Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1108: Real Demon King

Chapter 1108 The True Demon King's Hand

Chapter 1106

Boom, boom, boom.

The dull thunder sounded over the Feng Demon Island.

At the beginning, the two monks of Zhengma on the Sealed Demon Island thought that there was going to be a heavy rain.

But this is not the case. The black clouds in the sky gather more and more, and the thunder becomes more and more terrifying.

"What's wrong?" Many monks in the retreat walked out of the retreat and looked up at the dark sky.

"On Sealing Demon Island, there has never been such a terrible celestial phenomenon!"

All the monks were pale and looked at the sky in horror.

The scene in the sky is terrifying!

Many monks flew up hurriedly in fright and fled towards the outside of the magic island.

When they flew extremely far away, they looked back and felt even more frightened.

I saw a black cloud ten times the size of Sealed Demon Island, hanging in the sky. The thickness of this black cloud is in kilometers! This is a big and thick black cloud that has never been seen before. Compared with it, the Sealed Demon Island on the sea is nothing at all.

"My God, what's the situation? God wants to destroy Sealed Demon Island?"

Some sects are more alert, "The center of the black cloud seems to be above the devil tomb? Is it coming towards the devil tomb? Speed ​​into the devil tomb, and call out the monks of this sect!"


These sects guessed right, not long after, a sky thunder that was so thick that it was unimaginable, smashed down with a bang!

The huge black cloud, the Sealing Demon Island below, a terrifying sky thunder from top to bottom, from a distance, it seems to be a very thick dazzling white light, connecting heaven and earth! This kind of abnormality has never been seen by monks who have lived for tens of thousands of years.

"It really is a magic mound!"

Under this terrifying thunder and lightning, the black stone stele of the Demon Tomb was directly torn in half.

Those monks who hadn't left near the devil's mound all became stricken pond fish, evaporating instantly!

This thunder and lightning is not the end, it is just the beginning. Then, the thunder and lightning began to fall as if going crazy!


The speed of the lightning falling is also accelerating. In the end, it is so fast that the naked eye can't keep up with the reaction. The thunder and lightning strikes down like a machine gun. The ground pong pong pong pong pong pong pong pong pong pong pong, violent shaking, sealing all the humans on the magic island The face was terribly scared and thrilling.

In the magic mound.

In a dark place, a pair of huge red eyes opened.

"What's going on outside?" The sleeping true demon king's will was all disturbed.

Senior Xu frowned, "I don't know, God's will suddenly attacked us, and it has broken the entrance of our magic mound! Now all the monks in the trial field can go out, but they can't come in."

"According to the agreement we reached back then, we are allowed to be here. What does the will of the Immortal Refining World mean?" The True Demon King was a little angry and said, "Don't pay attention."

Senior Xu didn't want to bother, but soon, they received more news.

"What, the outermost formation has been penetrated by the sky thunder! Now the sky thunder has entered the living area?"

The magic mound is composed of three parts, the living area, the trial field and the hall of fantasy.

Outside of these three, there is also a layer of protection. This layer of protection formation is very powerful and difficult to penetrate easily, but this time the power of Providence actually penetrated the outside formation!

"Is God's Will crazy?" The blood-red eyes of the True Demon shot spiteful light.

Senior Xu thought of something, he hesitated, "Maybe this matter has something to do with your son."

"What?" The true devil suddenly came to his senses, "Damn it, this bastard, how many times have I told him not to seize the house in the Immortal Refining World, the corpse is reserved for him to use later! He...really It's looking for death!"

Senior Xu said, "Your Majesty, I also advised him, but he would not listen."

"No wonder God's Will suddenly went mad." The True Demon King suddenly roared again, "Who is the informer? Why would the God's Will of the Immortal Lian Great World know?"

Senior Xu sighed, "Your Majesty, he is too high-profile, so many humans in the entire strengthening room have seen him, and everyone will become an informer!"

"This beast is looking for a dead end!"

Their chat was interrupted by a sky thunder.


A sky thunder struck the formation of the Hall of Illusion.

The true devil, who had always been expressionless, was frightened, "It's over, let's break the agreement first! God is furious! This is to tear up the agreement and let us die!"

Senior Xu looked at the top of his head in horror and hesitated, "I'll talk to God's will, but..."

"What?" the true devil said sharply, "say it quickly."

Senior Xu said, "It's just that I can't keep His Royal Highness II..."

Before he finished speaking, the true devil roared, "He asked for himself, let him die! Let him go! This beast, I am angry!"

"Then open the formation."


The ground was shaking violently, and the ground of the entire Seal Demon Island was shaking.

If someone boldly comes to the vicinity of the devil tomb, you can see the ground here, slowly cracking open, and a deep canyon appears.

Tian Lei still did not stop, falling into the canyon one by one, and at this moment, the sky thunder even turned into a golden sky thunder! The attack reached the highest level!

And among the golden thunder, a faint blue human head flew out.

