Race must also be all present. If there is a change then I am afraid it will be like catching a turtle in a jar.

Long Chen suddenly nodded and agreed, saying solemnly: “Although I cannot swear by the immortality, I have found a way to prove that I am not the one who killed Bai Feng.”

Bai Yexing’s eyes shrank slightly without answering, and he led the 4 Divine Kings to the distance first.

Long Chen and the others follow closely from behind.

Four Divine Kings were present. Although the people of White Night Divine Race were noisy, none of them dared to impudent.

The Emperor Wuliang followed Long Chen and whispered in a low voice: “You can think clearly, if you can’t prove that you have nothing to do with Bai Feng, we will all finish it!”

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