When the sun is about to set, I vaguely see a small city, which should be the destination!

The mountain spider picked up speed again, and finally reached the city before the last rays of sunlight disappeared.

The ancient and dilapidated gate opened, and descended from the mountain spider, Ding Xuan grabbed a demon and asked, "Where is the current king of the Osque Empire!" "

"Osgu? That was the name of the Great Empire a long time ago, and now, it no longer exists. All the demon clans live in this city of Santan, are you the ones who were lost when the tribe migrated? The boy asked.

"What,, what do you mean it doesn't exist anymore?! You make it clear,,, Elijah, Elijah promised me that I would help me run the empire! Suddenly, Ding Xuan was a little excited.

"Eliya? Who is Elijah? Thou art a citizen of that people? "

"E. Prous! Prius is Elijah! You tell me, where is the Purus! Where is the Purus! "

"Queen E. Purus?! - "The boy suddenly raised eight tones!!

"Yes,,, where is she? I want to see her! "

"Queen E. Prous,,, has been dead for a long time... You are ''".

"Passing away... No, no! Elijah won't die! She promised me, and when I come back,,, I will make her my queen!" She won't die, she won't die! - "Ding Xuan's uncontrollable howl.

His shouts attracted the patrolmen...

"Who is it! Who's making trouble! Trouble in Lord Azeli's city! Arrest them for me! ——"

The patrolmen surrounded them,,

"Ahem,,Ahem,Ahem,''It's so uncomfortable,,Lie in vain''Uncomfortable'Cough~'" The blue in the arms of the vain words seemed to be very uncomfortable.

"I'll find the doctor in a while, and Lan'er is holding on. Lodge!! Don't dwell on it! Lan'er needs to rest now! Hurry up and find a doctor! "

Ding Xuan came back to his senses, and then he restrained his breath and said, "I want to see you, Lord Asseli, my sister is sick and needs the best doctor!" "

The leader of the patrol looked at the man in his arms, who was indeed sick, and said, "Since you are sick, don't make trouble." Lord Asseli will help you, come with us|".

I had to follow.

The dilapidated castle has lost its former glory ,,,,

When they entered the house, they went to report it, and they had to wait first.

Zhan Lan sat on the chair, still sweating uncomfortably, and her consciousness was no longer clear.

After waiting for a while, I heard someone coming.

When someone came, when he saw it, it was a boy!

"You're Asseli?" Ding Xuan asked, and the guard next to him shouted, "Use honorifics!" It's Lord Asseli! "

"What Lord Asseli? One of the imps! "

Asseli looked at them and said, "What's wrong with her?" It seems to be very uncomfortable, how can I help? "

"Lord Asseli, please save my wife! Her disease is a family disease, and she has been sick for a long time! He said earnestly.

"Half-demon clan? What kind of people? "

"No, it's not. I'm a half-demon, and my wife is a member of the Spirit Fox Clan."

"Spirit... Foxes? I haven't heard of this clan, the existing fox clan, only the cloud fox clan remains." Asseli said.

"What? Of the three major fox clans, only the cloud fox clan remains? Thunder Fox and Jade Fire Fox Clan? Ding Xuan asked anxiously.

Asseli raised an eyebrow and asked, "Who are you?" How do you know about the three major fox clans? "

"Of course I do! My name is Su Dingxuan! Shattered Blue Python Clan! Elijah is my fiancée! "

"Broken Blue Snake Clan!? Elijah?! Could it be ,,, that you are, that you are His Majesty the Great Osco? You, still alive?!! "

"Che,,,, have you forgotten about me, the Great Osgu? Hurry up and find a doctor for Xiaolan! "

"Yes! Okay, come on, go and get the great doctor! ————"


Zhan Lan was placed on a clean bed,,, and she was a beautiful woman.

The oldest doctor came to the occipital pulse, listened to it, and turned to go out.

They were all waiting outside, and when they saw him come out, they asked urgently, "How is Uchiko (Xiaolan)?" Can it be treated? "

The old doctor shook his head and said, "Nine-tails, the Thunder Fox Clan, is the Thunder Fox Clan's family's 'Curse of the Bo Thunder God', it takes a long time to completely remove the root of the disease, and there are many rare medicinal herbs. "

"That means it can be cured?!"

"It can be cured, but it is a medicinal herb".

"Don't worry about the herbs! I'll be sure to find all the herbs! Said happily.

"Then I'll write the recipe, please wait."

There is salvation! There is salvation!! That's great!!!

I was so happy in my heart!

The prescription was written, and when I looked at it, I didn't know the name of the medicine. However, the old doctor wrote down where there was ,,, but'''

"Oh no,,, it's all in the territory of the Protoss~! That's not going to be easy! Asseli looked at it and was shocked.

"What kind of people are the Protoss,,,,?" Ask in vain.

"Selfish, arrogant, vile and shameless race!" Ding Xuan gritted his teeth and said.

"Are you really going to borrow medicine? Each of the medicinal herbs on this is very rare! I'm afraid, the Protoss may not borrow it. Azeli said seriously.

"No, I'm going! For Lan'er, let me do anything! As long as I can cure Lan'er's illness, I can do anything! "Lie and say firmly.

Ding Xuan put his hand on his shoulder and said, "Take her with you, she stays here, and you don't feel at ease." I'm going to stay here, revive the empire I beat, and be your strong backing! "

"Yes! When Lan'er is rested, we will hit the road immediately! "

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