The reason why he was not torn apart was because he had a page on top of his head.

The page of this book looks very ordinary, but the power it carries is not ordinary; although any sky thunder can tear it to pieces, no sky thunder dared to tear it up.

When the page of this book flew up, the thunder in the sky suddenly stopped.

Then, the thick black clouds in the sky split, and the golden light pierced like countless golden swords.

A golden light, unusually bright, just shone on the page of the book.

Only then did Senior Xu stop, and said, "I have seen the providence of the big world. The younger generation is the slave of the great true devil, Xu."

Above, the end of the sky.

The figure of a young man walked out, and God's Will personally appeared. No one else could see him, only the Xu senior below could see him.

Senior Xu hurriedly said, "This is an agreement between my master and the strongest man. The strongest man allows us to live in the devil's grave for a long time until we find a suitable person to send my master's will back to our hometown. But I don't know, why are you attacking like crazy today?"

Tianyi stood in the sky, quietly listening to Senior Xu's words, and then there was no expression on his perfect face, and he uttered three words, "Hand over him!"

Senior Xu felt a little bit in his heart, but he still replied, "I don't understand, who should I hand over?"

Providence turned around and left, leaving three more words before leaving, "Otherwise, it's gone!"

"Hand over him or die!"

This is the ultimatum of Providence!

Don't be sloppy, the great will of the great world is so high and superior, and I will definitely not talk to you here. Either hand over the True Demon King II, or destroy the Demon Tomb!


The dark clouds in the sky closed again, and all the golden light disappeared.

Then, the more terrifying thunder and lightning began to smash down.

Senior Xu had no choice but to return to the Hall of Illusion.

"The great true demon king, there is no way now. If we don't hand it over, we and Demon Tomb will all be destroyed! When it's over, God's will is really angry this time, and it won't give me any chance to negotiate!"

The huge eyes in the darkness moved and sighed, "It's a complete defeat, what else can we negotiate? This little beast, he is looking for death by himself, so we don't want to force him and send him out."

"But..." Senior Xu was still hesitating.

Kacha, another terrible thunder and lightning hit the outside of the Hall of Fantasy World.

The true devil roared sharply, "Don't worry, send him out quickly, I don't want to bury him!"



The strengthening room, the world of the Mori shadow clan.

Because it is the inner boundary, after several layers of nesting, the world does not feel the thunder outside at all.

Here is the same as before, slaughter the Senying clan people, grab the devil bones, grab the totem, grab the ice fruit.

The Second Division Mo soon developed into the overlord here!

"Haha, the strongest person here is me. When I have enough strength, I will crack the next level of prohibition and upgrade the trial field again! Then there will be more resources and treasures!"

Mo Ershi Normale ate an ice fruit, and at this moment, a human monk flew over.

"Boss Mo, the city lord of Zhige, the Senying clan, please see me."

"He begged to see me?" Second Division Mo glared, "He lost all the Yishen soldiers, is he embarrassed to come to see me?"

Human monk said, "As if he said to find what you were looking for."

"So?" Second Division Mo was suddenly excited.

"Hurry up, let him come!"

Soon after, the city lord of Zhige City of the Senying clan knelt in front of the second division of Mo, "I have seen His Royal Highness the True Demon King II."

Teacher Mo Er said, "What can I do for you?"

The city lord said, "After our search for this period of time, and the appearance of the treasure provided by His Highness, we found three treasures, which seem to be quite suitable."

"My father's handwritten inheritance actually has three copies!!" Second Master Mo was immediately ecstatic, and said quickly, "Take it out and have a look!"

"Yes!" The Mori Shadow Clan City Lord raised his hands, and in his hands, there were three items.

One is a golden jade ribbon, the second is a transparent red silk, and the third is a round jade as white as jade.

Second Master Mo swept his eyes and said with excitement, "Sure enough, it is my father's handwriting inheritance. They are all good things, good things! Compared with them, even the Yi Shenbing is inferior!"

"Proceed to your Highness." The city lord of the Senying clan quickly sent three treasures up.


Suddenly there was a loud bang from the sky.

Second Division Mo was about to reach out to pick it up, looking up at the sky.

Everyone present, even people in the entire strengthening room world, looked at the sky.

Everyone can clearly see that a big hole split in the sky!

"What's the situation, the sky is split?"

Beyond the sky, there is nothing but quietness.

"My God, the sky of the strengthening room world is split, and it goes straight to the sky of the test field outside!"

But just when everyone didn't know what happened, the sky of the trial field also cracked!

The two layers of sky split, and then, the world of the Senying clan was connected to the world of Xianlian.

What appeared to the outside world was a thick cloud layer, the cloud layer split, and a golden light passed through the two layers of the world and directly covered the body of the second division Mo.

"What's going on here? What's going on here? What's the situation?" Standing in the golden light, Second Division Mo suddenly felt a sense of extinction.

(End of this chapter)

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