Peerless God of War

Chapter 3004: Ultimatum

"Alas, you don't know something." The old man sighed, looking extremely exhausted and somewhat deeply despairing.

Of course Xu Fang didn't know that she had just gone through a life-and-death ordeal and almost couldn't come back. The tragic death of Senior Brother Ming and the serious injury of Senior Brother Gao, who was almost half disabled, were a huge blow to her.

If they hadn't accidentally encountered Chen Xiao's rescue, all three of them would have been doomed, completely dead.

Whenever she thought of such an ending, she felt boundless fear, coming one after another, as if a large terrifying shadow was about to swallow her.

As long as you are human, you will be afraid of death. This is really normal.

At this time, she had no choice but to suppress her inner sadness, brace herself up, look at the old man, and asked with concern: "Master, what happened?"

The old man patted Xu Fang on the shoulder and sighed: "It's all because I'm useless as a teacher. I have to ask you to go out hunting to make money, and use the money you earned to maintain this fragmented Mystery Sect. It's really ironic, A Ming's It’s all because of me, I killed A Ming.”

Hearing this, Xu Fang's face darkened. She finally realized that something was wrong, and it seemed to be more serious than she imagined.

Because in her memory, she had never seen her master so depressed and depressed. His tone and demeanor clearly showed that he had completely given up hope.

"Master, you..."

"Alas, this small spiritual island cannot be saved." The old man said as he raised his head and looked into the air. Although he was blocked by the main hall, his vision was extremely far-reaching.

"What, Xiaoling Island can't be saved?" Xu Fang's eyes were distracted, with a look of shock on his face.

"How could this happen? Hasn't the tax amount been enough this time? How could it not be enough?" Xu Fang grabbed the old man's hand and asked.

As a small sect, if you want to occupy such a small spiritual island, even if such an island is very small and very common in the waters of Baishi City, it is not free.

It stands to reason that a large amount of occupancy tax needs to be paid every year. If you want to occupy Xiaoling Island and open a sect to recruit disciples, you will need to pay even more occupancy tax.

After all, we are within the sphere of influence of Baishi City. Since we occupy Xiaoling Island, it is natural that we need to pay taxes. In a sense, it is considered that everyone can live safely on Xiaoling Island. Blessed by White Rock City.

According to regulations, the closer a spiritual island is to White Rock City, the higher the occupancy tax. If you want to take root in White Rock City, the money required is astronomical.

A small, run-down sect like them simply cannot afford it.

Taxes should be paid, and the amount is still barely affordable by the Xuanji Sect.

If Xu Fang remembered correctly, the taxes this time had been prepared before the three senior brothers and sisters went out, but now judging from the old man's demeanor, something happened again.

Thinking of this, Xu Fang became a little anxious.

The old man took a deep breath, took out an envelope, handed it to Xu Fang, and said, "See for yourself, this is the ultimatum given to us by the Dou family."


Xu Fang opened the envelope and took a look. Her eyes immediately burned and she became furious, "What? The price has actually increased, and it has doubled. This is simply too much. Is there any justice?" , shouldn’t Baishi City care about it?”

"Care? Who will care? That's the Dou family, one of the four major families in Baishi City." After saying this, the old man's face suddenly turned gray.

Xu Fang's face was pale and despairing, and her eyes were even lifeless, revealing incomparable despair.

"Yes, that is the Dou family, one of the four famous families. We are just a small sect, how can we compare?"

She thought it was too ironic and ridiculous.

In addition to the city lord Wang family, the most powerful families in Baishi City are the four major families, namely the Yang family, the Dou family, the Huang family and the Ye family. Among them, the Dou family has the worst reputation and is the most domineering and evil. Although there are many people in the world. They complained, but there was nothing they could do about it.

Who made the Dou family the lackeys and lackeys of the Wang family? Even if they were too dissatisfied, their arms would not be able to hold them back.

Whoever has the bigger fist has the final say.

"That's it, that's it. The Xuanji Sect has also been defeated in my hands, that's it. Now A Ming is dead and can't hold on any longer. Rather than being half-dead like this, it's better to end it once and for all and disband completely." The old man said. The words are extremely depressing and full of sadness.

"Master." Xu Fang was shocked and speechless for a moment.

The other disciples also had slightly red eyes and were at a loss. They didn't know what to do at all. At this point, their power was too small and they couldn't help at all.

The only ones who could help were Senior Brother Ming and others. They died and were injured. It was really tragic.



All the disciples shouted sadly.

Xu Fang sighed and said, "Master, is this really the only way to go?"

She has lived on Xiaoling Island for so long. Apart from her master and a group of ordinary brothers, she has no other relatives. If even Xiaoling Island is gone, she will really become A lonely ghost with nowhere to go.

"I am sorry to you brothers. I am useless. I can't even protect such a small spiritual island. I am such a waste." said the old man.

"Master, don't say that. It's all our fault. Now that things have come to this, we have to advance and retreat together." Xu Fang said with red eyes and a heavy tone.

"Yes, Master, we are all with you."

"Yes, even if the small spiritual island is gone, you are still our master. I hope you won't abandon us."

Many disciples said so. It can be seen that they still have a deep affection for the old man.

Even at this time, they are completely loyal. As the saying goes, true friendship is revealed in times of adversity.

At this moment, a sharp shout broke the atmosphere. It came suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, and it resounded in everyone's ears.

"Where is the leader of Xuanji Sect? Come out."

Just outside Xiaoling Island, a majestic spirit ship stood on the sea like a mountain, with flags flying and accompanied by the whistling wind. A huge "Dou" character danced wildly in the air, with a fierce and mighty momentum, like a fierce dragon with bared fangs and claws, which was terrifying.

Sure enough, it came. This is the spirit ship of the Dou family.

When the old man heard this voice, he trembled all over, his face turned extremely pale, and he was a little embarrassed. He said: "It's coming, it's coming, there's no way to avoid it."

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