Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1110: Old man now

Chapter 1110 The old man is now

Chapter 1108

"Help! Help!"

Several wooden boards floated in the blue water.

On some of the boards, there were a few young men in ragged clothes. These young men, all mortals, survived a shipwreck, the ship was overturned, and they held some planks in a panic.

They were shouting at a large ship passing by not far away.

But obviously, the people on the big boat didn't mean to save people. Looking at them coldly, the big boat drove away.

In a chaotic world, human lives are not as good as dogs’ lives, not to mention the lives of mortals.

The eyes of these ragged youths are desperate. They are all mortals and cannot survive in the sea for a long time. If they drift on the sea for a day or two, they will die.

"Qiuqiu, we are going to finish this time." The dark-faced young man smiled bitterly at the white-faced young man on another wooden board not far away.

The white-faced young man named Qiuqiu simply lay on the plank, looking at the sky, and sighed, "This is God's will! Let us not have a chance to practice! Forget it, die and die, this world, being a mortal is more painful than death !"

"Is it really going to die?" Although the dark-faced young man looked older, he started crying, "I don't want to die. I knew I would listen to my mother, so I would stay on Qianyan Island and live my life honestly. ."

The white-faced youth Qiuqiu scolded, "Let's live a life honestly, just like an ant and a bug? It's better to die sooner! We are not bugs or ants, we are humans!"

The black-faced young man cried, "What about a person?"

"If you are a person, you must pursue! If you are a person, you must practice! To be the kind of monk who can fly freely in the sky..."

Qiuqiu lay down again and looked up to the sky...

"Am I dying and have an illusion? How come I saw a flying bone dragon in the sky?"

Qiuqiu stayed for a while, but then woke up and shouted sternly, "Master! Help me! Help!"

Several other drowning youths also noticed the bone dragon in the sky.

If in normal times, they would not dare to vent their breath when they encountered such a fairy master. But now everyone is dying, and there is nothing to worry about. They all shouted loudly, "Scary Master, help!"

It was Ding Hao who flew towards Wanghaidaozong who was flying on the bone dragon.

"There are dead mortals falling into the water below."

In the sky, the white bone dragon circled and turned back.

When Qiuqiu and the others saw the bone dragon passing by, they were just a little desperate. When they saw the bone dragon flying back, they all became excited, "Master, help!"

The bone dragon flew back, flying lower and lower, and finally got close to the water and floated on the sea.

Ding Hao stood at the leading position and raised his hand, "Come up."

"Thank you, Master, thank you!"

There were five young people who fell into the water. They had been drifting in the sea for four or five days. They were all exhausted at the moment. After climbing the bone dragon, they were all panting.

Ding Hao waved his hand and released some low-level spirit fruits to fill their stomachs first.

For these mortals, these low-level spirit fruits have never been eaten. Now eating the spirit fruit, they are all surprised and happy, and the effect of the spirit fruit is much stronger than that of ordinary food. After eating, their strength quickly recovered.

"Fly up."

Under Ding Hao's order, the bone dragon flew up, flying higher and higher, and finally shuttled among the clouds.

These five mortal youths had never been to such a high position before, and their faces paled with fright when they looked at the boundless sea below and such a high height.

The bone dragon's back was not so flat, and they were afraid of falling, so they all lay on the bone dragon's back, hugging the keel tightly, and were too nervous to speak.

However, one of the white-faced youths was bolder than others. Although his legs were also trembling, he actually dared to stand on the dragon's spine, walked slowly towards Ding Hao, and walked for a while, then he respectfully saluted, "I have seen Master Xian, the villain Jiang Qiuqiu has seen Xian Teacher, thank you Master for your life-saving grace."

Ding Hao didn't even look back, waved his hand and said, "No gift, no thanks."

He was not interested in how these people fell into the water, or their first and last names, so he didn't ask any more. He just asked, "Where do you live, I will send you back."

Jiang Qiuqiu saluted Ding Hao's back again, "The little guy lives on Qianyan Island, and his partners on the island want to go out to sea to find the immortal master's sect and enter the sect to practice. Who knows that he will encounter the big storms of the day before yesterday..."

Ding Hao secretly said in his heart that the so-called big storms might have something to do with his fighting with Patriarch Yi Jiong. Their combat level is too high, and the impact is great, and it is very possible to cause damage to nearby mortal ships.

"Well, I will send you back to Thousand Words Island."

Ding Hao didn't know where Qianyan Island was. Fortunately, Jiang Qiuqiu was brave. Standing on the bone dragon and pointing directions, Ding Hao quickly found his way to Qianyan Island.

Ding Hao still appreciates this young man. It's amazing that a mortal can have such courage. Looking at the other people lying on their stomachs behind, they were all scared to pee at the moment.

The speed of the old crow is very fast, and it only takes a few minutes for a mortal to sail a day.

About ten minutes later, a small green island appeared in Ding Hao's eyes.

"That is Thousand Words Island."

Ding Hao glanced, this island should be a small island without any production. It is also the small island most suitable for mortals to live on, and mortals plant two acres of thin fields on the island. Anyway, this kind of island without spiritual veins and no production, it is impossible for the immortal master to patronize.

