The night sky is quiet. There are streamers across the sky. It is the falling stars in the sky. The laws of heaven and earth are unstable. Even the stars can't stop in the sky for a long time.

In the quiet night sky, the sound of animal roar came continuously. The ancient wind hides his breath, sits on the ancient wood, spreads his divine consciousness and scans the surrounding mountains and forests. The monsters in the mountains and forests are full of violence and ferocity. At least a dozen waves of monsters have been found fighting each other within the scope of ancient divine knowledge. They don't know the pain. They only know to fight and kill each other completely. Such decisive felling made the ancient customs frown.

This mountain forest seems really unusual. Because the monsters encountered by the ancient wind before, although they are all ferocious, they all have intelligence and know who can attack. Now, it seems that the monsters here are not like this. Even if the triple monsters in the condensing spirit realm encounter the six monsters in the condensing spirit realm, they will rush up and kill them without hesitation.


In the distant sky, hundreds of sounds broke through the sky, and the turbulent spiritual power wave spread from them, bending the mountains and forests below.


In the mountains and forests, the roar of those monsters came. They gave up their opponents and rushed towards those martial arts.

"Boom, boom."

Bright lights bloomed and terrible attacks fell. Dozens of monsters were killed in an instant. There were no bones, and dozens of mysterious crystals also appeared in the sky.

More than ten martial arts practitioners flashed and rushed towards those Austrian and Israeli crystals. Although there is only one grade and a small number of these Upanishads, they are also the crystallization of Upanishads. We still understand the truth of gathering sand into a tower.

"Hurry up and don't delay."

Among the crowd, one of the leading youths looked at the more than ten figures and said in a cold voice. There was contempt in his eyes. To tell the truth, he really didn't like these guys, even despised them. But there is no way. The treasure land has a great opportunity, but it is occupied by hundreds of monsters. What is more hateful is that these hundreds of monsters seem to be controlled by a very strong monster. If they want to enter the treasure land, they can only rely on these guys.

"Link, is this where you're talking about?" a young man in a black robe with a morbid pale face and a hoarse voice.

This is the martial arts cultivation of the ghost hell sect. The cultivation has reached the late stage of the seventh level of the soul condensing realm, and the strength is very strong. Coupled with the strange means of the ghost Ming sect, even some eighth level martial arts cultivation of the soul condensing realm are not necessarily his opponents. Behind him, there were many disciples of the ghost ghost sect. They were in the same black robe and looked pale.

"It's really a narrow road for friends."

Gu Feng looked at the disciples of the ghost ghost sect who looked very special, and a dangerous arc crossed the corner of his mouth. The discord between the ghost sect and the immortal dragon gate is known to the whole Tianxuan region. Although it is not as immortal as the shadow hunter, the situation is not much better.

"It seems like a way to keep them all here, otherwise it will be a big trouble in the future." Gu Feng looked at the disciples of the ghost Ming sect, his eyes twinkled and asked in his heart.

The disciples of Guiming sect who entered the hunting meeting this time are more than twice as many as their immortal dragon's gate. There are more than 2000 people, and their accomplishments are not weak. If they really meet their immortal dragon's gate at the last moment, they may be very passive. Since there is such an opportunity now, the ancient style will not give up so easily.

A smile flashed in his eyes. The jade card representing the Immortal Dragon's gate was collected by him. His body twinkled and quietly appeared in the team.

There are hundreds of martial arts practitioners from different strengths and a large number of people. Naturally, no one will notice. Suddenly, there is a four fold martial arts cultivation in the soul condensing realm.

People move forward, but when they encounter monsters, they will work together to solve them. With the same speed, it saves a lot of time.

But even so, it took a whole hour, and link and others, the leader in front, stopped.

"There is a treasure land ahead."

Link repressed some excitement and said to the crowd.


For a moment, everyone looked up and looked ahead. The ancient wind is no exception. Looking at the mountains and forests ahead, the eyes of the ancient wind also become hot.

In the depths of the mountains and forests, there are crystal lights floating towards the sky, and the mysterious atmosphere rippling out is intoxicating. The ancient wind takes a deep breath and can feel that a force containing pure laws flows into the body.

"It's really a treasure land."

The ancient wind licked his lips and the hot light in his eyes bloomed. If he let go of such a treasure land, he would be really sorry for himself.

