Peerless God of War

Chapter 3257 Darkening

"This..." Chen Xiao stared, a little confused.

The scene in front of me is actually not difficult to understand.

The stagnation of the soul tide attack is like someone queuing up. Originally, everyone was in good order and if everyone abided by the rules, the entire team would move forward in an orderly manner.

But if there are one or two people who do not follow the rules or even break the rules in such a long and huge queue, then the entire queue will fall into extreme chaos and then stagnate.

At this moment, in this gray soul tide, a large number of black spots appeared.

If you look carefully, you can find that the origin of these black spots is not something else, but the fragments of Chen Xiao's soul that were torn off before.

Because of the existence of these black fragments, even if the demon boy's soul clones are swallowed up one by one, they cannot be refined and transformed. Instead, they are blocked in the body. Over time, the originally gray soul body of the demon boy has become... The trend of blackening began.

The more parts of these smaller devil boy souls become blackened, the more they begin to lose their control.

As a result, these uncontrolled soul clones became the biggest resistance to the advancement of the soul tide. As this resistance continued to grow, the soul tide stagnated.

Seeing such a scene, the demon boy was shocked and couldn't understand, "Black soul fragment? What is going on? Why is this happening?"

Tearing apart and devouring the opponent's soul fragments and turning them into one's own use is the most powerful part of the demon technique.

But at this time, it seemed to be his biggest obstacle.

These black soul fragments torn from Hei Chen Xiao's body exist in the soul clones of these demon children. They cannot be refined and transformed, and they cannot be spit out. They are like being stuck in the throat, which makes the demon children uncomfortable to death.

It's like a person who eats a lot. Although these foods are great tonic, once he eats too much and cannot digest it, he will easily choke or even die.

Soon, there was a loud bang, and the soul tide collapsed, creating chaos.

Many demon boy's soul clones were severely injured by this collapse, and their bodies became pitted. For a time, countless complaints and curses rang out one after another.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts me so much, I feel so uncomfortable."

"I'm injured. Someone come and save me. I don't want to die. Hey, I'm a soul and I won't die."

"Damn it, who is disobeying the command and acting recklessly? We must unite to find that guy and let him accept punishment."

"Yes, find the right guy and let all the disobedient clones accept punishment. Punishment."

"Punishment! Punishment! Punishment!"

In this empty starry sky and soul sea space, the soul clones of the devil boy started to make a noise, as if each soul clone had its own consciousness and wisdom.

Such a scene left Chen Xiao stunned.

"This, is this okay? The clone actually has completely independent consciousness. How is this achieved?" Chen Xiao couldn't understand it at all. At the same time, he also felt that such a situation was extremely dangerous.

Chen Xiao himself also practices the method of having clones, the main body and the clone, but in fact the two are very clearly separated. The main body is the existence that dominates everything, while the clone is just a part of the main body and has no independent consciousness. exist.

But the scene before him completely subverted his understanding.

It seemed that each of these demon boy clones was a complete self, with a complete consciousness. Thinking of this, Chen Xiao felt his soul tremble, and he was horrified.

Once the main body and the clone are confused, it will lead to extremely terrible consequences.

Obviously, the demon boy also realized this and shouted loudly: "Shut up, everyone."



After hearing this voice, many demon child soul clones immediately became quiet and stood motionless, waiting for the next command.

However, among these hundreds of clones, there were still a few unruly guys who did not obey orders at all and were eager to try.

Seeing this, the demon boy frowned and did not make any unnecessary moves. Instead, he continued to focus on the black soul fragment.

"These black soul fragments come from this human race, but they cannot be refined. How could it be possible?"

For a moment, even the demon boy fell into extreme tangles.

You must know that there is actually no essential difference between the soul and the soul. Only the strength of the soul determines the strength of the two.

And this is precisely where the problem lies.

The demon boy was frowning desperately at this time. After thinking for a moment, he scolded and ordered, "You guys, don't move around. Give me all your strength to refine this soul fragment."

"Yes, the original body."

"Okay, body."

"Listen to the main body and refining with peace of mind."

At that moment, some demon child soul clones who had black soul fragments in their own memories responded in unison, stopped doing anything, sat down on the spot, and started refining with all their strength.

I saw that in the bodies of these soul clones, gray air currents began to circulate, following a mysterious route, going back and forth over and over again.

As a result, the gray mist began to chip away at and erode the black soul fragments bit by bit.

Although this process is extremely slow, it is very effective.

Under Chen Xiao's gaze, these stubborn black soul fragments were indeed wiped away bit by bit, eliminated, and became smaller, gradually erasing the edges and corners, and disappearing.

Even on the face of the demon boy, there was a triumphant smile.

"But it's just like this, it can't resist the soul attack of this seat after all, and it is wiped away bit by bit, haha, huh?"

"No, it seems wrong." At this time, Chen Xiao's eyes widened suddenly.

Just as the demon boy expected, the black soul fragments torn from Chen Xiao were indeed wiped away bit by bit, but a more bizarre scene happened.

The erased black soul fragments actually entered the gray clone of the demon boy again and became a part of his clone.

The originally gray soul clone was blackened bit by bit and continued to blacken.

This is like there was originally a basin of clear water, clear and transparent, without any impurities, which can be called clear to the bottom, very perfect.

But if you want to destroy it, it is very simple. You only need to drop a drop of ink in it, and the whole basin of water will turn black in an instant, and it cannot be reversed.

The blackening process is very fast, so fast that the demon boy has no time to stop it.

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