Soon, the old crow fell outside the village on this small island.

The mortal people on Qianyan Island saw the bone dragon flying down, all greeted them and knelt on the ground to greet them.

"I have seen the fairy master."

After Lao Ya landed, Ding Hao didn't want to say much, waved his hand and said, "You all go down."

The young people ran off the bone dragon. The elders in the family were worried about their life and death. When they saw them coming down, they all met them, crying and cursing.

It's just that Jiang Qiuqiu hesitated, and finally got off the bone dragon.

In fact, Ding Hao swept these five young people with mental strength, and the other four had no fairy roots at all and could not cultivate at all. But this Jiang Qiuqiu actually seems to have fairy roots, and he seems to have good aptitude.

But even so, Jiang Qiuqiu is a bit late to practice, and Ding Hao didn't say anything.

After Jiang Qiuqiu got off the bone dragon, he immediately greeted two elderly men, a man and a woman.

These two are Jiang Qiuqiu's parents, and Jiang Qiuqiu's mother tearfully scolded, "You child, you ran out to learn how to cultivate immortality! How many times have I told you that you are a descendant of a mortal, do not count on such things as immortality! "

Jiang Qiuqiu sighed, "Mother, the child knows, I will concentrate on farming at home in the future."

Jiang Qiuqiu's father, a rough-faced old farmer, cursed, "If it weren't for the fairy master to save you, you are all dead! You prodigal sons, have you thanked the fairy master?"

The old farmer said, looking up at Ding Hao.

When he saw Ding Hao's face, he was stunned for a moment. Then, with complex and guilty expressions in his eyes, he quickly lowered his head to dodge.

Ding Hao actually didn't want to talk too much with these mortals, but saw the old farmer's expression.

He was stunned for a moment, wondering, "Do you know me?"

The old farmer lowered his head, paused, and suddenly fell to his knees, kowtowing and crying, "Master Ding Hao, the villain Jiang Shaoqiu. When I was young and ignorant, I offended the Master. Although he became a mortal in recent years, he confessed in his heart every day Guilt. Decades have passed. Every day I remember everything in my heart. After thinking about it, it is my Jiang Shaoqiu who framed Master Ding again and again because of jealousy and hatred. The villain should die!"

"What? You turned out to be Jiang Shaoqiu!"

Ding Hao was so startled that he almost fell off Lao Ya's head.

His memory of Jiang Shaoqiu is that handsome young man, the chief disciple of Wanghai Dao Sect.

But now, this is a yellow-faced old farmer with white hair, and even no white hair in many places. It's so old and ugly, it doesn't match the memory.

Jiang Shaoqiu kowtowed and said, "Master Ding Xian, after returning to Dao Sect, Master Three Patriarch abolished my cultivation base and threw me on the sea to fend for myself. Fortunately, I drifted to Qianyan Island. A fisherman on the island saved me. Me, then I got married and had children, and I live today."

Ding Hao took a closer look at Jiang Shaoqiu's face, and sure enough there were some traces of that year.

Seeing Jiang Shaoqiu at this moment, he was also quite moved. He hated Jiang Shaoqiu so much back then, but now, seeing such a declining old man, the hatred in his heart has long since vanished.

However, Ding Hao was pleased that Wanghai Dao Sect was considered fair, and did not make a difference because Jiang Shaoqiu was a descendant of the Third Patriarch. Jiang Shaoqiu was still punished, and people's favor with Wanghai Daozong doubled.

When Jiang Shaoqiu came to Qianyan Island, he was a mortal. After so many years, he has lived like a mortal, and even his wife and son did not know that Jiang Shaoqiu was a monk.

Therefore, listening to Jiang Shaoqiu's words, Jiang Qiuqiu suddenly became excited.

He quickly said, "Father, do you know this Immortal Master? Great! Father, I have never heard from you, so you have practiced! Haha, my father turned out to be a monk!"

Jiang Shaoqiu was embarrassed and smiled bitterly, "Even though he was a monk as a father back then, mention it or not!"

Although he said this, Jiang Qiuqiu was ignorant and excited, "Father, since you are good friends with this fairy master, let this fairy master take me to practice!" He said, kneeling on the bone dragon. In front of him, kowtow said, "Master, when I saw you standing on the dragon’s head, I admired to death. I wanted to ask you to take me to practice, but I didn’t dare to mention it. Unexpectedly, you still know my father. I practice."

Jiang Shaoqiu's expression became even more embarrassed, and he pushed his son away and cursed, "You bastard, get out of here!" Jiang Shaoqiu said, although I knew Ding Hao, I was not happy at the beginning. He didn't kill me. How is it possible that he takes you to practice?

But to his surprise, Ding Hao stood on the back of the bone dragon, but nodded and said, "Yes."

"Yeah!" Jiang Qiuqiu jumped up excitedly.

Old Jiang Shaoqiu said in tears, "Master Ding Hao, you treat me like this, I have no face!"

Ding Hao said, "Don't be moved, you don't need to talk about the past. My grievances with you have ended. I think the Third Patriarch would really like to see his descendants."

(End of this chapter)

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