"Your Majesty has arrived! ————The imperial concubine has arrived! —————— hundreds of officials kneel to welcome! ——"

Facing the morning sun, the short figure walked up step by step in a black dragon robe, and next to him, the little black girl in a big red dress was even taller.

The two children sat on the dragon chair together.

"All the ministers salute, flat-".

"Thank you, Your Majesty—".

It was probably the first time I had seen such a scene, and all of a sudden, the two children had no idea and didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, the smoke next to me reminded me to talk about the arrangement of the blue sky.

"Ahem, what about my mother,,Ahem, my mother said, all the things, let Ling Nan take care of it first. Brother Mingyan! It's my squire, Uncle Dingxuan is an idler, you don't have to worry about him. You just have to play with me every day! Yinghu said with a smile.

The faces of the audience healed, and they didn't know what to say.

I only heard Ling Nan speak, "My name is Chi Ling Nan, you are all the same as Xiao Hu, call me a man!" Lie that my father told my father! The little crane is still young, and it is the time when he needs to be educated. Don't delay. My mother said, what about the little crane, he looks like a goblin in Goolan Courtyard, so I must pay close attention to him. So, from today onwards, all the women in the palace will leave! No one's daughter is allowed to approach Xiao Hu except me. She looked at these people and said slowly, "All the big and small things in the palace will be handed over to Brother Mingyan for inspection, and then sent to me to see." Without my warrant, Xiao Hu can't leave the palace. "

"Xiao Hu has to start learning Xi every morning, and the list of emperors is determined by Brother Mingyan. As for Uncle Su, you'd better not bother him, his temper is no better than talking about his father. "

"Eh, you let Brother Mingyan do so many things, then who will play with me!" Yinghu said dissatisfied.

"Well, I heard from my grandmother, you guys are very interesting here. So be it! Among the ministers here, there are boys between the ages of six and fifteen, who are sent to the palace to learn from the little cranes. A classmate Xi".

"There are girls between the ages of six and fifteen, and they are also sent to the palace, so that Sister Qianqian can teach the rules."

"Can I go play with them!! Yinglu opened his eyes wide and was full of anticipation, and was glared back by Ling Nan.

Keep your head down ... It's as if I've been wronged.

"Brother Mingyan, tell me about the arrangement of Zhan Lan's mother~" Ling Nan looked at him, and he stepped forward.

"The emperor has a decree, all affairs are now in charge of the imperial concubine, and when His Majesty comes of age, after marrying the imperial concubine, who can ascend the throne..."

Mingyan seems to have really changed a lot, handsome, and doesn't seem to be as timid as before, and even has the confidence to speak...

sprinkled and conveyed her meaning one by one.

"Man,,,, I'm hungry." I didn't know the occasion at all, and I was coquettish in the main hall.

Ling Nan glanced at him and ignored him. He became more and more sprinkled, and actually stood on the dragon chair, jumping and shouting at her, "I'm hungry!" Chi Lingnan! - I'm hungry! I am hungry! ————"

All of a sudden,,,, the smoke was interrupted, and the hall fell silent.

I only saw Ling Nan stand up and say coquettishly, "Come down!" ——"。

“。。。。 Come down, come down. "Brother Mingyan! I'm going to eat your 'World's No. 1 Super Thunderbolt, Carrot Soup!' "————————," Yinghu said excitedly to him.

Mingyan felt countless cold lights aimed at him in an instant, and he was embarrassed.

At the same time, Qianqian next to him laughed and said, "Okay, well, I also want the world's first super thunderbolt invincible, carrot bibimbap." Husband, thank you for your hard work! "


"And what are you going to eat? Little man? Mingyan asked very helplessly, and the man smiled and said, "I want to eat braised green radish~".

“。。。。 Okay, I'll get it. He turned and was about to go.

When I walked to the door, I suddenly heard Yinghu's laughter and said, "Let's eat with me today!" Brother Mingyan! ~!! You have to be everyone's share!! ——————We're waiting for you!·".

“。。。。" The man seemed to walk out in a trance.

I only heard Qianqian and Lingnan laughing without an image.

The new majesty invited the ministers, and it was actually a radish banquet.

Only Yinghu praised while eating,,, except for them who looked at and laughed, there were almost no people with good faces, especially Mingyan, the color on his face was so beautiful!

Everyone was struggling to eat turnips,,, only to hear the sound of "It's delicious!" I'm so happy~~~ I can eat such a delicious soup, I'm really happy!! ——————"

Of course, it was Yinghu who spoke.

"Little crane, what are you doing eating so fast? No one will rob you. Qianqian said while eating.

"Little crane, I want to listen to the tune." Ling Nan's tone suddenly softened a lot.

"Good! Smoke that my stuff comes".

Mingyan brought a handful of ,,,, lute.

Filled with the lute, he played it gently.

The sound of silver bells flowing out...

The ministers looked up and saw him, his hair was slightly scattered, his face was beautiful, his lips were beautiful, and his fingers were slender and jade. Really, like, blue.

Suddenly, there was a flute sound, and when I looked at it again, it was the smoke of the tea in harmony.

The young man sings on the pipa, as if it is a natural sound. . .

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