"You can understand the talisman hall as an exchange, but the things on the facade are not bought with spirit stones, but talismans. Some disciples go out to practice and get treasure tools, skills, martial arts, spirit array, and magic medicine, etc. they will take them there for consignment."

Mu Li looked at the ancient wind and said patiently.

"There is such a place." Gu Feng was a little surprised. Although he had been in xianlongmen for a year, he was basically practicing in isolation in the college, so he didn't understand many places.

"Alas, it seems that you don't know the place either. I'll take you there."

Mu Li looked at the surprised color on the ancient wind's face. Finally, he could only sigh and said helplessly. Help people to the end, she also reluctantly took the antique to go.

"Thank you, senior sister Muli." Gu Feng hurriedly said.

"Elder Zixuan, let's go first." Mu Li said to Zixuan.



The two walked all the way, with the ancient wind leading the way. Naturally, Mu Li didn't have to worry about the magic array in the fog canyon. When they got out of the fog Canyon, they were heading towards the divine talisman hall.

Along the way, many disciples of Linglun peak were surprised to see that ancient wind was walking with Mu Li. After all, with Mu Li's appearance and talent, the popularity of Linglun peak is still very high.

"How did they get together?"

"It's said that elder martial sister Muli has disappeared for many days. Is it true that she has been with the ancient wind for this period of time?"

"How can it be? Elder martial sister Muli is fond of elder martial brother yuange. How can she like the hairy boy of ancient style."


Many people talked about it one after another, but it's not hard to hear the sour tone in their mouth.

People walk all the way, about more than an hour, they arrive at the rune hall. The rune hall is not far from the mission hall. However, in the past, the ancient wind came and went here in a hurry, so I didn't notice the situation here.

"It's here. I don't know if there is any animal spirit here. If not, you can only go to the task hall to release the task." Mu Li said.


Gu Feng nodded and directly pushed the door in. There are so many people here that it is better than the task hall.

"This deacon, I want to buy some animal spirits. I don't know if they are sold here?" Gu Feng went straight to the Deacon on duty in the amulet temple and asked.

"Beast spirit?" the deacon was a little confused and glanced at the ancient wind. Animal spirits are not very common, and very few people use them, so basically no one goes back to hunt monsters and arrest animal spirits, because such a laborious and thankless thing is really at a loss.

"Yes, it's the beast spirit. It's better to be higher." Gu Feng nodded and looked at the Deacon with some hope.

"Now there are only dozens of animal spirits temporarily stored in the amulet hall, all of which are in the second and third levels of the soul condensing realm." the Deacon looked at the ancient wind path.

"The soul state is twofold and threefold? Is there no higher level animal spirit in that way?" Gu Feng asked tentatively.

"I'll know who has a high-level beast spirit. I'll go to him and see if he is willing to exchange it." the Deacon smiled and said.

"Thank you, deacon." Gu Feng said gratefully.

"No harm." the Deacon smiled, but his eyes inadvertently swept the bathed Li beside the ancient wind. He may not recognize the ancient style, but he knows Mu Li. The personal disciple of the Lord of Linglun peak has a high status in Linglun peak. Therefore, even as a deacon, he dared not neglect these disciples.

Because no one knows whether these gifted disciples will be the next elder of the Immortal Dragon's gate. In his opinion, since Mu Li was accompanied by people in person, his background must be not simple.

"Elder martial sister, it seems that you still have a big face." after the Deacon left, Gu Feng looked at Mu Li and said with a smile. Although the Deacon's action was obscure, it was discovered by the ancient wind.


Mu Li gave an old-fashioned look.

Gu Feng smiled and continued to ask Mu Li about the amulet temple.

Where they didn't notice, a pair of vulture eyes stared at them. The eyes swept over Mu Li with a trace of obsession, but when they swept over the ancient wind of talking and laughing with Mu Li, there was a gloomy chill in their eyes.

"Yude, who is that boy? How come I haven't seen him." the man looked at his disciple and asked casually.

Yude looked up, looked at the ancient wind and Mu Li, and a clear color flashed on his face. He is a disciple of tianqifeng. The young man in front of him is also a talented disciple of tianqifeng. He has reached the seven levels of soul condensing realm, and his cultivation in kendo is not weak.

The whole xianlongmen knows that Liu Lange likes Mu Li. It's just that Mu Li is a disciple of linglunfeng and loves the yuan song, so Liu Lange can't help it.

He had also challenged yuan Ge before, but it was a pity that he ended up with a disastrous defeat. He is not against Yuan Ge, so he has no way. However, this does not mean that any man can appear around Mu Li, especially seeing the boy talking with Mu Li so happily makes him jealous.

Yude chuckled: "elder martial brother Liu doesn't know yet. This is elder martial brother Gufeng. He was the first in the previous examination of core disciples. It is said that he was highly valued by the Lord of Linglun peak. He has entered the sect door and has given a mountain and sea Pavilion."

Liu Lange took a task before, so he almost didn't return to zongmen this year. He only came back recently. Naturally, he didn't know that there was an ancient style.

"It turns out that he is a new disciple who can only lead the way." Liu Lange pulled a sneer of disdain at the corners of his mouth. Naturally, the strength of a new disciple of Linglun peak is not strong. Whether he is the person valued by the Lord of Linglun peak or not, let him know that some people can't touch casually this time.

At this time, the Deacon who had left before also came back, followed by a man in black. The man's face was dark, there was a touch of bloodthirsty color in his eyes, and his body exuded an extremely thick bloody gas.

"It's Haotian." seeing the visitor, Mu Li's face was also stunned, with a dignified color in her beautiful eyes.

"Elder martial sister knows him?" Gu Feng asked curiously.

"Although he is not a disciple, he is also one of the disciples of xianlongmen. He just didn't join the peaks. He is a member of the law enforcement team. He is also a rare murderer in the law enforcement team. I don't know how many enemies died in his hands. He is definitely the one who turns pale when many younger brothers of xianlongmen talk about it." Mu Li whispered to Gu Feng, Afraid of being heard by that Haotian.

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