Geng Yuedong's heart gradually became cold. She walked down from the pass and personally wrote a letter.

After Qiu Li was exempted from punishment, he rushed back to Shang Jing with a letter. Along the way, he also brought a coffin, which contained Guo Mao's corpse, and a set of fine Chinese fir trees.

Not long after they left, Yue Yong came over with a portion of horse and donkey meat.

"General, someone from Hou Mansion has arrived and sent some dried meat over." Qiu Yue said happily, her heart saying, at least she had saved her.

Geng Yuedong's eyes lit up and he stood up, "Where is he?"

"It's right in front of us. Waiting for the counting. The people who heard it said that they sent live animals, horses, donkeys, and mules to be killed on the way. Otherwise, they would have been able to get to the gate by yesterday."

That's why we came late, all of these are easy to tidy up, the Lady Yue told us to send them over first, there are still some later on, it's not easy to pack them up, we'll send them over after we are done.

Geng Yuedong nodded his head, "Alright, alright, that girl is being thoughtful, the people of Stone Bull Camp might not be able to hold on any longer, and let Tie Biao and the others give them some of the meat, if not the girl would complain that I am not considerate to her people."

Qiu Yue nodded her head and sent the message happily.

When the food was served, a big pot was opened at noon and a big bone stick was boiled. Although the rice was small, there was still meat inside. The soldiers cut the meat into small grains and drank a bowl of steaming broth.

After the meal, Geng Yuedong heard the news from the scouts. Chiron King Murong Yanhe was about to reward the troops in front of the formation.

There was a conspiracy!

When Tie Yi returned to the base to rest, they got dozens of good horses. For a moment, they were extremely happy.

Before they even reached the camp, they could smell a thick fragrance from afar.

"It's meat soup, I haven't eaten meat in a long time, I'm so hungry!" Let's go, we might not even be able to finish our soup if we're too late. " Tie Yi galloped excitedly, and in the blink of an eye, he was already at the camp.

Yue Gang did not want to be outdone, so he followed them into the camp, but in the end he was not as fast as Tie Yi, and when he arrived in front of the big pot, Tie Yi was already chewing on the big bone.

"Ah, it smells so good. In the past when I was at home, I didn't even smell this kind of bone. Who would have thought that now, every time I smell it, I would actually salivate." Tie Yi said to Yue Gang while gnawing on the bone.

Before he could finish chewing one, he picked up another. Yue Gang became anxious, "That piece of meat is more valuable than the ones I saw before. Leave one for me, why did you steal it all away!"

Tie Yi shook the bone that was completely chewed off, and demonstrated to Yue Gang, "I'm done."

Yue Gang shook his head. The others also smiled and rushed over, but he didn't care about the bickering with Tie Yi anymore and quickly picked a big bowl to eat, leaning against the bonfire and chewing on it. As he ate, he complained about Tie Yi and ate while looking at the pot.

Tie Yi had been with them for a month now, and the young master's temperament had been worn out long ago, so he had become one with Yue Gang and the others long ago. Furthermore, because Yue Yong had saved Tie Yi many times and also heavily injured him, Tie Yi had treated Yue Gang as his own big brother.

After finishing the bone soup, Tie Yi returned to the tent. Uncle Feng was anxiously licking his wine gourd, and had finished all the wine inside.

"Uncle Feng, who got this meat? Is there anything else tomorrow? " Tie Yi sucked on his finger, and asked with unsatisfied feelings.

Uncle Feng pursed his lips, "No, this was saved by your aunt through her teeth, even they don't have much. It was impossible to keep wasting time like this, so he had to think of a way to lure those fellows into the formation. I feel that our opponents this time are very familiar with our setup, and have always been very calm when encountering situations, as if we are on the same side as our own people. Although they also have casualties, we will definitely lose if we use this method of killing one thousand and eight hundred people. "

Tie Yi was startled, "Didn't the imperial government say they sent reinforcements over?"

The Uncle Feng laughed, "When they arrive, the battle would be a complete defeat, so what if they come. It would just be the same as 30 years ago, with the good thing that there's still the General Yue at that time, now where can we find another person like the General Yue."

Tie Yi's interest was piqued. He had only heard that the Iron family was the one who had helped to protect the Locked Yang Pass, but he had never heard of this General Yue before. He asked curiously, "Has this General Yue also participated in the great war between the Locked Yang Pass 30 years ago?"

Uncle Feng glanced at Tie Yi and was about to say something, but he suddenly stopped with a painful expression on his face. He waved his hand, signalling Tie Yi to leave.

Tie Yi didn't know what he did wrong, but the Uncle Feng who was perfectly fine with it wasn't happy about it.

The joy he had felt from eating the meat suddenly disappeared without a trace.

After exiting the door, he asked Yue Gang, "Do you know about the Locked Yang Pass war that happened 30 years ago?"

I'm not too sure, but now your seniors are occasionally talking about it. At that time, there seemed to be a traitor, and one of our defenses was breached by General Yue, and then something happened again, the Emperor wanted to exterminate the Nine Clans of Iron family, and thanks to General Yue's best efforts in defense, he agreed to let them defend Locked Yang Pass, and then everyone thought that they would definitely lose this battle, but in the end, Iron family had to pay a hundred and thirty lives in order to wash away the shame.

Yue Gang was very serious when he talked about this matter, but there were many things that were unclear, and this topic was very obscure in the stronghold. No one dared to talk about it in front of their grandaunt, and only after she passed away, a few old people who had followed the General Yue would talk a bit when they were drunk, thus when Tie Yi asked her a little more detailed, Yue Gang would say that he did not understand it.

But Yue Gang's words still made Tie Yi suspicious, why did the emperor want to exterminate the nine generations of the Iron family?

Don't think about those unhappy things, the most important thing now is to have a good rest. I just heard from someone that the Chiron King is going to the front lines to treat the troops, we have to recuperate and find a chance to dry him out, and after that, the horse meat is not as delicious as the lamb.

Tie Yi smiled, "Of course, but at that time, don't be slow and let others save me."

Yue Gang made a face with his teeth bared, and Tie Yi laughed again as the haze in his heart was swept away.

Tie Yi was even taller now, his hands and wrists exposed, but he didn't care at all. Although this kind of free and easy life was a bit bitter and bitter, compared to in Hou Mansion, it was much more comfortable to listen to others' orders. Compared to Tie Jian, Yue Gang was not very respectful to him, but he was more considerate after all. He really liked being with them like this.

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