Peerless God of War

1394. Chapter 1395: Escape

Chapter 1395 Escape

Seeing Chen Xiao about to take off his mask, the people on guard around him relaxed a little.

But, at the moment when Chen Xiao's left hand touched the mask on his face, he suddenly disappeared from the spot.

"Huh? Where is he? Where did he go?"

The inquiring person who was staring at Chen Xiao was a little confused.

He never expected that Chen Xiao would disappear from under his nose in an instant. This was incredible!

Other people around were also startled, and then quickly looked around.

"Over there!"

A warrior from the White Emperor Palace suddenly said.

As soon as this was said, everyone at the scene looked up.

This time, they found that Chen Xiao had appeared thousands of meters away and was rushing towards the distance!

"Leave a few people to continue searching, and the others will follow me. We must catch him!" The inquiring person shouted and the whole person quickly flew into the air to chase.

There were nearly a hundred people from the White Emperor Palace around. At this moment, except for more than ten people who were still left to maintain order and search, the rest of the people could be said to have come out in full force.

Everyone chased after Chen Xiao frantically.

Many people even determined that the person who escaped was the Chen Xiao they were looking for!

Otherwise, if it wasn't Chen Xiao, why would he run away?

In front, Chen Xiao, who was fleeing, glanced back and found that nearly a hundred people were chasing him. The corner of his mouth twitched, and a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

Then, a hundred-foot sword light instantly swept behind him!

This sword light appeared so abruptly that many people didn't even have time to dodge and were instantly swept into it.

In an instant, screams and wails rang out one after another!

Even some unlucky Baidi Palace warriors were directly cut in half, and those who were luckier were also seriously injured and flew back.

Such a terrifying move instantly made the faces of the people around him look horrified.

At the same time, they also understood Chen Xiao's cultivation. This is definitely a God Emperor!

Moreover, he may not be an ordinary God Emperor!

The noise of the fight here was too loud, especially when the sword light of 100 feet appeared, it instantly stirred the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth within tens of thousands of meters nearby.

Almost instantly, several Baidi disciples stationed here were alarmed.

These Baidi disciples were originally practicing in peace at another location near the meteorite group, and they were also guarding the place. As for the verification, it was naturally handed over to their subordinates. They couldn't squat at the exit to check one by one.

As a result, it didn't take long before such a terrifying action suddenly appeared.

Almost instantly, the three Baidi disciples who were in charge of this place and the Baidi guard named Xiaowu were all alarmed. They instantly flashed out of the place of practice and stood in the void looking at the place where the action took place.

When they saw dozens of Baidi Palace disciples being chopped away by a sword light of 100 feet, they gasped and their faces turned black instantly.

They didn't know what happened, and they couldn't sit still. Almost instantly, they turned into four afterimages and rushed towards the place where the action took place.

Although only three of these four were Baidi's direct disciples and one was Baidi's guard, they were all at the level of God Emperor, and their cultivation had reached the middle and late stages of God Emperor. Their flying speed was extremely fast, and they arrived near the dozens of subordinates in the blink of an eye.

One of the disciples raised his hand and blasted it out with a palm, directly smashing the 100-foot sword light that was still raging.

Then, they chased Chen Xiao in the distance without stopping.

The other three were not idle either, and quickly chased after him.

At this time, how could they not guess what happened?

Most people did not dare to fight with Baidi's people. Those who dared to fight must have something to hide.

Whether it was Chen Xiao they were looking for this time or not, it didn't matter. Such people must be caught and must die!

If they couldn't catch him, they would suffer after returning, and they would definitely be severely punished by Baidi.

The four God Emperors chased together, and a group of people almost instantly went away for dozens of miles and soon disappeared in the crowd.

At the original place, the dozens of Baidi Palace disciples did not continue to chase, and there was no way to continue chasing. Since the other party was a God Emperor, they could not catch up. Even if they really caught up, they would only die. Although they were disciples of the Baidi Palace, they were actually just registered disciples of Baidi. Their highest cultivation level was only the God King Realm. How could they be the opponent of the God Emperor?

There was no need to continue chasing. In addition to being seriously injured and killed, half of this group of people stayed to clean up the mess, and the other half quickly returned to Xutianmen to continue to be responsible for surveying and guarding. It can be said that they were extremely responsible.

In the crowd, a group of warriors saw the four God Emperors chasing Chen Xiao together, and all of them showed horror on their faces. Some of the warriors with arrogant expressions on their faces also froze.

Asking themselves, they knew that they were definitely not the opponents of the four God Emperors, especially now that many disciples of the Baidi Palace were killed by Chen Xiao, and they dared not continue to be arrogant, so as not to anger these angry disciples.

The subsequent interrogation was indeed much more rigorous, but everyone was also very cooperative and continued to interrogate one by one. Mo Qiu was also interrogated once in the crowd.

But as Chen Xiao said, no one asked him anything. They just took off the mask and checked his cultivation. After discovering that he was a Divine King, they let him pass directly.

After the test, Mo Qiu did not dare to stay where he was. After identifying the direction, he quickly flew towards the direction of the fifth heaven of the fairyland.

Although he was worried about Chen Xiao's comfort, he didn't even know where Chen Xiao had gone, and there was no way to rush over to give support. The only best way was to rush back quickly to help Huangfu Wanrong and others open the sect.

After all, there was no top master in the sect there, and he could avoid some unnecessary troubles if he went back.

The investigation was still going on there, and Mo Qiu had already left.

And Chen Xiao was still speeding in the starry sky.

He didn't go to the fifth heaven of the fairyland, and even Chen Xiao didn't go to the direction of the sixth heaven of the fairyland. He just took the group of people to circle slowly in the starry sky.

In fact, if Chen Xiao used his own cultivation and performed thunder escape, he could quickly get rid of the guys behind him, but Chen Xiao didn't plan to get rid of them directly.

Since this feud has been made, there is no need to shrink back, just take the opportunity to cut off some of Baidi's wings.

That's right!

Chen Xiao had been circling with these guys in the starry sky, just to find a way to kill them!

After flying in the starry sky for nearly five hours, Chen Xiao's speed began to slow down significantly...

The four White Emperor Palace God Emperors who were chasing behind were shocked when they saw this.

They had been hanging behind Chen Xiao for five hours, and they had not been able to catch up. They used secret methods to speed up, and Chen Xiao would also speed up. Fortunately, Chen Xiao's speed was not too fast, and they could still keep up.

Now seeing that Chen Xiao's speed began to slow down, they immediately guessed that it should be due to the rapid consumption of mana in Chen Xiao's body.

After all, flying at a high intensity in the starry sky all the time consumes mana and divine thoughts!

Now that Chen Xiao's speed has slowed down, it is a good time for them to catch up and take down Chen Xiao!

Thinking of this, the four looked at each other, and without hesitation, they used secret methods to speed up and rushed towards Chen Xiao in front!

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