Peerless God of War

1855. Chapter 1856 Taking the opportunity to search

Chapter 1856 Taking the opportunity to search

The passage lasted for nearly half an incense stick before it was closed by Chen Xiao.

After it was closed, Chen Xiao, King Lu, King Duan and others all looked unhappy.

Because their divine thoughts easily counted the number of people present!

The number of people who just escaped from the swarm of insects would never exceed 200,000, and might even be less than 150,000!

In other words, in this short period of time, the 800,000 troops under King Lu's helmet lost nearly 650,000 troops!

Perhaps for a war, the loss of these troops is nothing, but now these people did not die on the battlefield, but died in the mouth of these insects!

This is very difficult to accept.

Especially King Lu!

Although he had known that his troops had suffered heavy losses before, he did not have an intuitive concept.

Now that the troops below counted the losses, King Lu almost vomited blood in anger.

He only had one million troops under his command. This time, he brought 800,000 troops to the Tianwai Corridor because the continuous death of other Heavenly Kings gave him a huge sense of crisis, forcing him to find a way to improve his strength.

It is already difficult to improve the cultivation level after reaching the Soul Realm, and the Soul Stone here is a good way!

So he came here!

It was because he predicted that there might be some danger here, so he brought a full 800,000 troops in one breath. Even if there was a crisis, it was enough to fight.

However, what he didn't expect was that he would lose so many people this time!

These are all his elite soldiers and generals, and even more than 100,000 troops from his own department. As a result, there are only so few troops left now. If they encounter anything, they will probably be wiped out.

At least, it is impossible for him to do anything big in the next hundred years. He can only watch others grow and develop, and he can only find a way to train a group of trusted subordinates again.

No one cares about King Lu's thoughts at the moment.

When everyone was protecting the almost exhausted soldiers under Lu Wang's helmet, the anger in their hearts was also ignited.

The miserable state of these soldiers made them feel sad.

It was precisely because of this that the soldiers who were hunting the Zergs fought harder.

The Zerg swarms, which were already no match for the army, were further dispersed by the army and then divided into several swarms of different sizes!

If these swarms of insects had been tightly wrapped together, then everyone really had no way to deal with these things, and could only eat them from the surroundings little by little.

But now, these swarms of insects were dispersed!

In this way, the soldiers who practiced fire-based skills instantly seized the opportunity.

Several people formed a group, fan-shaped, and cast various flames to drive all the starry sky Zergs together.

Then, the rest of the soldiers would use various magical powers to slaughter these Zergs crazily.

The Zerg's body strength is not strong. Facing the encirclement and suppression of many armies starting from the Heavenly God Realm alone, they are not on the same level at all. It is a one-sided massacre, and the number of Zerg begins to decrease wildly.

Chen Xiao and others were slaughtering crazily. King Lu was also not idle. He ordered some people to continue to protect the people under his helmet. He rushed directly to the front of the crowd and slaughtered the Zerg crazily, venting his unwillingness and anger.

One hour!

Two hours!

Five hours!

Ten hours!

No one knows how long it has been.

Everyone only knows, kill! Kill! Kill!

As long as you see the Zerg, kill them all!

It has been a whole day and night since Chen Xiao and others arrived at the battlefield.

During this day and night, millions of people have not stopped killing.

Gradually, everyone was so bloodthirsty that no one even cared about the dirt on their bodies. From a distance, they were all dirty and could not be seen by others.

Among them, Lu Wang was the most powerful in killing enemies. He even rushed to the front of the insect kings who had the cultivation level of the boundless realm or even the soul realm several times, and killed those insect kings who were almost full of intelligence.

As a result, the mana in this guy's body was consumed quite drastically. After a battle, his mana was almost only one tenth of it, and he couldn't continue to support it. He had to retreat to the side to rest under the protection of many subordinates.

As Lu Wang retreated, there were actually not many remaining Zergs on the scene, and they could not pose any threat to the army at all.

Millions of troops, plus other troops who came later, all dispersed and began to frantically clear out the Zergs around.

At this time, if someone looked down from a high altitude, they would find that the battlefield was filled with stench and a terrifying number of broken limbs.

The corpses of the Zerg were piled up like mountains, many of which had been burned into charcoal, but more were still floating in the starry sky, drifting away with inertia.

At this moment, Chen Xiao, Duan Wang and others have reunited.

There are not many Zerg left at the scene, so they don’t need to take action anymore. The people below will naturally clear them out.

At this time, a few of them gathered together. In fact, it was King Duan who was trying to get King Lu's attention. He was discussing with Chen Xiao and others whether they should take the opportunity to do nothing but find a way to kill King Lu too. .

However, after a short discussion, everyone had to give up this idea.

Because there were too many people stationed at the scene to take out the Zerg, and it was a mixed bag. It was not the time for people like them to do anything at will. Once they wanted to do something now, it would be difficult to get rid of the relationship. .

As the last Zerg was killed, a group of people immediately scattered around and began to search for any fish that had slipped through the net.

Now that they have given up on attacking King Lu, King Duan and others cannot just sit idle like this.

After a brief discussion, a few people each led a hundred thousand troops to search vertically around the starry sky.

One is to capture the escaped Zerg, and the other is to search for any other treasures of heaven and earth in this unknown starry sky.

After the Emperor of Heaven and others came here to hunt the Skeleton Beast, no one dared to come here rashly anymore.

This time King Lu entered rashly, and it became like this. I am afraid that no one will dare to come in in the future.

But now, with such a great opportunity right in front of them, Chen Xiao and others naturally knew how to cherish it, so they simply took the people with them and took advantage of this opportunity to conduct a thorough search in the area.

At this time, there are so many people here. As long as they don't encounter the kind of beast-level beings like before, Chen Xiao and others will definitely not be in any danger.

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