"You see, there's a treasure land ahead. You've already felt the strong power of law compared with you. If I didn't expect it to be bad, this is a law pool. Entering it to practice will definitely make you understand the power of law more deeply, and even a higher level of advanced Tao is not impossible." link looked at the faces of the people with greed, Looking forward, he nodded with great satisfaction. He continued, "but now it's occupied by some animals. What should we do next?"

"Kill, kill, kill..."

The roar that shook the heaven and earth came from their mouths, and the rippling killing intention directly blasted the surrounding trees into powder.

"A bunch of fools."

Looking at the crowd, I couldn't help glancing at the corners of the ancient wind's mouth. Although the whole day's shouting and killing sound is magnificent, it gives time for those monsters who seize the treasure land to prepare. If they can sneak in and kill, even if they can't kill all those monsters, they can also hit them hard.


Sure enough, after the people's shouting and killing fell, there was also a startling roar of monsters in the shining forest ahead. The sound was also accompanied by an amazing killing intention, and the cold evil spirit swept towards this side. The evil spirit filled the air, and the cold and fierce wind magnified the strong wind, which made the ancient wind's eyes squint. With such a strong breath, it is obvious that there are many monsters in front, and the level is not weak.

"It seems that it will be a fierce battle."

The old wind frowned and couldn't help saying. I'm afraid the battle will not be so smooth this time. Most of them are afraid to die here.

"Kill, kill all the animals, and the treasure land belongs to us." the seven heavy Wu Xiuqi of link's soul state roared.


Everyone roared, their eyes full of greed. They had been blinded by the treasure land, wanted to get everything, and rushed there.

Gu Feng's eyes narrowed and looked at link and others in front of him. He found that their bodies flickered, hid into the dense forest and sneaked carefully towards the treasure land.

"Boom, boom"

The roar of the beast came from the front. With the roar of Wu Xiu, the bright spiritual power bloomed, and powerful energy fluctuations swept through. The energy ripples spread and destroyed everything around.

Gu Feng shook his head. Now he can be very sure that link and others must have used these people as cannon fodder for the so-called treasure land to let these martial arts practitioners go to work hard with the monsters who occupy the treasure land, and they have another plot in the dark.

Thinking of this, the ancient wind's body also flickered, turned into a faint light and shadow, disappeared from here, and chased in the direction that link and others left.

Although his realm is only four fold, his hiding means is not weak. I'm afraid that in this lost continent, the ancient style converges and hides his body shape. Even the nine heavy martial arts cultivation of condensing soul territory is difficult to find him.

The ancient wind flickered in the mountains and forests, and soon caught up with the sneaky link and others. The ancient wind found that these people were all seven strong martial arts in the soul state, and their strength was strong. Even if the spiritual power fluctuation was forcibly suppressed by them, the ancient wind could still feel the strong sense of oppression from them.

"Link, how far is the real treasure land you said?" the young man of the ghost sect looked at link and asked with a frown. The ancient wind who is far behind is moved. Is the real treasure land just a cover?

"Elder martial brother GUI Tianxing, don't worry. It's right ahead. Although the previous place is also some extraordinary, it's much worse than the place we're going to. However, there is a demon king control there, and there are more than a dozen seven heavy demons in the soul condensing realm. Unless we are the nine heavy experts in the soul condensing realm, I'm afraid we'll be dead if we go alone."

Link looked at the ghost Tianxing of the ghost Ming sect and said with a smile.

"I hope you didn't lie to me, otherwise, you should know the consequences." ghost Tianxing flashed a cold light in his eyes, looked at link and said.

He shivered for no reason, but he knew the strange means of the ghost ghost sect. Although he is also a seven fold martial arts cultivation in the soul condensing realm, he knows that he will never have even a little chance of winning in the face of the ghost Tianxing in front of him.


With a wave of his big hand, link took the people on. After walking carefully for a quarter of an hour, the space in front of me became lively and cheerful. The trees around them are getting less and less. When they pass through a forest again, there is a lake only a hundred feet in front of them. In the middle of the lake is an island more than ten feet in size. Around it is a colorful lotus, emitting the light of colorful glass, echoing with the stars and moon in the sky.

"The crystal of profound meaning, four, five and six." a crowd looked at nearly a hundred lotus flowers in the lake. His eyes were hot and his breathing became urgent.

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