Peerless God of War

2459. Chapter 2460: Flowing Blade Light

Chapter 2460: Flowing Blade Light

The blade has all the heat and energy in it. What Wan Chengjie holds in his hand is no longer just a blade, but a volcano or a star chain. It looks ordinary, but once the power contained in it erupts, it is enough to destroy the world.

This blade of annihilation is held between his five fingers.

At this time, Wan Chengjie is full of vigor and vitality, his hair is flying, and his aura and will have reached an unprecedented peak. He has never been so strong and confident as he is now.

This will be the strongest and most brilliant blade in his life. He is looking forward to it.

His opponent, Shi Qing, also has a solemn face. Compared with the crazy and high-spirited Wan Chengjie, he seems to be more cautious and careful at this time. It is obvious that his state of mind is completely different from Wan Chengjie's.

When the Jiexian Realm moves, the power of heaven and earth changes, and then affects the structure of the entire space, becoming extremely unstable.

An extremely heavy and condensed aura emerged from Shi Qing, which showed that the technique he practiced was mainly earth-based, which was why he felt so strong and heavy.


As the momentum continued to rise, the space oscillated more and more violently, and a dark shadow of the proud mountain appeared behind Shi Qing. This mountain gave people only one feeling, high and heavy.

Wan Chengjie subconsciously looked up, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he could not even see the top of the mountain, and could only see a small part of the mountainside.

He was shocked. You know, his strength was considered outstanding even in the Jiexian Realm, but he didn't expect that he couldn't even see the shadow of this mountain.

It seemed that the more he wanted to see the whole of this tall mountain, the more he would be trapped in it, unable to extricate himself, with a mysterious feeling that the person in charge was confused and the bystander was clear.

The more this happened, the more weird he felt.

Wan Chengjie even knew that if he wanted to see through the mountain, he had to jump out of the current situation and stand at a third party, or a higher and farther angle, to do it.

Just knowing is one thing, but doing it is another.

Since he has been pulled into this confrontation, it is difficult to extricate himself from it.

"This mountain looks so familiar~" Wan Chengjie said with a serious face, as if thinking about something.

His eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at the phantom mountain desperately, trying to find a flaw, but he was completely helpless. Instead, a more familiar feeling came over him, which made him feel a little uneasy.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came into his mind, and he finally recognized the phantom of the mountain, and his face changed immediately.

"This, this is the God of Creation Mountain, this is impossible, it is impossible for someone to evolve the God of Creation Mountain into their own image, this is absolutely impossible." Wan Chengjie was a little out of control.

The so-called Creation Mountain is located in the middle of the God's Domain. It is the highest and most majestic mountain in the God's Domain, and even in the major star domains known to the human race.

It reaches the sky directly, and its size is comparable to some small star domains. It is called the starting point of creation by countless people, and is also called the Creation Mountain. It is the most central and core area of ​​the entire God's Domain.

If the Creation Mountain is just tall and majestic, it is not enough to be called creation. The most magical thing is that this Creation Mountain seems to contain the original power of the entire God's Domain, and hides the supreme secrets leading to the realm of longevity and immortality.

It is for this reason that the Creation Mountain has become the supreme holy place in the minds of countless cultivators. Every year, countless geniuses rush to the Creation Mountain to seek opportunities.

But there are very few successful people.

Wan Chengjie was also one of them. He was very yearning in his heart, but he never had the opportunity to go there.

At the moment, Shi Qing was able to transform the Mountain of Creation into a vision of his boxing skills. Although it was far from the real mountain, it also showed that he had witnessed the Mountain of Creation with his own eyes and gained something.

There was a desperate pressure that pressed hard on Wan Chengjie's heart, and he couldn't raise his head.

Gradually, the shadow of the Mountain of Creation became more and more solid, stretching across the entire sky, a dark mass, suppressing all the power in the world, projecting down.

Shi Qing's forehead began to sweat, and his teeth were clenched. It was obvious that he was struggling. Even if it was just a fake mountain, it was only for show, but it would be difficult to evolve it.

It was even more difficult to turn it into an attack, but he did it.

"The mountain collapsed." Suddenly, two sharp syllables resounded through the sky, shocking countless people present.

"What?" Wan Chengjie was stunned.

Not to mention Wan Chengjie, even the surviving guards were stunned, frozen in place, unable to move their legs, and could only look up at the sky, the horrific scene that was happening.

The Creation God Mountain collapsed and turned into a huge fist, smashing down from the top of the head, the target was Wan Chengjie.


He roared madly, the shadow of the sword god reappeared, waving the blazing red long sword in his hand to chop at the fist. At this moment, he had already made a desperate bet, concentrating all his life's efforts on this sword.

Wan Chengjie's life so far can be said to be smooth, with almost no obstacles and setbacks. Since his talent for cultivation was discovered, he has no shortage of skills, resources, women, power and other external things. He has only one mission, that is, cultivation.

Practice, become stronger, practice again, become stronger, and repeat this process year after year.

The purpose of becoming stronger is to protect, to protect everything he has, and possible enemies in the future, just like what he is doing now.

"I will not succumb to you, kill, kill, kill!"

Wan Chengjie's eyes were bloodthirsty, and he swung the blazing red long knife in his hand frantically. Every time he slashed his fist, a lot of sparks would splash, and then he and his knife were fiercely repelled.

But every time he was repelled, he would rush up again at a faster speed, and another knife. In this way, under the continuous crushing of the huge fist, Wan Chengjie swung the knife frantically, the flames were rampant, and the air was scorched, but he still couldn't stop the downward trend and was severely knocked down on the sea.


The extremely powerful punch, which contained the concept of collapsing mountains, completely crushed Wan Chengjie and smashed him into the sea, causing terrible waves hundreds of feet high, with a deafening sound.

Many guards were swept by the huge waves, and were thrown away uncontrollably, falling into the sea in the distance in a very embarrassing manner.

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