Here, the light of the stars is bright, the star sea vibrates, and the bright stars completely envelop this area. However, just after a cup of tea, all the light will completely disappear.

The ancient wind stood on the void and looked at the five corpses on the ground. There was no emotion in his eyes. The killing continues in the hundred broken mountains, and the fighting here is more intense than in the purgatory tower.

The light wind stroked, the ancient wind's eyes swept the two black demon tigers below, and a cold awn flashed in his eyes. Two black demon tigers trembled, and then ran into the jungle without looking back. They have been born with wisdom and know the power of ancient customs, so they will never attack him.

Gu Feng originally wanted to chase and kill the two black demon tigers, but he glanced around and looked into the distance, but his eyebrows frowned.

"It's coming fast, but the real game has begun. I don't know if you can bear it." a low, cold voice sounded in the mountain forest. A faint light sound came, and the figure of the ancient wind disappeared from where it was.

Just after the ancient wind disappeared, twenty figures also appeared over the mountain forest which had almost become ruins. Looking at the bodies lying in the ruins, everyone was silent.

"Chen Yu, they are dead. How could that boy kill them in such a short time?" Matthew said in a trembling voice.

Lei Yan frowned and snorted coldly, "have you forgotten the starry sky just now? Maybe it belongs to that boy."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." Chen concrete shook his head, not that he didn't believe it, but that he didn't want to believe it. A martial arts practitioner with the talent of seven star life style should be so terrible. Of course, he knows that once it is true, their current alliance may collapse in an instant. These people don't have the courage to fight against a martial arts cultivation with seven star life style talent.

"You see, there are traces of animal claws on their bodies, which should be caused by fighting with monsters before." a young man pointed to the wounds on several people.

Seeing those wounds, the originally dull atmosphere also changed. It's still acceptable to say that the five of Chen Yu were attacked by the ancient wind while fighting with monsters. After all, they have seen the terrible speed of the ancient wind before. It's not difficult to kill five people when they try their best to deal with monsters.

Lei Yan's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. He was not so optimistic. The seven star sky just appeared in this area. Chen Yu's five people also died here. He is more willing to believe that the ancient wind has the talent of seven star life style, and then killed them here.

"What should we do now? Should we continue to look for the boy's trace?" Lei Yan asked, looking at Matthew and Chen concrete.

It was originally initiated by the two of them to surround and kill the ancient custom this time. He also wants to know what they think now.

"Of course, we have to find it. This time, the rest of us are in a group of ten. We must find the boy and kill him. Now five people have died. Each of us can get more of the spirit stone on him." Chen concrete said sadly.

"Whatever." Lei Yan's eyes flickered and shrugged.

"Well, the boy should not have gone far. Hurry up and search," Chen said. And he also took nine people to search in one direction.

Other people also wanted to act, but they were stopped by Lei Yan: "do you really want to continue to surround and kill that boy?"

"What's the matter? What's wrong?" a young man frowned.

Lei Yan glanced at several people, pulled a cold smile at the corners of his mouth and said, "listen to you, the boy had a conflict with Xiong Sul in the north desert before. Do any of you know the reason?"

They looked at each other and shook their heads.

Lei Yan looked at the people: "then let me tell you that Xiong Xun is from the bear family in the northern desert, and the bear family is attached to the golden wolf family. It's more accurate to say that Xiong Xun has a festival with the boy than the golden wolf family. Maybe you've heard the boy's name, ancient style."


Everyone frowned. The name sounded familiar, but they couldn't remember where they had heard it.

"Purgatory tower, crown of the king, ancient style." Lei Yan continued.

"It's him!?" this time everyone remembered, and their hearts could not help shaking. More than a month ago, the golden wolf family, the blood hall, the Yan devil hall, and a snow cold palace, the four forces mobilized the masses, and even sent the strong in nirvana to go to the Longyun Empire, just for the sake of a young man called the ancient wind, which had already spread in the HuangXuan region.

What shocked them even more was that so many forces and powerful people with Nirvana failed to get the ancient style, which also caused an uproar in the whole HuangXuan region. It can be said that at that time, the top forces in Huang Xuanyu knew the name of a young man, ancient style. He also understood his achievements in the purgatory tower, killed Yan Ning, cut the wolf canopy with the sword, and killed the blood demon spirit. Finally, he completely destroyed the overlord Bai family in the purgatory tower. It can be said that even the strong people of the older generation were shocked by what the ancient style did.

"Yes, that's him." Lei Yan said indifferently: "Gu Feng is a mysterious man. No one has ever seen his star life style, even when fighting with wolf canopy and blood demon spirit, so I guess the seven star life style talent we just saw must belong to him. Only such talents can leap over the level and kill people like wolf canopy and blood demon spirit."

The people at the scene were silent. They were obviously shocked by the information said by Lei Yan.

"So, next, I'm going to quit. I won't continue to kill that old custom. If I fight against him, I'm definitely looking for death. I believe you've seen the end of Chen Yu and his five people." Lei Yan's face is a little dignified.

If he hadn't seen Chen Yu's five people die, maybe he wouldn't have made such a choice. But now, he is very sure that the martial arts cultivation with the talent of seven star life style is an ancient style, which makes the golden wolf family headache and faster than killing it.

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