Peerless God of War

1615. Chapter 1616: Rebels plundering

Chapter 1616: Rebellious thieves plunder

Most of this wealth was exchanged by Chen Xiao and purchased into a large amount of medicinal materials and other items, making the auction house that handled it want to treat Chen Xiao as an ancestor.

After this, Chen Xiao's turnover in their auction house reached tens of billions, which really made them a huge fortune.

While Chen Xiao was resting and squandering, Ye Xing had been paying attention to information from the outside world. He would go out to collect information every day and report it to Chen Xiao in the evening.

On this day, Chen Xiao returned home with a large amount of medicinal materials that he had just purchased, but was visited by Ye Xing.

The two of them share a room. Apart from reporting news on weekdays, Ye Xing rarely comes over on his own initiative. If he comes now, something must have happened.

Chen Xiao turned around and closed the door, then arranged several magic circles to isolate his spiritual consciousness. Then he looked at Ye Xing and said, "What's going on?"

"Now there are discussions everywhere outside. Another Xingjun's mansion was attacked. All the guards in the mansion, including the private soldiers, were killed. However, the Xingjun happened to escape the disaster because he was out on a mission. But the Xingjun Mansion is gone, and its finances have been completely looted!"

Speaking of this, Ye Xing looked at Chen Xiao subtly.

Although he didn't know who did it, Ye Xing always felt that it was related to Chen Xiao, especially recently. Chen Xiao often took out a star bell to contact someone, and the contact lasted most of the day, especially this time. Chen Xiao specifically asked him to go out to collect information for a few days!

Obviously, Chen Xiao had long expected that something big would happen recently, so he took the initiative to ask him to pay attention to the information from the outside world.

Chen Xiao, who was sitting on the chair, twitched his mouth when he heard this.

Although King Lin had previously told him that he would take action in the third heaven, Chen Xiao still did not expect that those guys were so bold and bold. They would not take action without taking action, but they would do it directly as soon as they made a move. Moreover, they were also a Divine Soul Realm warrior. The existence of the Divine Soul Realm in the position of Liexing Lord!

At this level, even in the entire heaven, there are not many, but King Lin and others directly targeted him. This is really courageous.

Not to mention the fighting power of these people, the number of private troops guarding him in these people's houses is probably thousands, and their cultivation level must be not low. He really didn't expect that the power displayed by King Lin and others would be so powerful!

"What house is this?" Chen Xiao looked up at Ye Xing.

"This is the third Star Lord. There were two Star Lords before who were directly killed. Five other princes' mansions were also bloodbathed. I heard that a small Heavenly Court garrison was also attacked. However, the attacking group mispredicted the strength of the garrison and retreated after leaving some corpses behind.

However, that was also the only time they retreated. In the remaining times, they all went into the bag to retrieve the items and were bloodbathed by them. Except for the Xingjun family just now, the rest, including the Marquis, were all killed! "

"I understand, please continue to pay attention!" Chen Xiao nodded.

"Okay!" Ye Xing nodded, glanced at Chen Xiao, then turned and left.

Chen Xiao, on the other hand, stayed there in silence for a while, then took out the star bell and started to contact Lin Wang.

When the two parties contacted each other, they naturally first asked how the recent process was.

King Lin gave a brief description of the recent events. When Chen Xiao asked about the losses, King Lin was silent for a while, and then resumed: "More than a hundred brothers died! We were injured! We killed hundreds of people, and there was nothing we could do about those who died, but those who were injured quickly regained their fighting power with the elixirs you left behind!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiao frowned slightly and said: "I have calmed down a little recently and continued to attack, so as not to be ambushed. Wait for my news before proceeding!"

"Is there any news from you?" King Lin was a little surprised.

"Don't forget, I am now the Deputy Inspector of the Heavenly Court Inspection Hall!" Chen Xiao suddenly said.

As soon as these words came out, King Lin's eyes suddenly lit up and he understood.

Chen Xiao wanted to use his authority to provide them with information, but wasn't this the fundamental reason why he was so honest and told everything to Chen Xiao?

Don't you just hope that this guy Chen Xiao can provide some information?

Before taking action, he hoped that Chen Xiao would provide it, but Chen Xiao would not dare to inquire about other people's detailed information rashly, so as not to attract other people's attention, but now it is different.

When they took action, many places were awakened, and mobilizations were being made everywhere. Naturally, in those places that had been attacked, personnel from the Heavenly Inspection Hall rushed over to check the specific situation.

As the deputy inspector general, Chen Xiao could intervene a little bit and it was not a problem at all.

"Well, in that case, we will wait for your good news. During this time, we will find a place to hibernate!" King Lin replied.

"Okay!" Chen Xiao nodded and took the initiative to cut off contact with King Lin.

After a short rest, the relevant points obtained after communicating with King Lin were combined with what Ye Xing said to confirm each other. After having a good idea, he began to contact the personnel who inspected the palace.

In fact, Chen Xiao had contacted the personnel of the inspection hall several times before. In addition to occasionally asking about some content, he also took the initiative to contact them to explore some other information.

This contact is not in vain. Now, in addition to Xing Ling, who has direct contact with the inspector, Chen Xiao also has the contact information of several other inspection hall personnel.

At this time, the person Chen Xiao contacted was an inspector who was in the third heaven.

The person was contacted by Chen Xiao before, so he responded immediately after being contacted by Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao was a higher official than the other party, and he got all the information he wanted immediately after asking.

The patrol hall was indeed instructed by the Emperor of Heaven to walk around and explore whether there were any suspicious places or people. Once found, they would report back immediately, and the Heavenly Court would send troops to encircle and suppress them.

Obviously, after being attacked one after another, the Heavenly Court really focused on this matter.

In fact, it was more than just focusing on it. At the court meeting today, the Emperor of Heaven was furious, pointing at the Heavenly King in charge of this star field and scolding the Heavenly King.

The group of traitors who had almost completely disappeared actually appeared, and they openly attacked the residence of an important official of the Heavenly Court, and succeeded, and even attacked an area where troops were stationed. This was undoubtedly a provocation!

However, the Heavenly King in charge of the security of this place did not find any abnormality at all. How could the Emperor of Heaven not be angry?

The king of heaven also had a lot of troubles. Although he had many elite soldiers and generals, he had been seriously injured in the fight against the Anku some time ago. During this period, he had been in seclusion to recover from his injuries. His subordinates did not dare to mobilize large-scale searches without being notified.

When he got the news, the rebels had already taken action several times, so he had to come out of seclusion quickly to attend the court.

Who knew that he would be scolded by the emperor of heaven as soon as he arrived!

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