Zhenyu is a terrible monster. It is said that the most powerful Zhenyu can shatter the stars and destroy the earth. It can even compete with powerful beasts such as real dragon and real Phoenix.

The golden feather has the blood power of the true feather. Although it is not pure, if it can devour the blood of the true feather, it may be able to purify its own blood and finally turn into the true feather.

However, even if such a powerful monster has died for tens of thousands of years, the remaining authority is still terrible. Even if they can find it, I'm afraid it's not so easy to get it.

"Deal." Jin Mao nodded.

Their golden hair clan is not very strong in the Lingyue mountains. There are several kinds of demons that are stronger than them, and those demons with strong blood connections can turn into human shapes and practice like humans in the condensed soul state. In this vast continent, human beings are the real growth of all things and have unique cultivation conditions. This is why even if monsters are stronger than human beings at the same level, they will become human beings when they can turn into human forms.

The descendants of those animal owners have been able to turn into human forms, but their golden hair connection is not. Therefore, before entering this historic site, the elders of the clan have warned him that he must get the essence and blood of jinmaoyu, so that their blood power can be improved, so as to compete with the demons and beasts of other powerful races.

After one person and one beast reached a deal, they plundered into the depths of the historic site. The treasure they were looking for and the place where Zhenyu fell were not here, but in the central area.

For ye Xiaoxiao, the ancient customs are not too worried. Although there are many martial arts practitioners entering the historic sites this time, there are not many who can really be regarded as strong. Ye Xiaoxiao and others, apart from ye Xiaoxiao, who is a strong person in the five levels of soul condensing realm, others have three levels of cultivation in the soul condensing realm, which is also a rare strong person in this historic site. I'm afraid he's the weakest of all. So even if they really encounter a strong enemy, even if they lose, they can retreat. And on this day, in Dongzhou of Xuanyu, no power will offend xianlongmen for some unnecessary things.

When thoughts flashed in their hearts, they had flown out of the ancient wind. Although this golden feather is only a heavy cultivation in soul forging realm, its speed is not slow. One person and one animal search all the way and move forward all the way. The five days passed quickly.

During these five days, they found a lot of relics. They were all damaged halls, some of which appeared on the ground, but they were obviously searched. Some are hidden underground relics discovered by using the heavenly eye power of jinmaoyu. Although there are some treasures, their power has been greatly reduced due to the erosion of years, and even some have been rotten. However, to the surprise of the ancient wind, he found a remnant map of the ancient Tibetan land here, which can be said to be the greatest harvest. Now he has three of the ten remnant pictures.

"It should have passed through the periphery."

With the continuous deepening, the ancient style is also aware that there are more and more halls, and they are extremely magnificent. Even if they become dilapidated due to years or other reasons, there is still a general trend on them, which is shocking.

The ancient wind and the body shape of the golden hair appeared. Half a quarter of an hour later, it appeared over a still intact hall. In the main hall, there were no less than a hundred figures, and bursts of low cheers spread around with strong spiritual power fluctuations.

Looking at the hall, Gu Feng frowned. Finally, he shook his head and planned to move on.

Gu Feng glanced at the chaotic stone hall, hesitated, but did not enter, but planned to continue to advance. There may be some good things in the hall, and what should be preserved is relatively complete. However, there are too many people in the hall. With his current cultivation, even if he can grab things, I'm afraid it's difficult to leave.

"Ancient wind, don't move, there are good things in it." just as ancient wind turned around, the golden hair roared at the ancient wind. In the middle of his eyebrows, there was a golden brilliance. A moment later, his face was shocked.

"Quasi heavenly treasure." Jin Maoyu exclaimed.

"It's just a treasure. Let's go." Gu Feng said calmly. The purple lightning sword in his hand has exceeded the Tianpin level. Even the tusk dagger is not weaker than the ordinary Tianpin treasure because of the birth of the spirit. Therefore, he doesn't think that a quasi Tianpin treasure is a big deal.

However, just as Gu Feng was about to turn around and leave, a wild laughter came: "Hey, little beauty, we meet again. This time I must take you down. I advise you to be obedient, or you will hurt your beautiful little face later."

Hearing the voice, the old wind frowned. If he heard it correctly, the owner of the voice should be that they were not proud of the cold weather they had met before.

"Shameless." a cold voice with a bit of anger came, and the tone was full of strong disgust.

"Hey, it's delicious, but I still like to use strong ones. Don't worry. After I catch you, I'll make you obedient." the obscene voice of Han Tian Ao came again.

In the sky, the body that Gu Feng was going to leave stood still. If he heard correctly, the cold voice should be Su Li.

Now even if the ancient wind wants to go, it can't go. Without thinking much about the ancient wind's body, it rushed towards the hall from the air.

In the main hall, Su Li was surrounded by five figures. Among the five people, two of them had the first level of martial arts cultivation in ningsoul realm, and the other three had the second level of cultivation in ningsoul realm. This kind of strength is enough to win the triple strong person in the condensed soul realm.

There are also many martial arts practitioners around, but their attention is not here. They all stare at the black and gold awl dragged by a stone statue in the middle of the hall. The pressure is emitted from the awl.


The spirit power surged on the shadow of martial arts. The spirit power turned into a weapon and stabbed Su Li.


Su Li also whispered, and the cold breath swept through. After absorbing the cold spirit fruit, his spirit level was obviously improved. The ice blade transformed by the spiritual power of martial arts was frozen and then broken.

"The little beauty is really good. She is worthy of being a disciple of the Immortal Dragon's gate." Han Tianao licked his lips and stared at Su Li's hot body, saying that the lust in his eyes is self-evident.

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