That's right, although there weren't many of them, they were all first-rate horses. They used fine materials and slept in big tents. Tie Yi did not know that he was stealing the mounts of the great King of Chiron, Murong Yanhe, and the horses they brought were mostly the mounts of 1000 people.

And at this time, in the tent of the Chiron, Murong Yanhe was exceptionally angry, "Are you all blind? Dazhou's rats came to steal food, but you were unable to do anything about it? You even made This King lose the lightning, all of you deserve to die. "

The slave that raised the horse begged for mercy, but before Murong Yanhe even glanced at it, she was dragged out and beheaded.

Li Hengshan thought for a while, then said: "King, only a thousand days isn't enough to defend against thieves. Since they like sneak attacks so much, then let's just let them do it."

Murong Yanhe glared at Li Hengshan, "Not only did I lose my horse, I even let them sneak attack … "What do you mean?"

The moment Iron family's livestock delivery team set off, she became restless. She pondered on how she could send out the news and get Wu Luoyan to think of a way to kill them. Even if she couldn't take all of them, she wouldn't let a single animal live and be sent to Locked Yang Pass.

Her anxiety was seen by Old Lady Feng. The Old Granny asked, "What's wrong? Did you feel unwell after coming out for so long?"

Murong Yuntong nodded his head, "Thank you Old Granny for your concern, I am just a little cold."

Old Lady Feng finally regained her senses. Everyone had already stayed in the cold wind for nearly four hours, and the sky had already darkened. A servant came to pick them up with a lantern.

Old Lady Feng held Murong Yuntong's hand and said, "Good child, I have wronged you."

"My daughter is ashamed of herself for not being able to help." Murong Yuntong obediently lowered her head.

Yue Ying curled her lips at the back. She was extremely disdainful of her lotus-like actions, she just stood there for a while in the cold wind, it wasn't anything amazing.

When Prime Minister Guo returned to his residence, he felt unsettled, so he asked the butler, "What's new today?"

The butler said, "Honorable Marquis’ Mansion bought all the animals in the Mule City today. I heard that they are going to send food to Locked Yang Pass."

The Prime Minister Guo sneered, "Go to that fur shop and order a set of good leather robes for me."

The butler nodded and went to handle it.

Not long after, a very young embroidery lady followed the housekeeper into the Prime Minister's Estate.

This was the first time Wu Luoyan entered the Prime Minister's Estate.

Prime Minister Guo told everyone in the house to leave, he looked up at Wu Luoyan and said: "You look unfamiliar, you new?"

Wu Luoyan said expressionlessly, "My sister died a terrible death last month, I will take over for you. Rest assured my lord, my daughter will not disappoint you."

The Prime Minister Guo used his hand to pick up Wu Luoyan's chin, seeing that he was much more docile than Wu Luoying, she was very satisfied, he nodded his head and said, "Iron family has gathered some animals and sent them to Locked Yang Pass, go and find someone to stop them halfway, don't let an animal go to Locked Yang Pass, it's good, Master will reward you well!"

Wu Luoyan looked at Prime Minister Guo's vulgar smile, his entire body tensed up, he retreated a step, and said solemnly: "I will do it immediately."

With that, he turned and left. Seeing her young and immature appearance, Prime Minister Guo stroked his chin and laughed obscenely, "Not bad, you look really good."

Returning to the fur shop, Wu Luoyan rubbed her face in disgust, changed her clothes, rode her horse in the dark of the night, and used a badge to call people out of the city.

After a day of ruckus over at the Honorable Marquis’ Mansion, the Iron family's daughters had returned to their families, and the entire house had returned to its former tranquility.

Yue Ying couldn't sleep, she was worried about Tie Yi. If Tie Yi didn't have anything to eat, then how uncomfortable would it be? Although the old lady did not allow her to leave, she still had to leave.

Thus, in the middle of the night, Yue Ying packed her bags and left behind a letter. She quietly left the house, and the moment she entered the backyard, she was immediately discovered by people.

The Old Lady Wang was amused, "You came to my Hou Mansion so easily, how can you come out just because you want to?"

Yue Ying said, "Staying in a big courtyard all day, not going anywhere. It's so boring, I'm used to it, I just want to walk around."

"Do you need to carry a burden when you walk around? Are you fooling me? "You're obviously trying to run." Old Lady Wang was so angry that she stomped her feet when she heard Yue Ying's explanation.

Yue Ying laughed awkwardly, "Of course not, I'm training my body to carry weight."

She was determined not to admit her mistake.

Old Lady Wang had never seen someone so stubborn. She had grabbed hold of her and refused to admit her mistake, and she didn't want to punish her either. Thus, she told Hong Xing to drag her back to properly rest, and not think about escaping anymore.

Even after Yue Ying was brought back to her room, she was still unwilling to let go and tossed around the bed.

At midnight, Hong Xing fell into a deep sleep. She quietly got up and sneaked out.

This time, instead of going through the backyard, she came to the east side wall. This place was indeed the most relaxed of defenses. She climbed over the wall and leaned against the wall, near the north side door.

~ was very careful, she wanted to sneak past. Suddenly, the sound of light footsteps came, causing Yue Ying to jump in fright, there was nothing to hide, if there was anyone here, they would be able to see her.

Just as she was getting anxious, someone grabbed her and pulled her into a room.

"Why is it you?" Yue Ying was curious about Xie Jin's sudden appearance.

"Shh!" Xie Jin indicated for Yue Ying to keep quiet. She waited until the patrolling guards had passed by before whispering, "I'll be on guard duty tonight."

Yue Ying asked softly, "Can you help me get out?"

Xie Jin thought for a while, and was confused, "As long as we go through the servant's room, we can go out through the back door, it's just that..."

Yue Ying felt very sad, but she didn't understand why.

"But what?"

Even though Xie Jin couldn't see her face clearly in the darkness, she knew that she was staring at him, and her heart was thumping hard. She really wanted Yue Ying to stay a little longer, so that she could get closer to her, but he didn't dare to do it, because she was afraid that if she did, Yue Ying would ignore him forever.

The key to the servants' quarters is with my father. I can steal it from him, and the other one is with Uncle Quan. He won't be able to steal it.

Yue Ying smashed the wall with her fist, "Truly troublesome, there aren't many people in Hou Mansion, why are there so many doors?"

Xie Jin was very pained. She hurriedly said, "There's still a way, it's just that I have to make you suffer a little."

"What method?"

"Get out of the dog hole."

"What a rotten idea. Don't you have a ladder? Can I climb over the wall? "

"I'll go look. Just wait."

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