Peerless God of War

Chapter 3688 Master Ou Yun

"Tiesha, who is this?" Chen Xiao asked, looking at the old man next to him.

Tiesha first saluted Chen Xiao and then said: "Master Chen Xiao, he is my master Ou Yun whom I mentioned to you before. His ability to refine weapons is far superior to mine. I heard that you want to repair a piece of equipment." The broken Xuantian Lingbao, I came here to try it out.”

Upon hearing this, Chen Xiao's eyes immediately lit up, he cupped his hands and said, "Master Ouyun."

"Elder Chen Xiao, you are so polite. You showed great power in the Purple Palace and defeated the powerful Tribulation Immortals of the nine elder families in succession. However, you are so famous that I dare not be called a master. This time I came here because of hope. Being able to help you can be regarded as repaying the kindness of saving my apprentice before." Ou Yun said loudly.

Chen Xiao took a deep look at Tie Sha and felt something in his heart. He actually didn't expect the other party to repay him.

The original rescue of Tiesha was purely a matter of convenience.

However, this Tiangang Sword Box is extremely important to him, especially when he is about to go to Zhantian City. If it can be repaired, it will undoubtedly be even more powerful for him.

He was naturally moved by this and said directly: "Master Ouyun wants to help me repair the sword box. What is the reward?"

This European luck master has a lot of background, and the disadvantage is that the other party may not be willing to do it.

Ou Yun smiled faintly and said: "It's a shame to say such things. There is no need for reward, just treat it as making friends."

Chen Xiao was startled, a little surprised, but understandable.

Now that the threat of demons is coming, the entire God's Domain is not at peace. I am afraid that only Ziyun City can feel a little more stable.

Chen Xiao was also unambiguous and said calmly: "

If Master Ouyun can repair my Tiangang Sword Box, then we will be friends. "

Hearing this, Tiesha smiled bitterly. Chen Xiao's words were really true and unabashed.

You must know that even the broken Tiangang Sword Box is also a broken Xuantian Spiritual Treasure. There is no possibility for ordinary weapon refiners to repair it. Tiesha is completely at a loss and can only ask his master to do it himself.

But even so, he knew very well that it was not easy to repair a broken Xuantian Spiritual Treasure.

"Elder Chen Xiao is very happy. I should do my best, and please take out the Tiangang sword box." Ou Yun said.


Chen Xiao nodded, and with a move of his right hand, the Tiangang Sword Box shining with metallic light appeared in front of the three of them, with five fairy swords inserted in it.

Chen Xiao tapped the fingertips of his right hand in the air, and five fairy swords flew out and were stored in the storage ring.

"Master Ouyun can take a look and see if he is sure to conquer. I don't have much time. I have less than a week to leave for Zhantian City. You also know this." Chen Xiao said.

"Well, I know."

Ou Yun took the Tiangang sword box and carefully examined it to see where the broken parts were. Tiesha, who was standing by the side, was extremely nervous.

He knew that repairing the sword box would be extremely difficult, and besides, he only had a few days to repair it. It was nothing more than a dream, and at least he didn't have the ability to do so.

Even Master Ouyun, Tiesha has no confidence that it is a genuine Xuantian Spiritual Treasure.

Master Ouyun stroked the Tiangang Sword Box and inspected it inch by inch, extremely seriously.

After a moment, Chen Xiao frowned and asked: "Ou

Master Luck, are you sure? "

"Not sure, only 30%." Ouyun raised his head, but there was an astonishing luster in his old eyes.

"Oh, 30%?" Chen Xiao was quite moved after hearing this.

The 30% chance is actually quite high, which means it is very likely that it can be repaired. If that is the case, Chen Xiao's strength can be greatly enhanced.

"Yes, only 30%. This is because I happened to have collected a lot of suitable materials, so I dare to say this. I am not completely sure. Please forgive me, Mr. Chen Xiao." Ou Yun said.

As a master of weapon refining, in addition to refining various magical weapons, he is most interested in collecting various weapon refining materials to prepare for emergencies.

Now, it just comes in handy.

"The 30% chance is actually very high. In this case, let's ask Master Ouyun. I hope I can hear your good news in seven days." Chen Xiao said solemnly.

Whether the Tiangang Sword Box can be restored intact is indeed extremely important to him, as it can enhance a lot of combat power.

"Well, Elder Chen Xiao, just wait for my good news. Tiesha, let's go."

Ou Yun took away the Tiangang sword box and turned to leave with Tie Sha.

At this time, Yue Yao stepped forward, her charming face full of worry, and said: "Chen Xiao, is this Master Ouyun reliable? The Tiangang Sword Box is a genuine Xuantian Spiritual Treasure. Although It's broken, but not everyone can repair it. If something unexpected happens, this..."

Yueyao's worry is not unreasonable. Anyone would be tempted by a treasure like the Tiangang Sword Box.

In this regard, Chen Xiao had already taken precautions.

"Don't worry, sword box

There is the mark of my soul on it. As long as I don't leave the Kuinan continent, I can sense it. The other party cannot be really stupid enough to make an enemy of me just for a broken Tiangang sword box, unless it is really alive. Tired of it. "Chen Xiao said coldly.

He is not worried about this. This comes from his absolute confidence in his own strength.

Upon hearing this, Yueyao had no choice but to agree and said, "Then can Ou Yun really repair the Tiangang Sword Box?"

Chen Xiao shook his head and said: "I don't know, but even if I can't repair it, it's not a bad thing for me. I'll know in seven days. Let's go back."


At this time, somewhere in Ziyun City.

The hot air waves were burning, as if they were melting the earth. The terrifying molten underground was actually rolled back into the earth, and then poured into a huge, dark furnace that was dozens of meters high.

At this moment, Ouyun and Tiesha were standing in front of the furnace, looking sad.

"Master, can this Tiangang Sword Box really be repaired? If it can't be repaired well, not only will it not benefit at all, but it may even endanger Chen Xiao." Tie Sha said very worriedly.

He didn't know much about Chen Xiao. He had only heard various rumors and knew that he was by no means a kind person.

Of course, compared with the top ten elder families in Ziyun City, it is much better.

Ou Yun first exhaled a breath, then slowly relaxed his brows, grinned, and said: "If we are all like you, looking forward and backward, how can we achieve anything?"

"Master, no, I think..."

Tiesha wanted to defend himself, but was interrupted by Ou Yun, who threw an atlas to him.

Subconsciously, Tiesha opened it and took a look.

Come on, he was immediately shocked, raised his head in disbelief, and asked: "This, this is the structural design of the Tiangang Sword Box? How could it be possible, master, how could you have such a thing? This is impossible ah."

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