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Within the forbidden god Shuize, it is always inaccessible.

Many people who came to the place of Zhong Prefecture from various realms were either absorbed through the palace test or continued to the center of the Zhong Prefecture realm.

But almost everyone will not choose to take the path of the forbidden god Mizusawa.

A small number of people tried to enter it, and eventually there was no sound.

It is rumored that those who can enter the land of the Zhuge Forbidden God Clan through the Forbidden God Water Ze, have the opportunity to be included in the Zhuge Forbidden God Clan and be granted the Divine Race origin.

However, since the beginning of the forbidden god Shuize, no one has successfully passed this place.

Within the forbidden god Water Ze.

Long Chen has not stopped, and the power of the grandiose Array behind him has been rid of him in these 2 days.

The existence of the emperor Remnant Soul allows him to avoid the killing ground of overwhelming majority.

If he did not want to ensure that Emperor Wuliang and 9 Tibetan Emperors would not be chased by the Divine King and the others, he would not provoke these Yuze giant beasts at all.

“Master, how is this place facing the enemy?” Long Chen stopped abruptly, and asked the emperor Remnant Soul in his heart.

As far as Long Chen’s eyes are 1000 meters, there are 5 small streams surrounded by an ice pool like stars and moons.

The cold air above the ice pool was like smoke, but the smoke fell into the stream again, an infinite cycle.

Looking along the stream to the source, you can find that the 5 streams are formed by the dense rain and dew that continuously fall above the sky.

This scene reminded Long Chen of the scene he had watched with Zhan Lanyue at Divine Race in the 9th Central, which was truly magnificent.

But here, there are murderous opportunities everywhere!

Long Chen stood here for a long while, and the emperor Remnant Soul just said solemnly: “No, although this place is enough to suppress and kill the two of them, but every lake in it has 2 original Killing Formations blended together.”

“Once this place is triggered, I am afraid that even you have a 7 8-Layer probability to be suppressed and killed here.”

“Besides, I want to see all the changes in it, and ensure that you are fully protected from inside the formation, at least for a whole day…”

Long Chen brows slightly wrinkle, but said: “The deeper the Array in the rain, the more terrifying, and there will be no more suitable places to continue.”

Although the land of the Forbidden God Shuize is anxious, if you only travel here to reach the Zhuge Forbidden God clan, Long Chen has the confidence of 9-Layer.

However, if you want to slay the Divine King and the Divine King, this is the best place.

on the other hand.

He also did not intend to enter the Zhuge Forbidden God Clan rashly.

The emperor Remnant Soul heard what Long Chen meant, and said: “If you insist on doing this, do it now.”

“I will try my best to deduce most of its vitality. This Zhuge forbidden god lineage and the chaotic Divine Race should be of the same origin, otherwise this Array way would not have such a terrifying ban.”

The emperor Remnant Soul can have such an evaluation, which is sufficient to explain the terrifying of the Array within the forbidden god Yuze.

Long Chen was extremely slow, and gradually approached 5 creeks and ice pools, while the emperor Remnant Soul spread out with the greatest probability, trying to deduce his inner principles.


After 3 days.

Under the leadership of the spirit of the Earth Element formation flag, the speed of the Divine King of Bone Killing and Divine King of Void Soul is not weaker than that of Long Chen, but this speed seems to be getting slower and slower with the depth of the forbidden god.

“Just ahead, this person can actually rush to such a place as the Forbidden God Yuze. If it weren’t for the many traces he left along the way, I’m afraid we wouldn’t be able to get here at all.” The bone killer Divine King was shocked.

As soon as his voice fell, the Divine King, the phantom soul, shot out from the eyes, staring into the distance.

Next moment.

The eyes of the two people fell on Long Chen’s body.

The phantom Divine King brows tightly knit, and kills Divine King to the bone with a deep voice: “do it quickly, this person must not be underestimated!”

Divine King is slightly nodded, as if not at all, it means to underestimate the enemy.

On the contrary, the formation flag behind the Bone Kill Divine King said impatiently: “Two Divine Kings on the 2rd floor are still afraid that one Divine King will fail on the first floor?”

“Quickly kill this person and return to life. The suppression of the divine sense of the soul body by the god of forbidden water by the forbidden god water makes me very uncomfortable!”

Divine King nodded is still waiting.

Seeing this, Long Chen couldn’t help but smile.

These two people have the strength of the 2rd floor of Divine King. It is really difficult to be so cautious when facing him on the 3st floor of Divine King.

“The Divine King of the Void Soul, you, as the guarding Divine King of the Northern Foot Realm, almost slaughtered all your Venerable and Emperor. Today is the time you pay for it!” Long Chen right hand moves, 9 Cangzhen Central Halberd Has been held in his hand.

The virtual soul Divine King suddenly realized, as if thinking of something, suddenly laughed and said: “You want revenge, but for that Zhan Kuangdi Zun? If you don’t mention it, I almost forgot.”

The words are complete.

Five bone creatures stood behind the Divine King of Void Soul and Divine King of Bone Killer, each with God King Level and other battle strength.

“Use their lives in exchange for 5 Divine King powerhouses. This deal is very cost-effective!” When the voice of Divine King fell, the right hand one after another soul whip broke through the air and went down to Long Chen.

The place where the soul whip passes, affects all around the source of countless divine force, exuding bursts of dazzling black light.

This blow is not powerful, it seems to be tentative.

The 2 people didn’t even approach Long Chen.


Long Chen’s 9 Cang Zhen Yang Ji shook and made a defensive posture.

The Void Soul Whip did not slow down at all, and directly passed through the 9 Cangzhen Central Halberd, and sank into Long Chen’s body.

Divine King 2 of the virtual soul didn’t have time to be happy, they saw Long Chen’s silhouette disappear without a trace, but the virtual soul whip he shot fell straight behind Long Chen.

The whip shadow fell.

The complexion of Divine King of Void Soul and Divine King of Bone Killer changed abruptly, secretly said that in one’s heart was not good, and retreated quickly.

Hong long long.

all around Yuze rolled and fell, making a deafening popping sound.

The scene of the place where he looked at changed rapidly, as if the sky opened another prelude.

Five small streams and a mighty ice pool emerged, and Long Chen stood on the surface of the ice pool.

However, the place where he stands now is more than ten meters away from the phantom just now.

The death of the phantom soul and the bursting back of the bone killer Divine King suddenly stagnated, and the unparalleled power of rain and the suppression instantly covered their bodies.

Divine King stared at Long Chen, his voice trembling: “Are you taking your life to pit us? I want to see if you die first or us!”

The 2 people have already felt the power of the terrifying Yuze Dao Mark here, but they absolutely did not expect that Long Chen would lure them to strike Array.

It’s not that they were not careful, but they absolutely did not expect Long Chen to stand on the ice pool.

Otherwise, they cannot be fooled by a phantom.

Divine King, the virtual soul, also had an extremely sultry expression, and he felt that he had been greatly insulted.

Long Chen just angered him by speaking. Although he was not angry, he made a subconsciously tentative attack.

The weather over the ice pool changed, and the 5 streams boiled rapidly.

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