Peerless God of War

Chapter 3979: Immortal Immortality

The bone-deep wound was oozing red blood.

The terrible knife wound caused by Li Juechen seemed to be forever unhealable. No matter how much Shaon tried to repair the knife wound, it was to no avail. The wound continued to be repaired and the wound continued to burst open.

A heartbreaking pain swept through Shaon's body. He looked desperate and his expression was extremely pale.

He knew that he was defeated, defeated at the hands of Li Juechen, almost completely.

Although Li Juechen relied on his armor and the sharpness of the blade to gain some upper hand and defeat him, this made Shaon very unwilling and unconvinced.

Defeating him with the help of external objects was not a glorious thing, and he felt extremely aggrieved.

But he really couldn't say this, because he knew very well that external objects were also part of his strength.

The Sand Clan has fallen to where it is today because it has no help from outside sources.

It is never a shameful thing to defeat opponents and enemies with the help of foreign objects. On the contrary, only the loser is shameful. Shaon deeply understands this truth.

Moreover, he also knew very well that even without the help of silver armor and swords, the opponent's strength was superior to his.

"Ahem," Shaon coughed twice with difficulty. A large mouthful of black blood spurted out from his throat, as if he couldn't stop it. "I, I lost."


Shaqi rushed over immediately, protecting Shaan behind him, and then looked warily at Li Juechen, who was confronting him not far away.

"Commander Shaon."

"Lord Shaon."

Then, Black Scale and other sand demon clan also rushed

He went over, surrounded Shaon in the middle, and protected him.

Obviously, they were afraid that Li Juechen would take the opportunity to kill him. In their understanding, the human race was so despicable and shameless, and they had used all insidious and cunning methods to reduce the Sand Clan to this.

Faced with the angry glares of the Sand Clan, Li Juechen made no unnecessary moves from beginning to end. He just stood there quietly with a cold face.

It seemed that him standing here without saying a word was the greatest humiliation to the Sand Clan.

If you kill Sha'ang, you can certainly cause a lot of harm to the Sand Clan, but it is not necessary. Today's Sand Clan is no longer the Sand Clan ten thousand years ago. It is almost useless to the human race, the Wushuang Divine Dynasty, and the Immortal Weapon Sect. No more threats.

Li Juechen just ignored Sha'ang, let him go, and showed mercy, even pity, which was the biggest way to kill the Sha Clan.

There is nothing more heart-breaking than this.

I can kill you, but I don't kill you because I look down on you and don't take you seriously. You are not worthy of being my opponent at all.

And this is the attitude shown by Li Juechen. As long as he stands here, he has unparalleled oppression.

"The general is mighty, the general is mighty."

"A mere Sand Clan dares to challenge our General Juechen, so he's going to suffer a lot now. Hmm, if you know what's going on, just be obedient, or get out of the way, and I can go in and do a search."

"Sand tribe, you can't stop them. Just get out of the way to avoid suffering more."

Yuan Hongchou and the others were overjoyed to see Li Juechen's victory and started shouting one after another.

"You guys are going too far. Do we, the Sand Clan, have to be exterminated to death if we are still living in a small corner of the country? Why? Why?

? "

Shaqi's eyes were horribly bloodshot, he roared towards the sky and asked.

But no one, or demon, came to answer his question. This question only existed deep in the heart of the Sand Clan.

You can find the answer by asking yourself.

At this time, in the Sand Clan's underground golden palace, a blurry water mirror stood in mid-air, clearly reflecting the situation outside the formation.

When Sha'ang was defeated and fell to the ground vomiting blood, many Sha clan members in the palace were silent. You could hear a needle drop, a hundred times quieter than a corpse.

At this moment, their vocal cords seemed to have been cut off by Li Juechen, making them unable to make any sound.

Some of the cowardly Sand tribe members were so frightened that they lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly at the scene in the water mirror.

This scene was too terrifying and too familiar, and it immediately reminded of the scene where the Sand Clan was suppressed thousands of years ago.

In that battle, the mountains collapsed and the earth shattered, the sun and moon lost all light, and blood shot into the sky. The Immortal Weapon Sect came with the power of heaven and launched an indiscriminate killing of the Sand Clan.

If not for the last moment, the Sand King took action and single-handedly defeated the entire Immortal Weapon Sect and protected the last bloodline of the Sand Clan, the Sand Clan would have ceased to exist today.

At this time, the Sand King on the throne murmured in a low voice, which seemed to be sighing and helpless.

"The Immortal of One Tribulation, ha, his strength is really good."

As soon as these words came out, the sand demons were extremely shocked. They all bulged their eyes and stared at Li Juechen in the water mirror.

I haven't heard this title for many years.

It’s not that the Sand Clan people present have little knowledge, but it’s because this title is a taboo among the Sand Clan.

In that unprecedented battle thousands of years ago, among the sand demon clan

All the strong men who survived the calamity died on the battlefield, and no one survived.

Of course, the Immortal Weapon Sect also paid a price in blood and was greatly consumed.

After that, King Sha came to fight, and only then could he withstand the ruthless suppression of the Immortal Weapon Sect, and then the situation today was achieved.

But what the Sand Clan cannot imagine or accept is that in just ten thousand years, a new powerful immortal immortal has appeared among the human race.

It can be said that strong people from the human race emerge one after another. On the other hand, if the sand race continues like this, they will sink forever until they are completely extinct.

This is what all the sand monsters fear and fear the most, the terrible future that is coming.

Once there is no hope, it is completely over.

"Oh, it's another immortal immortal, and a strong human race that I have never seen before. It's so amazing, alas."

In the main hall, a strong man from the Sand Clan smiled bitterly and murmured.

"The human race has strong men emerging one after another, but our race is impoverished and dying. If this continues, it won't be long before the Immortal Weapon Sect takes action, and our race will perish. By then, there will be no way to save it."

"My king, the Sand Clan is in danger."

These sand people were sincere and sincere, their voices were hoarse, their eyes were red and bloodshot, and their expressions were full of regret and hatred. They were so bitter that they almost cried.

In fact, several of the old sand demons' waists and knees weakened, and they knelt down on the ground and burst into tears for a while.

In the huge golden palace, there were only suppressed cries and an atmosphere of near despair.

After a long time, King Sha sighed and said, "That's why I asked for change."

“Ask for change!”

These two words were like thunder, exploding in the hearts of all the Sand people, causing them to stand upright.

Trembling, can't stop.

They knew that once the Sand King made up his mind to do something, there was no stopping him.

In other words, from now on, the dust crystal mines of the Sand Clan will be open to foreign races, including the human race with blood feud.

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