Peerless God of War

Chapter 3975 I, Wang Yingming

Chen Xiao only found it funny. As the spirit of the Ten Thousand Demon Vine, Hiro has lived for tens of thousands of years.

He acted like a child, blah blah blah, if you didn't know his details, you would have been fooled by him.

"Calm down, we have to think about it in the long term." Chen Xiao said.

"In the long run, what are we planning? Now is the best time to escape. The turtle shell on our heads is the best cover."

Shi Luo shouted in the sea of ​​souls. Chen Xiao scratched his head and felt a headache.

Hiro's words did make some sense, but he had more concerns. The hinterland of the Sand Clan was not so easy to leave.

Although he can break the formation and tear apart the space, even Chen Xiao himself cannot control what the result will be.

"Don't forget what happened after I tore a crack in the formation space."

Chen Xiao rolled his eyes and shouted back.


Hiro's face turned dark, and after mumbling twice, he made no sound.

After Chen Xiao tore open the space before, he fell directly into the hands of King Sha, which can be said to be a sheep entering the tiger's mouth.

This time Chen Xiao's few words deceived King Sha, but if it happened again, the outcome would not be so good.

And this is Chen Xiao's biggest concern.

"Okay, now we have plenty of time. Don't rush for success. Let's wait and see what happens and regain some strength first."

Chen Xiaodao.

Although Hiro was very unhappy, he had no choice but to admit it, nodded and said, "Yes."

At the same time, the Golden Palace of the Sand Clan was filled with people. All the powerful and powerful men of the Sand Clan appeared here.

Silently looking at the Sand King on the throne, waiting for him to speak.

Commander Black Scale was also among them. He had a gloomy look on his face, glanced at Sha Qi, and stood quietly at the end, not daring to say anything.

Before, outside the Golden Palace, in the land of yellow sand, in front of the army of the Sha tribe, he dared to stand up and openly contradict Sha Qi and oppose Sha Qi's will.

But facing the Sand King, he didn't even dare to have any extra thoughts.

The authority of King Sha is unquestionable in the entire Sand Clan, and no one dares to question it. In comparison, although Sha Qi is the His Highness of the Sand Clan, his status and prestige are still far behind.

Especially in terms of their own strength, there is a huge difference.

This is true among the human race, and even more so among the sand race. Strength is the source of all confidence.

At this moment, the dozen or so strong men of the Sand Clan standing in this magnificent golden palace did not dare to say anything and waited silently.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the Sand King on the throne slowly opened his eyes, as if he had just woken up.

Seeing the strong men of the Sand Clan here, they all looked sideways, worried in their hearts, but they did not dare to show it.

When Sha Qi saw it, he took a step forward and said, "Father, please take care of yourself. You are the hope and pillar of our clan."

"Please take care of yourself, King Sand."

"Please take care of yourself, King Sand."

Many commanders and leaders of the Sand Clan spoke up one after another. Some even had tears in their eyes and were about to cry. It didn't seem like they were lying, they were completely sincere.

Because all the Sand Clan present knew very well that in the face of the Immortal Weapon Sect's suppression for thousands of years, the Sand Clan could barely survive and remain standing, not because of their toughness, but because of the Sand King.

The only powerful person in the Immortal Realm of the Sand Clan today, His Majesty the Sand King.

sand king

If the Sand Clan is here, but if the Sand King is gone, then they will all become lonely ghosts.

The Shah King smiled, a smile barely showing on his weak face, and he waved his hand and said, "It's okay, Shah."

"Yes, my king."

Shaon took a step forward and replied loudly.

"Is everything ready?"

"It's all ready, my king."

"Okay, now I'm announcing something. From now on, our clan's dust crystal mine will gradually be opened to the human race, and the targets are naturally the nine major forces. Everyone, please start taking action."

The Sand King's words were filled with deep exhaustion and a touch of unspeakable sadness.

He persisted for tens of thousands of years, even at the expense of his lifespan, to resist the suppression of the Immortal Weapon Sect, and to protect the Sand Clan. He was able to survive in an ignoble way, but in the end he ended up with the results he had today, which was a huge blow to his heart.

Was the original insistence right or wrong?

Perhaps because of old age, King Sand's memory gradually becomes blurred, and right and wrong seem to be less important. What is more important is the future of the Sand clan.

That human race may be right. In fact, there are not many ways left for the Sand Clan, and it's time to make changes.

As soon as the Sand King's words came out, they were like thunder, exploding in the ears of many Sand tribesmen present, causing an uproar.

Some Sand Clan were greatly disappointed, such as Black Scale, and several Sand Clan were quite excited. Naturally, there were also some Sand Clan who were extremely calm, such as Sha Qi.

As if he had expected such a day, Sha Qi said loudly without saying a word: "My father is wise."

All the Sand tribesmen were stunned for a moment, and then they all said in unison: "I am Wang Yingming."

"I am Wang Yingming."

"I am Wang Yingming."

All the sand tribesmen bowed their heads in unison, expressing their gratitude to the sand king's order.

support, and no one stood up to oppose it.

The will of the Sand King is everything, and it is the whole of the Sand Clan, and will receive unconditional support. This is beyond doubt.

"It seems like there is no objection?" King Sha asked again.



All the sand demons looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

Sha Qi spoke at the right time and said: "Father, your will is everything to the Sha Clan. As long as you give an order, we will definitely obey it and dare not disobey it."

"Yes, my king."

"Yes, my king, what His Highness Shaqi said is absolutely true."

After hearing this, all the Sha clan finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, only Sha Qi could answer the question, and they didn't dare to say anything out loud.

Whether they are willing to do so or have their own hidden agendas, at least they dare not show it on the surface.

And this is enough. For King Sha, he knows what his subordinates think, it just depends on how he does it.

"Well," on the throne, the face of the Sand King was gloomy, and it was hard to see clearly. No Sand tribe dared to look directly into the Sand King's sharp eyes. After a pause, the Sand King spoke.

"Shaon, Shaqi, Blackscale."




"You will handle this matter personally and send messages to the Immortal Artifact Sect, Xuandan Sect and Demon Temple respectively. These are the jade slips that I personally recorded. Remember, they must be conveyed to their principals, so you can Understood."

Sand King said in a deep voice.

"As commanded."

The three sand demons spoke in unison, their voices sounding like loud bells.

The atmosphere in the hall was a bit dull. Although no one objected or raised any questions, all the strong men of the Sand Clan knew that once this step was taken, the Sand Clan would undergo earth-shaking changes.

transformation, the future is uncertain.

At this moment, an untimely and urgent sound came from outside and flew into the hall.

"Huh?" The Sand King opened his eyes angrily and looked at the Sand Demon who came in a hurry.

"Reporting to King Qi Sha, yes, there are four strong men from the human race who came to ask for someone."


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